Trouble maker(23)

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Another cover by lemonicepop
Amazing cover by the way💕💕

"This is astrology class, I'm Mr. Denebola. Here you'll learn about your sign, zodiac compatibility, and well pretty much your past and stuff like that."

"Wow so specific." Aries snorts as a few chuckles irrupt in the class. "Is that attitude miss?" Aries shakes her head slowly and sits down in a chair.

"Well alright class, let's start by your personalities." A short man with silver hair and light yellow eyes smiles, his wrinkles making him look like a 50 year old.

"I'm no genius but I think we already know that." Aries raises her eyebrow at the irrriated teacher.

"Thought my boss was joking when he said you'll be a handful." he comments sourly as Aries shrugs her shoulder.

"Might as well tell the other teachers the same joke." Aries shoots back, smiling at the same time. "I'd love to hear a good laugh."

" I was saying. I'll pass out papers that describe you and a bunch of information." he passes out the paper to the kids as they start to read the paper but an all too familiar voice couldn't keep her mouth shut.

"Teacher of the year...." Aries whistles and starts to clap loudly. Everyone laughs as well as the teacher.



"Music to my ears" Libra laughs as she packs her stuff and waits for the others at the door. Jupiter comes in feast to talk do the Zodiacs.

"Oh hey Jupiter" Cancer waves at Jupiter who just walked in. "Oh hi guys" Jupiter giggles.

"Oh look who it is" Aries giggles back. "Ok look I seriously don't get your problem, I don't get like your attitude" Jupiter frowns at a laughing Aries.

"Oh you hate me! Join the club, there are weekly meetings at the corner of fuck you street and kiss my ass blvd." Aries winks at her and rushes out of the class room. Gemini irrupts into laughter with Aqua, saggi and Leo.

"God what's her problem" Jupiter frowns. "You" Gemini chuckles, as he leaves to follow Aries.

"Nous allons manger(we are going to eat)" Aquarius takes the water sign with her and leaves the room.
"I wish I understood French" Jupiter smiles while flipping one of her curls.

They all sat in lunch, the boys on one side and the girls on the other.

"You don't like Jupiter" Pisces comments while looking at Aries.

"What gave it away?" Aries shrugs her shoulders and keeps on eating.

"Why not?" Leo laughs "did you see how she roll her eyes at us" Scorpio comes in the conversation.

"Yea I saw it too" Capricorn snorts. "Well I didn't" Gemini and Saggi spoke at the same time.

"Well she did" Aqua huffs while shoving a spoon of nutella in her mouth.

"Can I have?" Taurus smiles mischievously at Aqua.

"Suree" Aqua gives Taurus nutella as Taurus does an evil laugh.

"Aren't you just so attractive" Scorpio laughs at her while the rest of boys join as well.

"We're smexy af so what you talkin' about boi" Libra snaps her finger at the boys.

"Yea, it's too much for you to handle" the rest nod at Cancers statement. "Nah I'm too much for you to handle" Leo winks at them.


"Guess we have to go" Leo growns. He throws away his left over food just like the rest except Aqua.

"I didn't just waste like $5 on food so I can throw away perfectly delicious food I can eat later" she argues while Leo rolls his eyes and chuckles.

"Ok aqua, what classes do you have next?" Leo asked the zodiacs who were checking their schedules.

"Well I have P.E with Aries, Gemini, Aqua and you" Saggi smiles as he leads the group to their next class.

"I have Astro history, with Virgo, Scorpio and Libra" Taurus leads her group to her class which is located on the third floor.

"And so that means the rest of us have horoscope" Cancer follows Pisces along with Capricorn.


"Aries I don't think you would mind if we have a little volleyball game" Gemini Snickers at the now interested Aries.

"Doesn't sound bad" she smiles as she stands up. "Ok gem, I'll pick a player first and then you" Gem nids agreeing with the plan.

"I pick Leo" Gem groans at the fact that Leo had been in volley ball before, he was very skilled. He had tons of trophies but he quit to join basketball.

"Ok then I'll pick Aqua" Aqua smirks as she throws the ball in the air and catches it with one hand. "Oh you're on blueberry" Leo chuckles as his tall frame stands in front of her's.

"Come at me, darling' Aqua winks at the amused blueberry. "Its a shame you don't know what your competing for, you'll loose either way"

"Either I win or I tie but I never loose" Gem smirks at Aqua and looks at Saggi.

"Saggi pick a team, its only fair" Saggi looks at both teams and decides to go with his fire buddies. "FIRE SIGNS, LETS GO" he yells as the air signs laugh.

The five play for a long time. The fire signs were winning at first but soon Gemini and Aqua catched up to their score. After a tie, Leo hit the volleyball, almost winning until Gem hit the ball before it touched the ground and Aqua hit the ball even harder so it would go over the net.

"And air signs win" the coach announces as they cheer.

"WAIT WHAT?" Aries yells as she realizes no one hit the ball back.

"No need to get mad" Gem and Aqua high-five as Saggi comes behind them. "I was always on your team" he whispers.

"Wel-" Aries was cut off by a ball hitting her head with a 'bam' as a laughter grom Gemini was heard.


"GEMINI I SWEAR IM GOING TO FUCK YOU UP" She yells as she runs for him.


"Asto history is shout the creation of this village, the wars we went through and pretty much every person, fighter that made a difference. The past leaders and how Astro has improved" A lovely lady with blonde hair that reached her hios. Her emerald eyes shine brightly and her skin was slightly wrinkled. She was short, reaching 4'11 m.

"She seems nice" Taurus smiles at the lady. "I'm Mrs. Protastor by the way" Scorpio nods at Taurus statement.

"Libra you?" Libra was talking to a boy her height, he had orange hair and red eyes.

"Uranus" he winked.

Libra looked at him in shock and disgust.

"No that's my name, I'm the planet" Libra laughs nervously and smiles back at him.

"Oh" is all she says before she looks away. "Nice name"

"Poor Libra" Virgo chuckles as he writes down notes. "I was thinking we do something, like hiking at a cabain in the woods I've researched about on my Star phone" Taurus does her signature puppy eyes to convince the two boys.

"How many rooms?" Scorpio asked thw excited girl. "It's a downstairs, an upstairs with four rooms, three girls in one, three girls in another, and the boys can do as they want" Virgo nods and smiles.

"Sure let's just tell the others"

"YAY" Taurus cheers.

"Quiet down" the teacher scolds Taurus who nods and sits down. "Yay" she whispers.


"I'm hungry" Pisces whines "You'll eat later" Capricorn speaks while taking a bite of a chocolate bar.

"It would be a shame if someone stole that" Pisces murmurs to her self.

"Have my chips" Cancer throws the chips at her as more students and the professor comes in.

"Oh hi guys" Jupiter sits down next to Capricorn who looked annoyed. "Hi" is all he says.

"This is Neptune" a short girl with blonde hair and brown eyes waved at them.

"These are the famous Zodiacs"

"Glad to know, we're popular" Capricorn fakes a smile and continues on with whatever he was doing.

"I see some of you have attitide" Neptune mocks him.

"Excuse you" Capricorn rools his eyes, while Cancer gets nervous. "Nice seeing you Jupiter and hi Neptune" she laughs trying to ignore what just happened.

"Yea too bad we couldn't talk because Frenchie over here took you away. She doesn't understand English right?" Pisces lies by saying 'no she doesn't understand English'.

Capricorn kept shooting glares at Neptune as she rolled her eyes at him.

"Can you take care of these two, while I do something. Please don't let them go, they're getting a detention for disruptive behaviour" The coach drops off two students as Jupiter smirks and the the three Zodiacs eyes widen.

"First day and you're already getting in trouble" Jupiter giggles.

"Well thank you Captain Obvious for noticing" Aries whispers as she tries to control her temper.

"Can you please stop?" Gem says in a serious tone. "Can you please stop" She mocks Gemini.

"Ok you're getting it" Aries hugfs as she prepares to fight.

"No please don't Aries" Cancer whispers as she stands up.

"You don't have to defend your stupid friend" at this point Aries blows up.


"Stop this" the teachers yells but no one listens as people keep screaming 'fight'.

"ARIES" Gemini and Cancer yell as they tries to stop Aries.

"WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?" The principal yells as eveyone rushes to their seats.

"GEMINI, ARIES, JUPITER, AND CANCER TO THE OFFICE NOW" Cancer stands frozen, because she had never been in trouble.

"She tackled me first" Jupiter whimpers.


"I don't regret it"

"Office. Now. The. Four. Of. You" Tjey all follow behind while Capricorn and Pisces gulp.


"School is hell" Aries groans while dropping her materials on the floor and falling on the couch.

"It wouldn't be if you stayed out of trouble" Aqua laughs at the story Cap and Pisces told her.

"Its not hard" Libra laughs as she lays down on the couch.

"Well who cares because we're going hiking this Friday, and it's gonna be fun" Taurus jumps up and down. "Raise your hand if you wanna go"

"That sounds cool" Libra raisea her hand as well as the rest of the girls, and boys.

"Ok well its a plan" They all lay in the couch and start to chat and forget whatever happened that day .

One ship that has been requested a lot in the last three chapters is Aries × Gemini.

So that ship is on, sorry if you don't like it but its what been requested a lot.


Have a nice day

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