Definition of Ex-(7)

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Libra POV

After the little confession Virgo told me, I was doubting my relationship but deep down our relationship was already broken. We were drifting apart slowly and none of us ever did much to fix it. It was the communication we were missing, we hadn't seen each other since last week and barely texted or even called each other.

Walking up to Max today after what Virgo told me in lunch, was easier than I thought. Even if I confronted him, he would deny it and as they say everything will eventually come to an end.

"Hey babe." With a wink at me, he passed a hand through his hair when I stepped in front of him. He was talking to his senior friends and a few girls I've never seen him talk to.

"Can we talk?" I sighed heavily, with a nod he followed me after waving at his friends.

His facial expression turned serious, the ocean blue eyes I once loved staring at flickered between mine.

"Look so I heard something and this person is a friend that never lies to me. I just want to know if it's true you were flirting with another girl?"

"Virgo told you that, well Libra I'm going to say it, yes. Look, it's true, you just don't give me what I want. You're always with him and never hang out with me so I'm sorry for flirting with another girl forgive me?" My mouth hanged open before I closed it and looked hin straight in the face.

"We're over, forget I exist." I spoke in harsh tone, it finally got to him that I was in fact serious because anger was written all over his pathetic face. 

"No you're my girlfriend I get to say when we're over, please Libra just give me another chance. Think about it your probably never going to get someone else like me, you're just a sophomore." A startled gasp escaped my lips followed by a laugh at how ridiculous he sounded but underneath the mask I had put on, my blood boiled while I shot daggers at him. I'll have him know that he wasn't the first to chase after me.

He was about to continue but before he could even stepped closer, the back of my hand made contact with his now red cheek. Yes, Libra Scale slapped a person and it felt relieving to knock some sense into him.

I couldn't even believe my own actions though, I wasn't one to slap people.

"You bítch." With a scoff he cursed under his breath while soothing his tinted cheek.

"We're over, I'm your ex." I finally whispered but he seemed to get angrier at my words and even a little pained at my words.


"Do you need the definition of an ex? Look I'm going to thank you for the experirnce, but our time has expired so now I'd love it if you can just exit my life." I said it loud and proud, making sure the word ex was very clear. He shook his head in disbelief as if he had enough before flipping me off and leaving me standing alone in the halls with just a tad of hurt in my chest.

It was times like these that I questioned if I ever loved him. Where are the tears? Where's the frown on my face? Where's the pain in my heart that I should be feeling? Why every time he walks away I never beg to for him to come back? Wheres the blushing from the little details he does?

No where to be seen but why?

Who knew, my ego was more hurt of the way he treated me then I was because he was leaving me.

"Libra wassup girl." An arm hung on my shoulder and by the voice I knew it was Taurus.

"Taurus I broke up with Max, he was flirting with another girl or kissed her yet I don't really feel anything. Is that weird?" She chuckles quietly before pulling me into a hug.

"I told you, you don't love him but you did like the idea of being in a relationship. Just move on it happens, okay." I smiled at her honesty and nodded because I could really relate to her remark.

She was right I have to move on.

"Virgo?" Tapping his shoulder, his attention glued on my face with a panicked face.

"Max and I are over thanks for telling me the truth." The concern turns into a smile that is awfully wide and pulls me into a hug.

"You're welcome but are you okay?" Pushing me back slowly, I nodded.

"Im alright." He nods and pulls out of the hug completely. For a moment I missed his touch although a loud shouting interrupted my thoughts.

"AQUARIUS I WAS BORED IN THAT ROOM!" A voice yelled too loud, people whirled their hands around ready for the next gossip but moved along when nothing dramatic was stored in line for them.

People these days.

"Oh, this is Aries ma best fran!" Aqua smiled falling onto the red head who shoved her forwards. 

"Hi." Aries waved at the others around me, I had met her already when I was talking with Aquarius in class.

"I'm Gemini, call me Gem." A guy leaning on the lockers examining everyone, grinned widely at everyone. 

"LOOK BITCHES I'M ON A SKATEBOARD WHOOO-ouch." This time some teens stopped to take out their phones but the scene was too quick to catch on camera, the guy groaned as he slammed onto the wall, off his skateboard and landing on his butt.

"Hey, Im Saggitaurius, call me Saggi."

"Sorry about your relationship." Aquarius gave me a small smile when I told her quickly about today.

"Its ok."

"Gurl what happend whats his name?" As if on cue the guy named Gemini rushed over to my side, speaking in a high-pitched gurly voice while his finger twirled his non-existent long hair.

"Um Max..."

"Max, oooohhhh sounds hot right gem!?" Saggi joined alomg, the both trapping me in between them with such enthusiasm to hear the latest gossip.

"So like tell us, you know us girls gotta keep up with the goss." Saggi flipped his non-existent long hair, hiding the fact that he accidentally poked his eye.

"How long was it?" Gemini smirked, with such curiosity to get a reaction from me.

"The relationship was long a year or two." I stated with slight disgust, I did not regret our first year. I did once habe strong feelings for him but the year after felt rather forced. Saggitaurius' and Gemini's smirk widened even further before proceeding.

"No honey how long was his d-"

"OH MY GOD!" I shouted too loud, again gaining stares, but I put my hand over Saggitaurius mouth before anything innoprpriate could came out. Not that I knew, we never hit that base. One reason why he got so distant this year, we had a fight over it.

"I bet it was small.. " Gem shook his head in disbelief as he patted my head before checking his nails.

"Excuse them." Leo chuckled, flicking his friend's head.

"It's alright." I giggle taking my hand off Saggitaurius's mouth who surprisingly did not lick my hand but waited for me to take it off.

"There's a party this night by the cabins in the wood, who wants to come?" Leo asked out of nowhere and I got extremely excited, forgetting whatever thoughts about Max.

"I'll come!" I mentally squeal to myself but hid it, I was too excited to go to a party but it's been a while.

"Same." Saggitaurius, Gemini and Aries say in unison. "And Aquarius you're coming." Aries gives Aqua a big wide smile without letting her yo decide.

"Same for you Taur!" I wink at my best friend who was insane for thinking I wasn't dragging her along. She just groans in reply.

"I'll be coming, my little sister is not going alone where trouble is bound to happen.. " Capricorn says firmly in a whisper, he had just arrived.



"Please V just today."

"Fine but I'm not going to get into trouble because of any of you."

"I'll add you all in a group chat, give me your numbers and I'll send the directions." Leo smiles.

"Aqua so what are you wearing?" I wiggle my eyebrows at my roommate who shrugged while checking her closet.

"I don't know, I'm fat amd ugly." she groans falling on the bed dramatically.

"WHO THE HELL TOLD YOU THAT!?" My voice rises at the stupidity coming from her mouth, she just laughed.

"Ok I'm not fat but like still..." She sighs

"Don't worry I'm here." Aries appears out of nowhere in Aquarius's room, already dressed up. How did she get in?

"Door was unlocked." Taurus comes in looking bored as ever. "I rather stay and not do party"

"Agree." Aqua pats on the bed for Taurus to relax with her.

"NO!" Aries and I rapidly disagree.

"Here Taurus I got you your dress." I smile nervously with the dress in my head in attempt to lure her into coming but the looks on her face tells me I'm crazy.

"NO!" she shakes her head at me without further argument as Aquarius pulled the covers on top of them to ignore us.

"Taurus one night." I pout as Aquarius starts to laugh under the covers.

"She is scared of a dress..." Aqua cones out the covers smirking teasingly.

"Im not going." And with that the both  turn on the Tv and stay in while I make my way over Aries who is dying to get going with or without Aquarius.

"AQUARIUS WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU'RE NOT GOING!?" Aries yells at the laughing girl jumping like a child on the bed.

"Just go have fun."

So I was wrong.

"Fine I'll go with Libra."

"YAY!" I squeal grabbing my purse and following Aries to the party.

"Lets go."

We got in a car minutes later that I guess Capricorn had borrowed to take us along with Virgo.

"Where's Taurus?"

"Your sister didn't feel like coming." He chuckles and nods probably thinking 'of course she wouldn't'. Taurus never partied so I always brought Virgo with me, Capricorn was always invited to the senior party due to his older looks so sometimes we went with him.

"Are you guy's excited CUZ I KNOW I AM!" Aries yells out the window to another car passing by making me laugh.

"Not really but I'm going to make sure nothing happens " Virgo replies vaguely.

After long minutes of riding on the bumpy road, we're in front of a huge wooden cabin. The music was blasting tremendously loud, from a mile you could hear it but now that we faced the house, yelling, cheers and laughing were heard.

We park outside, and I waste no time to get off the car. The smell of alcohol filled the air, must have been the very drunk couples slurring random things while others showed off too much PDA. I might have been sober but I hoped that would change soom.

"You came!" Leo noted, he was with the trio.

"Where's blueberry?" He asked looking at our little group for the blue head.

"Didn't want to come." 

"Commme inn..." Saggitaurius slurred from behind while waving at some giggling girls over by the porch.

"WOOOH!" From all the way in the back you could see Gemini taking shots and a crowd cheering loudly following behind.

This is gonna be a long night!

No one POV

"OMG SHE DIED THAT WAS HILARIOUS!" Aquarius burst into laughter causing her to fall off the bed.

"You must love horror movies." Taurus exclaims, unsteady as she stood from how drunk those coca-colas had gotten her.

"Why didn't you go to the party?" Aqua asked out of curiosity once she was on both feet and over the fact that the girl in the movie died from drowning in chocolate because the clown had shoved her in. She thought it was dumb even before the interesting parts of the movie had even kicked in, who enters a haunted factory in the middle of the woods where whispering voices are persuading them to?

"Didn't want to how bout you?"

"I love parties but it's a school night so I don't want a mega hangover on the second day of school."

"Wanna go check up on them." Taurus asks looking a bit worried. She never went to these paeties but she always made it her responsibility to pick her friends up. Aqua nods and grabs her keys on the coffee table in the living room.

"Lets go."

After many minutes of walking since they didn't own a car, Taurus started complaining and regretting even coming.

"OMG I HATE WALKING!" She yells in frustration, letting herself drop yo the floor ignoring the dirt.

"We're here." Aqua laughs pointing at the huge cabin.

"I'll grab the guys." Aqua states before walking in the cabin and feels lucly that she finds Aries first even if she was shoving huge bottle of alcohol down her throat without a care in the world.

"WHO'S THE BEST?" She yells to  everyones' cheers.

"We're leaving." Aquarius yells over the music, telling the crowd to go on their own way and grabs Aries wrists carefully to drag her out of there.

"Looook at libraaa!" Aries gighles ridiculously loud as Aquarius mentally face-palms her self of the sight of Libra having a twerking competition with another girl surrounded by a bunch of guys enjoying themselves too much. It wasn't really twerking, just shaking their hips.

"Libra come now here please!" Aquarius hisses over the 'boos'  gfrom the crowd.

"buttt I'm winnningg." She giggles, her breath reeking of pure alcohol.

Aquarius drags the two effortlessly and leads them outside to a worried Taurus.

"LET'S GO NOW!" She yells at the two just in case they couldn't hear.

"No I'm finding the others stay with them."

Aquarius found Gemini and Saggi devouring shots in attempt to beat each other.

"Lets go pretty boys." Aquarius grabs them accidentally from the ear since it was pretty dark and leads them outside as careful as possible.

"OUCH THAT HURTS!" Saggi whines like a child while Gemini groans heavily.

"I can't seeeee that-welll oh loook a unicorrn." Gemini laughs loosing his balance.

"Imma find the other three." Aquarius states while Taurus calms the four to sit them inside the car.

Aquarius soon finds Virgo and Capricorn just sitting on the couch surrounded by girls with shot red eyes.

"Are you guys on...ugh!"

"Girls please move." Aqua pushes them aside lightly and tugs the boys from their arms to get them walking.

"Lets go." Aqua once again leads them outside and that's when Taurus looses her calm.

"What the actual f-, really capricorn? You out of everybody!? And Virgo, what the heck!?" Disappointment was dripping from her tone as she questioned the two baffled boys.

"We're missing Leo." Taurus frowns throwing her hands in the air, already wanting to be out.


Leo let's go." She shakes his shoulders but he pulls back making it difficult for Aquarius to drag him out of here.

"I'm having a conversation with this dumbshït." Leo's fists are clenched on his sides ready to lance at the guy in front of him.

"The names Scorpio dumbãss." The other guy, who is unfamiliar to Aqua, speaks with livid eyes intimidating Aqua a bit but she was glad both guys were still sober and capable to come to sense.

"Scorpio lets go this party was a huge mistake." A girl argues sternly trying to grab the other guy as Aquarius nodded along in agreement trying her best to pull Leo out of his trance.

"Scorpio let's go or I'll make you get out!" Another voice yells louder, fuming in her spot.

"Cancer, Pisces chill I got this."

"Can we please go Leo you're sober but you're being dumb, you're wasting your time." Aquarius pleads a shrugging Leo glaring at the other guy .

"Leo. Lets. Go. Now." With that the three girls build up their strength to take the boys out of the party.

"Figghtt mee." Scorpio slurrs missing his aim at Leo, Aquarius almost scoffed. She thought Leo was crazy if he was willing to fight a drunk dude he might not even know.

"Stop now please." Cancer stands between the two.

"This guy seriously." Taurus scoffs pointing at Scorpio comes into a view but is enlighten that they would soon be out.

"Pointing is rude Pop Tart!" He chuckles.

"This is horrible." Cancer whispers quietly to Pisces but Aquarius overhead and couldn't help but ask.

"Whats wrong?"

"I can't drive and neither can Pisces, we don't have licenses and Scorpio is drunk. Plus we have to return this rent-a-car so I can't leave it here."

"How bout Taurus drives your car, you three sit in the second row and Capricorn and Virgo in the last row. I'll drive Capricorn's car with the rest of these." They have no other choice so they nod at Aquarius plan, grateful that they wouldn't end up waking up in the cabin.

They were all in Taurus dorm in the living room when they woke up. They were all left sleeping on the couch except Cancer, Pisces, Aquarius, Leo and a pissed off Taurus who were all ready for school.

"Everyone wake up now please!" Taurus  yells throwing pillows at random people, soon everyone wakes up.

"Chill out." Scorpio frowns

Chill out no I won't chill out! Libra you were drunk on a stupid party surrounded by older guys. They coul've taken advantage of you I don't even know why I didn't stop you from going knowing it was a school night, you got drunk!" Taurus lectures the now disappointed Libra without everyone else hearing but she was only afraid for her friend.

"Capricorn and Virgo were on cloud nine on a school night and now you have a major hangover! I wouldn't have expect this from you two.!" Taurus informed the two, in private, who couldn't even make eye contact with her.

"Now everyone please get out of here  house except cancer who lives here, Pisces and Aquarius if you wish to stay!" And with that everyone left to do their things with a pain bound to kill them.

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