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This is probably gonna be VERYYYY confusing so apology beforehand.....
BTW Question: Who do you ship, Cancer and Pisces or Cancer and Scorpio...?
Random Note: This took WAY too long to complete..... 😓

<Pisces POV>

If ANYONE thinks my life is easy, let me tell you now. It's NOT!
I'm ALWAYS considered the last Zodiac, and possibly the most forgetful one. I'm always behind everyone else and sometimes people would forget my existence!
Okaaay, I may have exaggerated a little but you get my point! If you really wanna find out, why don't you try living my life for once!

<How this works: Read the story and based on what you choose to do, go to that number. Yup. I warned ya. This is gonna be confusing...>

Number 1 <START>:
You are sitting at school, snoozing at the back of the room while the teacher's explaining a really boring lesson about plants. You looked around in boredom, playing around with the pencil Cancer lent you when suddenly you heard Cancer's name being called out. "Cancer! How bout you and Pisces be a group for this project?" The teacher winked at you. You seized the opportunity and answered for her, "Of COURSE we'll be a group for this project! Got it! All's good!" Cancer smiled at you and moved closer so you guys could talk about the project.

"Sighhhhh....." You mumbled to myself, "Well, that sucked!"
Halfway through my time with Cancer, Scorpio came over and stared to flirt with Cancer. Like SERIOUSLY. Scorpio. Flirting. Those are LITERALLY two opposite words!
You walked out of the school in disgust, still thinking about Scorpio's flirting when You noticed Cancer walking home. She's walking the opposite direction You take when you go home but.......

🌟Stalk her! Best chance you get to get to know her more! (Go to Number 3)
🌟Walk away. It's rude to stalk others. (Go to Number 7)

Number 2:
You handed over $5 to the man operating the game checked your wallet.
There's $10 altogether, enough to play twice. Hm, maybe if I get lucky and win the first time, I MIGHT play again for fun. Hey! I had a brilliant IDEA! If I win 2 I can give one to Cancer! HAH SCORPIO YOU LOSE!
You spun the wheel, mentally praying you'll win. The wheel slowed down and you started panicking. C'mon! C'mon! C'mon! YAS! VICTORY! The game operator gave you a ticket and you handed him another $5 to play again. You spun again anddddddd WON! WHOOP!
TODAY MUST BE MY LUCKY DAY! Hm, should you invite Cancer....

🌟YAS! Finally I can take Cancer to the Carnival! (Go to Number 5)
🌟Um..... Nah..... She might hate me or reject me..... (Go to next Chapter Result 5)

Number 3:
You decide to stalk Cancer. Well.... Not really... I'm more like following her! She wouldn't even notice me!
You darted from bush to bush, but then you saw a quick movement on your right which you figured out was Scorpio! Scorpio is STALKING CANCER!!!!

🌟Leave your hiding place and tell Cancer about Scorpio. It's the right thing and it's my only way to beat Scorpio in this game! (Go to Number 9)
🌟Keep stalking Cancer. Cancer might notice Scorpio anyways. (Go to Number 11)

Number 4:
You ran after Cancer as she happily dashed to the Carnival. Well, at least she's happy.
Scorpio is still disgusted at you for what happened this morning and kept his distance from you.
Cancer ran from ride to ride, laughing while you and Scorpio ran after her, panting.
You came upon a Carnival game 'Ring Toss' and noticed a cute stuffed kitten as a prize. You handed the game operator $2 and she gave you a ring in return. Cancer cheered you on and Scorpio looked at you curiously. You aimed at the closest target and threw the ring. You watched happily as the ring swung around the target. The game operator sighed and gave you the stuffed kitten as the prize. You gave the stuffed kitten to Cancer, who looked very surprised and gave you a hug in return. Scorpio growled at you angrily while Cancer snuggled with the stuffed kitten.
Scorpio glared at you then walked towards the washroom. On the way he whispered in your ear "Don't you DARE do anything to Cancer while I'm gone." Then walked away.

🌟Kiss Cancer! This is your best chance! <Go to Number 12>
🌟Don't do anything. You don't want to hurt Cancer or freak her out while Scorpio's gone. <Go to Number 14>

Number 5:
You rushed over to Cancer's house and rung her doorbell. She opened the door and looked slightly confused. "Hey Pisces! Is this about the project? Don't worry I'll do my part...." She smiled kindly, "Um..., would you like to come in? Your kinda.....wet..."
You realized you were staring at Cancer so much you didn't notice the fact it started raining outside. "Ya.... Thank!" you replied to Cancer and stepped into her house.
🌟<Go to Number 13>

Number 6:
You tried to start a conversation with Cancer. Maybe you can know her better and maybeeeeeee confess!
"Hey....Cancer....", you mumbled nervously, "Was this trip fun?"
She grinned, "Heck yeah! I loved it! Maybe we should all hang out again!"
You were surprised by that answer. Huh? I thought Cancer was usually nervous and such. Maybe she has a secret wild side.. You also took note that Cancer said 'We should all' as in this also includes Scorpio. Growl.
"Ooo! Do you wanna go to the movies next week?" You asked her.
"Yeah sure!"
You noticed the ride was almost over and the cart slowly lowered to the ground.

🌟CONFESS! This is you last CHANCE! <Go to next Chapter Result 6>
🌟Don't confess. She might.....- <Go to next Chapter Result 3>

Number 7:
You went on your own way, walking home and dragging you backpack along.
"Sigh....," You muttered, "Well, this is a BORING day!"
On the way home you see some guy on the side who had a huge sign saying "FREE CARNIVAL TICKETS!!!"
You looked at it curiously.
"Hey! You, young man! Would you like to try your luck and spin the wheel! You have a 50/50 chance to win free carnival tickets! Only $5 a spin!"

🌟Try your luck! No harm right? (Go to Number 2)
🌟This is probably a scam. What's the point? (Go to next Chapter Result 1)

Number 8:
You woke up the next morning to your crazy alarm clock screeching like hell broke out.
Then you remembered your date with Cancer. Well.... NOT REALLY a date. More like a get-to-know-Cancer-better trip. EXCEPT SCORPIO IS COMING!
You spent 6 hours preparing and making sure you look PERFECT before you ran to Cancer's house and rung the doorbell. The door opened and you jumped and hugged 'Cancer', "Hey Cance-" you began excitedly when you saw Scorpio.
"Why are you hugging me?.... Get away from me." Scorpio pushed you away.
GROSS. EWWWW. Did I just hug Scorpio, my mortal enemy?!
"Oh, um sorry....." You apologized while glaring at Scorpio.
"Hey Pisces!!! Glad your here!" Cancer shouted cheerfully, "Since we're all here lets go to the Carnival!"
🌟<Go to Number 4>

Number 9:
You decide to be courageous and tell Cancer about Scorpio. You slowly walk up to Cancer and tapped her on the back. She looked back, somewhat startled then smiled at you. You instantly froze up and melted.
"Huh? What's up Pisces? Are you......okay?" Cancer asked nervously.
"Hm? Erm... Yeah! I'm fine!" You took a deep breath then told Cancer about Scorpio, "Erm..... Cancer? I just wanted you to know Scorpio is stalking you...."
"Huh?" Cancer looked very confused, "What do you mean stalking? Scorpio and I walk the same way home! We're like neighbours actually...."

You freaked out and glared at Scorpio, who was now calmly walking behind Cancer like nothing happened. You worked up all this courage for nothing! Now what?!?!
"Why are you coming this way? I thought you live the opposite way..." Cancer asked.

🌟Lie to her. Make up a convincing lie saying that you live nearby so you can stay with Cancer for a bit longer. (Go to Number 15)
🌟Tell her the truth. Tell her you were stalking her. It's the right thing. (Go to the next Chapter Result 4)

Number 10:
After 20 mins, it was finally your turn to go on the Ferris wheel. BUT.... Turns out its 2 person per cart. Scorpio was standing with Cancer so obviously they'll be in a cart and your on your own. But when you got to the front of the line, the game operator put Scorpio in a cart with some fat lady behind us, and put me and Cancer together! When the game operator was closing the cart door, you saw her face and realized it was Libra!
Libra stuck out her tongue and smiled while quietly humming Pink Fluffy Unicorns.
Scorpio looked like he was gonna rip Libra apart and stomp over her dead body.
The ride started as your cart rose away from the ground. Cancer looked around and laughed as she pointed out how tiny things become from up high.
What should you do now?

🌟Talk to her! Get to know her better! <Go to Number 6>
🌟Sit in silence.... You don't wanna screw up this moment... <Go to Number 16>

Number 11:
You kept on stalking Cancer until you see her enter a house. Well to precise a huge building. You read the sign at the top of the building which read "SuperMarket"...
Erm......... Well, that was a failure in stalking.
You miserably walked home. On the way home you see some guy on the side who had a huge sign saying "FREE CARNIVAL TICKETS!!!"
You looked at it curiously.
"Hey! You, young man! Would you like to try your luck and spin the wheel! You have a 50/50 chance to win free carnival tickets! Only $5 a spin!"

🌟Try your luck! No harm right? (Go to Number 2)
🌟This is probably a scam. What's the point? (Go to next Chapter Result 1)

Number 12:
You leaned in closer and kissed her lightly on the lips.
Cancer's eyes widened and slapped you in surprised. She freaked out and ran away.
You gently touched the you cheek, the place where Cancer slapped you. It stung but you know you deserved it. What were you thinking?! Cancer doesn't even like you!
Cancer must really hate you now. You stared at the direction where Cancer ran off to.

🌟Run after her! You should at least apologize! <Go to next Chapter Result 2>
🌟Walk home in shame. Cancer probably hates you. <Go to next Chapter Result 7>

Number 13:
The second you stepped in you nearly melted. Cancer's house was tiny but cute. Everything was very organized <Unlike your house> and everything was clean <Unlike your house>
"Hey Pisces...., would you like something to eat?" Cancer asked politely.
You shook my head, "It's alright. I.....just ate...."
Cancer laughed, "What do you wanna do right now? We could work on our project or we could watch Tv..."
You grinned, "Actually! I have a better idea!"
"I won 2 tickets to the Carnival! Wanna come with me?" You handed her a ticket.
Cancer looked very surprised and hesitant, "Yeah.... Thanks Pisces! I-um... I also won a ticket.... How about I invite Scorpio with us! That'll be fun!"
You mentally raged at Scorpio but you know if you don't invite Scorpio, Cancer would never go to the Carnival with you. "Alright." You sighed.
🌟<Go to Number 8>

Number 14:
You chose not to do anything. You don't want Cancer to hate you or freak out.
Cancer bought 2 ice cream cones while you were waiting for Scorpio. Cancer gave you the strawberry cone, which just so happen to be your favourite flavour.
"Yum! This is delish! How did you know to get me the strawberry one?" You asked.
Cancer looked at you nervously, "Well... During the first day of school you mentioned how much you liked strawberry ice cream.... So I......"
You were just about to thank her when Scorpio MAGICALLY appeared behind you.
"Hey Cancer, wanna go on the Ferris wheel?" He RUDLY interrupted your time with Cancer.
"Yeah! That'll be fun!" Cancer cheered and ran to the longggg Ferris wheel line.
🌟<Go to Number 10>

Number 15:
You decide to lie to Cancer. You can't tell her you were stalking her!
"Erm.... I live right here!" You pointed to a random house.
Cancer looked at you confused, "But.... I live here...."
You mentally did a face-palm. STUPID!
"Oh, Erm, wrong house! I met the other one down the street!", you mumbled.
Cancer opened her mouth and was about to say something when Scorpio interrupted.
"That's my house." Scorpio smirked.
You started panicking and came up with something stupider, "I hit my head this morning so I'm having a hard time figuring out directions... Do you know where my house is?"
Cancer giggled and pointed in the opposite direction, "I think you live that way."
You thanked her and walked away.
🌟<Go to Number 7>

Number 16:
You and Cancer sat in silence for the ride.
Cancer was constantly pointing out stuff and laughing. You stared at her nervously.
The ride was almost over and you knew this was your last chance! What will you do?

🌟CONFESS! This is you last CHANCE! <Go to next Chapter Result 6>
🌟Don't confess. She might.....- <Go to next Chapter Result 3>

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