First dinner

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Scarlet POV

It has been two weeks since we visited the house. We already paid for it. And today is the day we get the keys.

Today we didn't go by bus. We went by cars. Half of us do know how to drive - Gemma, Sophia, Pearl, Amber, Tiffany, Theo, Gray, Shawn, Lev, Christian, Vincent and Sebastian.

We split into pairs and got our stuff that we need.

Amber and Veronica
Tiffany and Lexi
Gemma and Lily
Pearl and Crystal
Sophia and Coco
Lev and Scarlet
Theo and Amy
Gray and Aaron
Christian and Cameron
Vincent and Liam
Shawn and Alex
Sebastian and Philip

We all have it close to the house so if we forgot something at home we can get it.

I am ready. I got my suitcase packed now i am just waiting for Lev.

*Doorbell rings* Oh that must be Lev.
I got up and went to open the door.
"Hey" Lev said as i opened the door.
"Hi. Come inside." i gestured him to come in. "I will just say goodbye to my parents, then we can go." "Okey i will put your stuff in the car." Lev said and i just nodded and went to say bye to my parents.

I got back and went to the front of my house and saw Lev already in his car on his phone waiting for me. I hopped in the car and Lev started to drive. "Are you excited?" "You bet!"

Theodor POV

I am on my way to Amy's house. It is about five minutes away.

I parked in front of her house and texted her.


Hey I am at your house

Oh okay i will open the door

As she sent me that text the door opened and i saw Amy, she was still in her pj's. "Hey, why do you still have your pajamas on?" "Well i maybe overslept a bit?" She seemed a bit emberessed. I just giggled. "Okey go change and wash your teeth." I said and she replied with a question. "What about shower?" "We don't have time for that.... oh, you can take shower in the new house!" "At least i can be the first to take a shower in there!" she put her right arm in the air like a superhero and we both started to laugh.

I sat in Amy's living room waiting for her. It has been 30 minutes! Why do girls take so long. I growl and tilt my head backwards. As i tilted my head i saw Amy rushing down the stairs.

"Chill child" i say with open eyes and my hands are signing her to stop. "Well you see everyone is already there and we are still here!" She said panicking. "Where are my bags?"
She looks at me and i just answer "You were taking so long that i was getting bored so i already put your bags in the car." "Oh okey. I think i am ready so can we go?" "Yes we can go."

We both went to the car and i started to drive.

Liam POV

Most of us were in the house, we were just waiting for Theodor and Amy so we can be complete. Every one is already unpacking there stuff so they can have fun.

I heard the doorbell and some loud ass steps just rushing down the stairs.
Probably Scarlet running so she can see her friend Amy.

I just got done unpacking and went down stairs to see the others. There was only Coco sitting on the couche reading a book. I sat next to her "Hey what are you reading?" "Oh i was getting bored so i am reading "Harry Potter and the chamber of secrets" for the 5th time." "Oh you must be really bored if your reading it for the 5th time." Me and Coco giggled. "Also where are the others?" I asked "They are still unpacking. Tho Sophia is going to be done in a bit. I checked her before i left to go downstairs." As she said that we heard someone going down the stairs and we both looked around.

It was Sophia. She was walking normally until the end of the stairs. At the end she fell and it was loud enough for everyone to hear. Me and Coco got up and runned up to Sophia. Everyone else did the same.

We all crowded around her. "OMG are you okay!" Pearl said trying to help her up. "Yes, it was just a shock and maybe some little bruises." She took Pearls hand and got up.

"Me, Pearl, Crystal and Liam will take care of her, you can go back to unpacking." Coco said and everyone returned back to there rooms.

Shawn POV

Me and Alex got back to our room. We already had unpacked, we even probably had before Coco. We just chated at this point. We don't like to socialize that much, so we will probably spend most of the time in our room.

But for this time i wanted to do something fun.

"I am getting bored. Do you want to go back downstairs?" I asked him hopeing he would say yes. "Yeah sure i am getting bored too."

We got up and went downstairs, surprisingly everyone was there already. Aaron and Vincent were talking in the kitchen. Sophia, Pearl and Scarlet were sitting on the ground on some pillows, probably making up some ships. Lev, Gray, Lily and Lexi were doing Just Dance. Cameron, Liam, Christian, Theodor were playing Monopoly and Amy, Tiffany, Amber, Veronica were watching them play. Sebastian and Gemma were on there phones. Philip was probably swimming. Crystal and Coco were going through some albums.

"I think i will join Aaron and Vincent in the kitchen." I say "Me too" Alex replied. On the way to the kitchen i asked Sophia if she was alright and she just nodded because she was laughing so hard. We went to the kitchen and started to talk with Aaron and Vincent.

Gray POV

It has almost been an hour since we started to dance and i was getting hungry. "Hey guys can we eat something i am getting really hungry!" Sophia said as if she was reading my mind. "Yeah me too" i said to let everyone know. "What if we eat fast food for lunch and i will make some delicious dinner later?" Theo had an brilliant idea "That sounds like a plan." Aaron said and we headed out. We went by cars again.

We stopped at Mc'donalds. It was kinda hard to find 12 free parking spots but we managed to find them eventually.

We all ordered and did some dumb shit like most teenagers do. By that i mean we got a happy meal and played with the toys. We played on the interactive table for little kids. And by we i mean me, Lev, Lily and Lexi. All the other ones were emberresed and pissed off. "We can't have a normal lunch for once!" Coco signed "We are sorry we are going to stop." I said with saddnes in my eyes "Really?" You can hear her hope in her voice. "Nope" I said with an evil grin.

We also went outside to the Mc'donalds playground.
It was fun until they kicked us out.
"I have a little request. Can you please leave this playground it is for kids not teenagers." "I am really sorry for their behaviour." Veronica apologised to the employ "No worries just don't do it again." She said smiling and walking away. "We have all eaten so we can go back home, don't you think?" Tiffany said. Me and the troublemakers all signed and went to the cars with our heads down.

We arrived at home, it is weird to say it is our home. Anyways we arrived at home. On the road back home we decided that we are going to play Wii and Cluedo(My all time favorite 😍). So first half - Aaron, Amber, Theodor, Tiffany, Me, Gemma, Christian, Crystal, Lev, Lily, Vincent, Veronica - Are going to play Wii and the other half - Liam, Lexi, Shawn, Sophia, Sebastian, Scarlet, Cameron, Coco, Amy, Alex, Philip, Pearl - Are going to play Cluedo. We have 2 Cluedos, one normal and one Harry Potter.

"I want to make some cookies. Will you help me Gemma?" Crystal asked and Gemma nodded and went with her to the kitchen. So now we are only ten.

Wii was fun we played Mario Cart, Smurf Just Dance, we also played normal Just Dance and Mario and Sonic at the Olympic Games - Tokyo 2020. That's all the games that we played. I was getting kinda tired.

Philip POV

We had two different Cluedos in front of us.

"So who wants to play the normal one?" Sophia asked. Me, Lexi, Amy, Pearl, Sebastian and Liam raised our hand. "Okey cool, we don't even have to argue about who is going to play what." Sophia said while signing a sign of relief. We then sat in front of our game and started to play.

"I will be asking....Lexi!" I said "Okey" Lexi just answered with an easy answer "I think it was Scarlet with a candle holder in the Library." I said confidently. She handed me two cards. I looked at them, it was Scarlet and Library. I crossed the two cards on my checking paper (i didn't know how to name it😂) and gave them back to Lexi.

After some time. It was Pearls turn "I will guess the final cards!" "Okey, go ahead" Sebastian said. She was looking in her checking paper and then she said her final answer "I think it was Miss Peacock with revolver in the Kitchen." She than took the little envelope and read the cards. She was looking on the cards with a sad exprecion on her face. She then looked at us and yelled "I won. I won!" She started celebrating.

"It was a good game, but i am getting kinda hungry." Liam said gesturing to his stomach. Theo probably heard him because he got up and said "I think i will go and make dinner." "Ohh, what will you make?" Lily asked "A surprise. And i know you all love it!" He then went to the kitchen.

After some time we finished the game the others finished the Harry Potter Cluedo too. We cleaned up the games and sat on the couch.

Cameron POV

"Let's watch a movie!" Alex said "Sure, but what kind of movie?" I asked the others. "A Disney movie" Veronica suggested "No" most of us said "A sad movie" Philip and Christian said at the same time "No" all of us said "What about a horror movie" Amber suggested, most of us said yes so horror movie it was.

We all wanted to go to the cinema in our new house. Right as we were standing up Crystal and Gemma walked out of the kitchen. "He guys, where are you going?" Gemma asked "We are heading to the cinema" Vincent answered her question "Oh okay, can we go with you?" Crystal asked "Sure of course you can" Coco said with smile on her face.

We then went to the cinema and Vincent put on some horror movie.

I was sitting next Christian and he seemed pretty scared "You are scared aren't you?" "N-no i'm n-not!" He said stuttering. "Really" "Okay maybe a l-little." I giggled a bit and said "If your too scared you can hold my hand and even hug me if you want." I say trying to calm him down.
"O-kay thanks" he than holds my hand and his cheeks go a bit red.

It was the end of the film. There were some screams and jumps but i think overall the squad did pretty good. We went from the cinema and i talked to Christian. "Again, thank you for letting me hold your hand, it helped me a lot." "No problem" i say with a smile.

As we stepped into the living room we saw Theodor preparing the table for dinner. It looked fancy

(The table was obviously much bigger so it would fit 24 people)
"Omg that is so pretty" Crystal screamed
"Yeah it is" Philip agreed with Crystal.
We all just looked in disbelieve. It was magical. "I didn't know you can craft Theo" Amy teased Theo, she was talking about how the little towels on the plates were rolled up. "I don't really craft so i am not good at it but i am pretty sure that i am better that you Amy" he said back to her and it seemed that she wanted to kill him.

We sat down end Theo brought the appetiser

I love me some good Ravioli. 😋 Theo sat down too and we started to eat.

We talked a lot so 30 minutes passed since we sat down. Theo then left saying that he needs to finish the main dish.

He then came back with these bad boys. I love fried chicken. In the middle of eating the fried chicken i saw that Sophia, Pearl and Scarlet were whispering something. I looked at were they were looking at and saw Amy and Theo talking and Theo making Amy lough. I think the girls are planning something. Oh well it isn't about me and they aren't going to harm anyone so i think i should not worry about it. Theo then left again to bring the dessert.

He brought the Lava Cake and Sophia looked like she was in haven. "OMG Theo your the best!" She said and we all started to lough at the way she was looking at the delicious dessert.

After we finished Theo brought some lemonade. He took the drink and put it in the air and he started "Can i have your attention please?" we all looked at him "Thank you. This is our first day in this house and it is already fun. We are going on the biggest, craziest and best adventure in our lives together. I am really excided on every little adventures we are going to go on. So let's begin this big adventure!" We clapped and cheard, then we took our glasses too and clinked them.

The rest of the night we just talked and then we went to bed.

Hey Guys this chapter is a bit longer then usual. I hope you liked it.

If you want to see some charecters more often then comment here. Sorry if i didn't put your zodiac sign in that often, but it is really hard to put every zodiac sign in because they are 24 of them.

It is 26th of August.

Have nice day/night!


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