Let's get started (27)

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Leo kept his gaze on the palm of his hand. He concentrated quietly, his eyes closed, his mind on the thought of creating a fire ball. He had sat there on the mat for an hour already, the longest he has waited to get what he wants. In a few seconds, he felt the temperature rising, but it felt warm or at least to him it did. He opened his eyes to see a small fire ball in his hand, it stinged his palm a bit but no injuries were done.

"Congrats Leo, you got it" Aries high fived Leo who smiles proudly of his creation. Aries had already created a fire ball, since she was the second oldest of the three her powers were more advanced than Leo. Saggitarius was more capable of staring a fire but he was too impatient to concentrate on what he was trying to create. Instead he lit his hair on fire but the principal said it was progress.

"I DID IT" Saggi yelled, Aries and Leo turned to see what he was shouting about. He had created a huge fire in the middle of the room.

"Now how are you gonna put it out?" Aries asked making Saggi frowned. "You figure it out, I'm awfully tired" Aries looked at him like he was crazy and fell on the floor laughing. "No" is all she says.

"Its not like you can, only air signs can put off a fire."

"That s not fair" Leo muttered but everyone heard him.

"Well I mean you can burn their wings." Leo smiled feeling like they were equal now.

"But they grow back quickly."

"Bruh" is all Leo says

Next to the fire signs' station was the air signs' station. Aquarius being the oldest of the three, didn't have much trouble. Her wings were huge covering her whole back, it was just water shaped like feathers. She had already managed to move an object with the wind and had already activated a bubble to protect herself from danger. So now she was looking at her barrier in awe.

"OMG GUYS LOOK I CAN DRINK ANY SOURCE OF WATER FROM HERE" Aquarius yelled at the other two air signs.

Libra laughed as she stood up from her mat. Her wings were huge as well,  her white feathers were flawless making her look stunning. She had already managed to move sn object with the wind but couldn't activate the bubble like Aquarius. At least she could fly unlike Aqua who kept falling multiple times.

"How are you so beautiful and I still look a potatoe with wings?" Aqua complained at Libra who laughed.

"Well potatoes can be pretty" Libra saud trying to make a point.

"And they can be raw like me, but at least im not a git" Libra gave her a death stare as she crossed her arms.

"I'm not thar SHORT"

"Keyword, that, so you do admit you're short" Libra rolled her eyes and gave up on arguing with her.

Meanwhile Gemini had wings, they weren't as big as Libras and Aquarius. They were average, but they sparked brightly, his feathers were a silver color, gaining a lot of attention.

"WHY WON'T YOU MOVE?" Gemini yelled at the object in front of him. "Maybe it doesn't like you" Aries laughed at Gem who stuck out his tounge at her.

"You don't know that, I'm just not concentrating hard enough" Aries sat down next to him and grinned at him. "Just close your eyes, stick your hand out at the object, and think about what you want to do with it. You just gotta make sure nothing else is in your head" Aries explained to Gemini who looked at her.

"Well what are you waiting for?" Aries asked a bit annoyed.

"How am I suppose to concentrate if I'm thinking about you?" He aked making Aries laugh nervously. At this moment she was grateful thar she couldn't blush like a normal human being. Not that she was either way.

"So I'm distracting you?"

"Well talking to you is way more interesting than doing this." He smiled at Aries who laughed.

"Then maybe I should leave" Aries stood up but gem grabbed her wrist. "But what if I want you here with me" he gave her a dimpled smiled.

"Then I can't satisfy your needs because I need to go" Aries said calmly even though she was exploding inside.

"Oh but you always do" Gem chuckled to himself but Aries ignored that statement.

At the earth signs' station, Capricorn had succeeded to make his own garden of all types of flowers with vines covering the walls. Virgo had only succeeded to grow trees something cap couldn't do yet. While Taurus managed to grow poison ivy.

"How did you manage to grow poison ivy?" Capricorn looked at his sister like if she was crazy. "I don't know my darling brother but it might be the fact that I'm an awesome person" she says in a matter of fact.

"Or maybe it's because your a deadly person." Virgo and Capricorn laughed at Taurus who just smirked. "I bet you wouldn't be laughing if I accidently let you trip on a bunch of poison ivys." The two boys turn silent in a second and turn around to do their own things.

The water signs enter the room soaking wet and smile at the earth signs. "You're so wet, what happened?" Taurus asked.

"Well we we're training and well Scorpio took his little training a little bit too far making a gddamn OCEAN in the room" Pisces claimed at the earth signs.

"Whoops" is all Scorpio says but he looks like he couldn't give a damn. "So it took a while to get rid of all the water and we had to go through hell" Scorpio rolls his eyes at Pisces.

"Let's go, I promised Libra that we would go to dinner after this" Cancer told the other Zodiacs who followed her to the rest.


Aries was driving, Aquarius next to her who was listening to Aries story. Taurus sat next to Libra who was complaining about having no space. Saggi, Leo and Gemini were in the trunk, shouting to the people in the front. Next to Taurus and Libra, Scorpio was laughing his arse off at them. There was another third row of seats in the car, where the rest managed to fit.

When they arrived at the restaurant, they were all glad to get off the car.
They all sat down, and ordered their food.

"So we saw the whole Gemini thing in the training room" Libra smirked as she talked calmly to Aries who looked at her. "And we were thinking, how cute you too would look but since you don't like him." Libra continued while Aries listened. "So I decided that maybe I should make a move" Aries looked at her and shakes her head.

"That wouldn't work"

"Why not"

"Because it won't, you can't be with him"

"Yes I can"

"NO because I lik-"

Libra and Aqua wiggled their eyebrows at het and Aries felt stupid.

"I fell for your stupid trick"

"What trick?" Leo asked the three girls who ignored him.

"Blueberry answer me" he groans at Aqua who throws a garlic bread at him. "I honestly hate when you call me that."

"Oh I'm sorry blueberry, I didn't want to give the impression that I care about what you like or what you don't like."

"Well then I don't like you."

"What?" Leo scoffs at the girl.

"Thought you didn't care boo" Leo wiggled his eyebrows at her.

"Glad I have a nickname too"

"Are you leaving me for that?" Saggi looks at Aqua in disgust. 

"I like horror movies and comedy but sometimes I'm in for action movies, it just depends who the actors are" Taurus explained to Scorpio.

"I like horror and action, but I use to watch chick flicks" Taurus laughed at Scorpio who shrugged his shoulders. "I'm not gonna lie"

"Do you watch romance?" She asked Scorpio who grinned at her and looked back at his menu.

"I prefer to experience rather than watch two other people go through their romantic journey with their partner, I know if I watch a romance I'm gonna start wandering about myself."

"You look like the type to get many girls."

"I've only had three girlfriends, one in fourth grade and another one in 7th grade which believe me was awkward as hell" Taurus laughedno but was actually interested in knowing more about him.

"And well one in freshmen year, I liked her a lot. Turns out she only dated me to make my best friend jealous, and then she broke up with me when and a week later boon they were together."

"Oh, must have sucked."

"It did but oh well she lost this sexy thang" Scorpio refers to himself. "At the end, he cheated on her so she can go suck my di-" he was cut of by the waitress, they ordered their things and continued their conversation.

"How about you?"

"I've never dated, I mean I've like people in the past but i don't know"

"What do you mean?"

"You know when you ask a boy, why do you like me and they just say because your nice or just simply because they don't know. I can't trust those kinda people and I can't date someone I don't trust."

"Pop-tart, you can trust me, you know that right?"

Taurus nods and she did trust him.

"Guys we're gonna have to train a lot, I'm worried that we'll fail" Capricorn sighs.

"We won't fai-" Aries was cut off by a tall woman who stood in front of their table.

Her dirty blonde hair was pull up in a messy bun. Her blue eyes stood out, she had a sharp jawline, and lips were a crimson red color. She wore a black suit, black gloves and red heels that made her way taller. She took off her sunglasses and smiled at the twelve who looked at the stranger.

"Lost something?"Aries asked in a ride attitude at the women who gave her a fake smile.

"Who are you?" Libra asked the woman who was about to respond but Aries beat her to it.

"Probably Jupiter's mom, that's where she got her annoying genetics from. I mean the fake smilesyou can even tell the difference" she laughed dramatically just to piss her off.

"I am Galaxy, nice to meet you. Jupiter  seems like a nice girl to me but don't we all have different opinions? I heard about the twelve Zodiacs, Universe's creation to fight or defeat our enemies, Algol and Opchiusius"

"I am on your side and I want you to know that. I am Universe's help, we are not blood related but she treats nd like family which is why I want to support her on her mission. I will be your new trainer, at the palace tomorrow morning at 7 please be early. The queen awaits and please bring the book, that you must have. I  am also sorry for the misunderstanding of the fake smile, just in a bad mood Aries."

"So do you have the book?" She asked a little bit to anxious to get an answer.

"No, we do not acknowledge about any books that we must have. I do have many but I am sure you are talking about a book of our type, the Zodiacs, or am I wrong?" Scorpio answers, the other Zodiacs look at him in confusion but then play along.

"Yes it is about you guys."

"Well, I am sorry but we do not know what you are talking about" she looks a bit annoyed but nods and leaves the twelve as she waves at them.

"I don't trust het, simple ad that" Scorpio spoke making Aries smile.

"Lets get started on this so called adventure awaiting us instead of disagreeing with me."

"What adventure?" Taurus asked.

"The adventure of eating" he replies in a 'duh tone.

Ok long chapter, sorry. And I don't think you guys noticed that I put the sake power for Scorpio and Capricorn or maybe you did but you just didn't care but Capricorn powers is to deplete energy from anyone or anything.

Ok now, I need your opinions.

Do you feel like your zodiac signs are being left out?

Am I stereotyping them?

QOT: Do you trust the new woman?


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