about me (Taurus)

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Hi everyone I am Taurus and I love to eat. I mean I eat a lot as in ALL day in fact I live for food all I like is food ,food is the best thing ever it is God's gift to man kind. My favourite food is patato chips and well hot dogs after that it is hot dogs I live for hot dogs in fact I am hot dogs. My favourite resturant is Apple Bees they have the best deals ever especially on baby back ribbs ........ delicious. Besides eating I like to sleep. Sleeping is bae it is the second part of my life it is the time when i get to dream about myself being a hot dog and eating myself. (Yes I dream this). Another thing or person I should say that I love is Cancer. She is the best girl friend ever. Ever since I saw her in Aries's room (well our room) I loved her but the problem was Scorpio had his eyes on her and so did Pisces so I guess I got shy and backed away. I was just so glad I went to the bar that night and saved her. I do not think I will ever forget that night and the day after that when we hung out and I got her Apple White het face lit up so much and I guess for some reason when I saw her that day I had the urge to kiss her and I did. And I was so glad I did that because we are the happiest couple in school. Alrigt so another topic now talking about my gurlfriend like this is just weird. So people always think I am a slacker because all I do in class is eat and sleep but actually I am all for school. I come from a family of accountants and to them good grades are very important so I know I better ace my classes and by ace I a mean score A's and C's I nevr got a B before for some reason. Ok well I have to go eat then sleep now so buy

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