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I forgot that Scorpio goes before Saggitaurius so I'll make up for that

Scorpio POV

"Wow Cancer you were in detention." I shake my head laughing a bit with a hint of disappointment lingering in my stare afterwards.

"Don't look at me like that, oh and I'm going to McDonald's with Saggitaurius later." She informs me rather quickly about the last part, waving it off afterwards when she brings up her gossip. I pass a bothered look on her and felt somewhat protective of her.

"If he touches you we gon' have problems, if he forces you to do something Imma whoop his little arse, if you come back crying so will he. Be careful Cancer, tell me what happens though. oh and be back before 10:00 p.m. and-"

"SCORPIO! I'll be fine besides he's...nice." She sighs and pulls multiple books out of her locker before slamming it close.

"Got bored of my face."I tease making her laugh.

"I don't like him." She punches my shoulder lightly and locks her belongings inside before waving at me.

"I never said you did but Im starting to-"

"Bye Scorpio." She rushes and throws herself onto her group of friends who can never stop that annoying giggle from leaving their mouths.

What did I do wrong?

For my luck something hard bunps into my chest when I turned.

"Watch where you're going." My tone is rather harsh and cold at the mention of any other person I don't know before my eyes lay on a confused Taurus.

"Pop-tart you've got to stop bumping into me." She huffs and taps her foot on the floor while keeping eye contact me.

"What do you want?" I asks averting my eyes away from her as I noticed how I tower over her figure.

"First of all I got pushed around so it really wasn't my fault, second of all Im in a hurry because I got a show to watch and third of all you're leaning on my locker." Her ranting led me to move out the way as I signaled at her locker. With a thank you I watched her struggle to unlock it and I would've helped but that would mean less time to spend around her an excuse to justify myself.

Instead I noticed her outfit, her hair was in a messy bun, strands of silver hair resting unbothered on her forehead. She had no make-up on and yet I wondered how her large blue eyes seemed to pop out on their own. My smile dropped at the cold expression in her eyes and her lips in a frown. She had black high waisted shorts with a black hoodie on and black converse. There's a reason her name is Pop-tart.

"Stop checking me out."

I'm a boy with hormones get over it.

"But you're popping." I smirk while a tint of red cover her cheeks. She had to get use to compliments, if you can even consider it that, around me.

"You're a p-pervert, is that why you call me pop-tart." She stutters but doesn't even glance in my direction as she swaps her materials in and out of her locker.

"Maybe." I mumble loud enough for her to hear and close her locker with a smirk when she's out of hitting rage. She stood there stiff and soothes her temples with her palm.

I took the chance to mess with her ponytail before she had the chance to growl at me with her fury.

"Scorpio, I will make your life hell if you mess with my hair."

"No nicknames?" I nodded as the hair tie danced around my finger tip and taunted to her to keep reaching for it until it wasn't at her reaching distance anymore. Her arguing emerged with the bell ringing, signaling for all students still hanging in the hall to be considered late.

Her straight hair cascaded down to her hips, I admit she looked attractive with her loose hair framing her exhausted face.

"Scorpio now where late but I'd like that back please." She puts her hands in her face and groans.

"What's wrong?" I raise an eyebrow at her groaning.

"You look nice without a ponytail on." She smiles and shakes her head laughing. Shrugging at the comment, she almost caught me off guard and was close to getting hold of her hair tie.

"No I don't."

"Why not?"

She shruggs her shoulders again and doesn't event bother to hassle with the lock. She walks away reluctantly without throwing any more arguments my way. I reached her pace and laid the hair tie on top of her head.

"Answer me."

"Scorpio no." She stops dead in her tracks and takes her hair tie off from her head before it fell. Accidentally, she had swung her arm to catch my attention and she sure did when it slammed against my waist band.

"I see you wanna get all touchy now." She gasped dramatically, punching me lightly on my arm.

"Try harder." She gives me the look, you know that 'you better leave me alone or Imma loose my shit' kinda look. I held my hands in defense as we walked in sync in the dim lighted corridors.

"It's funny when you get mad." I chuckle at her flushed face and furrowed eyebrows.

"Look there." I look to find nothing behind me except Taurus speeding away from me but my long strides effortlessly catch up with her slow running.

"What do you want?"

"Not sure."

"Why are you following me? What's so interesting about annoying me, huh?" Another frozen settles on her face as she waits for my response, but I don't give her one and instead start to walk away. I grin when she follows my leads after her complaints of me irritating her on purpose.

Honestly I couldn't think of a response for her questions, it left me wandering why I had a sudden urge to make her notice me. I just liked bothering anyone, especially including her because she starts raging and it's humorous to catch sight of. My listing kept overflowing in my head as I replied to the irrelevant question with no subtle texts hidden behind them, just a question to get me to leave. I guess I like your attitude and your way of being is a charm.

"Don't feel flattered pop-tart, I just feel like it and besides aren't you having fun with me?" The corner of my lips tug as she scoffs.

"Oh yes Scorpio its such a blessing to be here with the hottest and strongest guy of the school, oh pinch me to make sure this isn't a dream." A laugh escapes my lips when she mocks me in the most high-pitched voice.

"Note the sarcasm."

"Didn't know you thought I was hot."

"You aren't."

"Your words not mine."

"You're not in any way shape or form attractive. " She twirls a silver strand of hair while keeping a vague expression but her eyes don't dare to keep in touch with me.

"You're a horrible liar, you know that right?"

"No I'm no-oh Aquarius there you are." She grabs Aquarius' arm with a firm grip.

"Remember we have to that thing." She looks at the floor nervously playing with her braclet while Aqua takes notice immediately and jumps into character. I let the scene play out in front of me.

"Yes we do."

"Really and what's that thing Aquarius?" I ask as she looks at me in the eyes with a concerned look. She knows I'm testing her and doesn't bat an eye as to keep her cool.

"We're going shopping for some things."

"What things?"

"Well.....its that time of the month." She whispers pointing at Taurus with pity. Taurus jaw practically hangs on the floor when her best friend slips embarrassing excuses.

"Oh but why shopping?"

"She had a leak in the middle of class and she was wearing blue jeans, it showed a little bit so I gave her my black waisted shorts, either way it's Taurus why would she wear shorts she's all jeans." Aqua sighs shaking her head in disbelief. She wailed in despair for her friend and was about to make her exit.

Aquarius was a great liar or maybe she was telling the truth and I was here interrogating Taurus but there's only one way to find out.

"Taurus is that true?" She doesn't look at me or at Aquarius but nods with uncertainty.


"I almost feel for that." Aquarius replies with an 'I see' until she stakes her leave and yells for Taurus to get herself out her own situation.

"Hi Scorpio." Pisces chirped glancing at me and pop-tart as she came around the hall with curious girls bickering about the two of us.

"Hey Pie." I put my arms around her shoulders and wave back at Taurus letting her leave after I found a new target. She doesn't wait around to leave the two of us alone.

"She's playing hard-to-get." I tell Pisces who stumbles in her own hysterical laughter. I cross my arms in defense and let her laughter die out.

"I WON." Gemini yells, we are currently in my room waiting for Saggitaurius to get back while playing a video game.

"AGAIN THIS GAME SUCKS!" Leo throws his remote controller on the empty sofa and points an irritating finger at the tv.


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