Chapter 1: Welcome

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I hope you like this XD

Shane's (Scorpio) POV

I finished packing my clothes and notebooks. I turned towards my bedroom walls. "Okay know i just have to pack my posters." I looked at the posters on my walls.

"Shane you done yet?!" I heard my mom call.

"Almost!" I call back to her. I took my band posters down, and put them in their own bag. After I was done I grabbed all of my stuff, and went down stairs. "Okay done mom."

My mom looks at me tears in her eyes. "Can't believe my baby is going to leave me!" She cries as she hugs me.

"Mom I'm only going to be gone for two years." I tell her.

"That's to long!" She tells me, and dad pulls her off of me.

"Maria you should be happy. The only let 24 students into that school at a time." Dad tells her.

"Yeah the emo will be gone!" My little sister exclaimed.

"Shut up Misty!" I yell at her.

"When you're gone I get your room!" Misty ran upstairs before I could yell at her.

"C'mon we got to hurt before it's late." Dad tells me, and mom gives me one more hug before we leave. We start driving away from the house.

I am sure going to miss it. I notice we past someones house. Anthony's... I'm not gonna miss that jerk.

After what seemed like hours we arrived to a huge house. Scratch that castle.

Dad gives me a hug. "Good luck Shane." I hug back.

"Thanks dad." I grab my stuff, and start walking to the castle's doors. Before i could knock the doors open. "Um hello?"

"Hi welcome! I am Ms. Apollo!" A lady with raven hair greeted. She looked to be in her thirties. "You must be Shane!" I nodded. "Please come in! Take a seat while we wait for the others to arrive!"

I nodded, and walked into the building. The first thing I see is a grand staircase.

"Wow." I muttered.

"Wow is right. Now to your left is the living room. You can wait in there. Your bags will be in your room." Ms. Apollo told me, and I nodded again.

I walked into the living room, and took a seat on the couch. What am I supposed to do while I wait?

I looked through my phone to see if there was anything to listen to. Hmm My Chemical Romance is a good choice.

I soon here the front door open, and Ms. Apollo talking. A few minuets later a girl with long fawn hair walks into the room. She sits in a chair near me. I looked at her from the corner of my eye, and then back to my phone.

"Hi I am Terry!" Se greets me with a big smile. I nod my head so she knows I heard her. "And you?"

"If you must know my name is Shane." I tell her.

"Oh like Shane Dawson?" I sent her a small glare. "Geez I was kidding." She takes a bag of chips out of her jacket pocket. "I haven't had anything to eat yet have you?"

"N-" i was cut of by her.

"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day!" She exclaims. "Well besides lunch, dinner, brunch, linner, and we can't forget snacks in between!"

"Um." I heard the door again, and I a guy and girl with red hair. One of them I already knew. Anthony.

Terry's (Taurus) POV

I see two red head teens walk into the living room. I look back at Shane to see him glaring at the guy. "Ummm." I kept eating my chips.

"Hi I'm Angela." The girl greeted me.

"I'm Terry!" I greeted her. I look back at the boys.

"Anthony what are you doing here!?" Shane yells at him.

"Me!? What are you doing here?!" The red head yelled back.

No one said a word, and another person walked in. A boy with dark brown hair, and a girl with bleached blonde hair walked in.

"Whats going on here?" The girl asked.

"I have no idea." Angela tells her. "I'm Angela by the way."

"Serena." The girl told her as she sat down in a different chair.

The boy just stood awkwardly. I walked over to him, and Anthony took my seat. "Hi I'm Terry." I greeted the boy.

"I'm Chanc-" He was cut of by two people who walked in stealing all the spot light.

Both had blonde hair, and blue eyes. "Hey." The boy greeted. Gosh he's so hot! "I'm Landon."

"And I'm Lilah." The girl greeted.


So far the only people who are here are me, Shane, Serena, Angela, Anthony, Landon, Chance, Lilah, two girls named Carrie and Lillian, and three boys named Vace, Lucas, and Patrick.

After everyone arrived because I'm to lazy to write everyone showing up.

After everyone showed up Ms. Apollo wanted to talk to us. "Okay everyone in a little bit you can look around the household, and find your rooms. Although i have to tell you something."

Everyone went silent so she could speak.

"You are all Zodiacs!" She stated.

"As in the star signs?" A girl named Vivian asked.

"Yes, and actually you are all adopted, and you have a twin who is also in this room. You are here to study the ways of the zodiacs, and hopefully save the world one day." She explained. "These are the pair of twins." She held up a paper.

Angela and Anthony
Terry and Tucker
Gem and George
Cameron and Chassy
Lilah and Landon
Vivian and Vace
Lillian and Lucas
Serena and Shane
Samuel and Samantha
Carrie and Chance
Aqua and Aaron
Patrick and Penny

"Now you may look around the building, and find your rooms." She tells us, and everyone starts looking around.

I walked around the house. It has two pools, two gyms, a giant kitchen (I'll be going there a lot), a movie theater, a music room, and a few other places.

Time to look for my room. I start looking Around until I found a room with my stuff in it.

There was three beds. I guess I have roommates. I pick a bed, and start unpacking. Soon I see Carrie and Vivian walk into the room.

"Hi I'm Vivian." Vivian greets me.

"I'm Terry." I greet her with a big smile.

"And I'm Carrie." Carrie states as she sits on the bed closest to the window.

"So what are you zodiac signs?" Vivian asks us. "I'm a virgo."

"Taurus." I state.

"Capricorn." Carrie tells us. "I guess the dork rooms are based off of the zodiac signs as well. We're all earth signs." She explains.

I wonder who else got paired up...

A/n how is it? Who's POV should i do next? Two povs per chapter.

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