Christmas eve

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I was awoken early that morning with the sound of two. Okay children singing we wish you a merry Christmas . I had a shower and got dressed then went downstairs into the living room where everyone was.
"Goodmorning" I said.
Then Andy and Angelina ran up to me .
"Cancer Aries was just telling us that you could sing and play muvic very well so play a song and sing for us."
I shot a death glare at Aries who stuck his tongue out at me. I tuned back to the twins and smiled.
"Uh I don't feel like singing today guys" I said shyly.
The twins began to tear up and pout
"Please cancie please"
I was just about to say no when Aries opened his big fat mouth.
"Come on we could even sing a duet" . I laughed
"You sing please" I scuffed.
"Oh so your cocky now ok canc" he shot back smirking.
"Fine I'll show you Aries come by the piano."
Then I began playing tie your ribbons ( you may not know this because it's a Trinidadian song but you should check it out ill see if I find the video ).
I sang the first part then Aries joined in and I must say I was impressed.
"Not bad" I commented after .
"Why thank you my future Whitney Huston " he replied. Then Andy and Angelina made us sing all their favorite Christmas songs . And then we awoke their parents and then they started requesting songs to. So I basically spent the entire day singing with Aries.
Later that night I went up into my room and saw tons of miss calls from Taurus. I immediately called him.
Me: hi babe sorry about not answering I was busy.
Taurus: no problem anyways was just calling to say merry Christmas and also not to open your present and also after you open it Don't call me I'll be way o embarrassed .
Me : um ok merry Christmas to you to."
Then we hung up. I glanced on my nightstand at the tiny box from Taurus and sighed. I wondered what was in it and I was about to pull its strings when Andy entered my room.
"Cancer" he asked
"Yes Andy " I said putting down the box.
"I need some advice " he replied.
"Ok what do you need"
"Well" he began "I have a crush on this girl and I wanted to know if to call and wish her merry Christmas ."
I looked at his big blue eyes and smiled.
"Of course you should Andy " I told him patting his back.
"Thanks Cancer " he said then he ran out ecstatically.
After that I went to bed.

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