Chapter 3 1/2

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Chance's (Capricorn) POV

I sat in my room flipping through a book. "Vaaaaace!" I hear Tucker wine.

"What?" Vace replies in a bored tome. "Please don't tell me you're hungry again."

"To late I'm hungry." Tucker replied as he flopped onto his bed. I roll my eyes, and keep reading my book.

"Hey guys everyone we're playing truth or dare downstairs." A guy named Lucas popped his head into the room.

"Will there be food?" Tucker looks at him.

"Yeah I th-" He got cut off by Tucker running past him. "You guys coming?"

Vace shrugs, and get up. "Sure." He heads to the door, and turns to me. "You coming Chance?"

I put my book down. "Yeah just give me a second." He nodded, and I change into different shirt. After I'm done I head downstairs, and I bump into a girl with blonde hair. "Oh I'm sorry." As i fix my glasses, and help her pick up her things.

I hand them to her. "Thanks. Whats your name?" She twirls her hair a little. "I'm Lilah."

"Um I'm Chance." I tell her. She puts a hand on my shoulder. "Uh."

"Tell me. If we went on a date where would you take me?" She asks.

"Most likely the vet to get you fixed." I tell her, and she quickly moves her hand away. "Sorry for being mean. I'm gay."

"Oh! Then why didn't you say so?" She says. She puts her arms around my shoulders. Well try to anyway. "I always wanted a GBF."

"A what?" I ask as we go downstairs.

"Gay best friend." She informs me. "So found anyone who you think is cute yet?" She asks as we walk into the living room where everyone was.

"Um I guess S-" I get cut off by Tucker running up to me.

"Chance help! Vace is being mean!" Tucker whines, and I look at Vace.

"What? I just said if he keeps eating so much he'll get fat." He states. "I'm just stating facts."

"He's so mean!" Tucker sits in a corner being gloomy.

"Okay everyone lets play truth or dare!"  Samantha claps her hands together. Everyone sits down. "Okay lets see Penny truth or dare?"

"Dare I guess." She replies shyly.

"I dare you to kiss the cutest boy in here on the cheek." Samantha tell her. Landon had a smug look on his face.

"Al-alright." Penny stuttered. She stood up, and walked over to Landon. She past him, and kissed Aaron on the cheek. Aaron was a blushing mess, and Penny sat down in her spot. "Carrie truth or dare?"

"Truth." My sister said from behind her book.

"Are you single?" Penny asks, and Carrie looks away from her book.

"Yes I am, and that isn't anyone's concern." Carrie returns to her book. "Anthony truth or dare?"

"Dare!" The red head yells.

"Eat this jelly donut." She holds up a donut, and Anthony takes it.

"Really? That's it?" Carrie nods, and Anthony takes a bite of it. Right after he drops it, and runs into the kitchen. He heard the sink being turned on.

"What just happened?" Chassy asks.

"He just took a bite out of a donut filled with hot sauce." Carrie explained.

Tucker picked up the donut. "Welp can't let it go to waste." He eats the rest of it.

"Um okay... Chance truth or dare!" Lilah asks me.

"Truth?" I question.

"Boring! When did you realize you were gay?" She asks.

"Wel-" I get cut off.

"Wait you're gay?" Shane asks, and I nod.

"Anyway. I realized it when i started getting a huge crush on Mikey Way. Plus I never actually found girls attractive." I explained.

"Oh I thought you were going to say Brendon Urie." Lilah states.

"Bredom Urie gets his jackets from skinning disco balls.... Thats why they're panic!king." Carrie mumbles.

"Wow you actually said a joke." Vivian says.

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