How to Tell What Sign A Person Is By the Way They Shop

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Aries - he is very pushy and quick and goes here and there very purposefully. He does not want any advice or help.
Taurus - Beware free samples at the grocery store or food court at the mall! He likes to stroll slowly, and cannot be rushed.
Gemini wants to compare prices, materials, and check out all the sales. They move very quickly BUT, VERY FREQUENTLY, they will spend 2 or 3 hours shopping and not actually buy anything.
Cancer loves lotions, perfumes and everything liquid. Also they love items that they think will beautify the home.
Leo is very self-indulgent. Do NOT go shopping with a Leo unless you are willing to play second fiddle or support staff all day long.
Virgo is earthy, sensual, but is also the pickiest of signs. The smallest imperfection will cause them to reject an item.
Libra views shopping as her own domain. After all, in Jyotish, Libra rules business. Libra is expert in bargaining, getting gift receipts, and knowing where all the sales are.
Scorpio always has a hidden agenda (or more than one) when going shopping: it may be to get the latest gossip, or to see that special someone at the mall, or to find the weak spots in the mall's security system. If you love intrigue, do go shopping with a Scorpio.
Sagittarius has 3 speeds - fast, faster and superfast. However, they are enthusiastic and will willingly drive 25 miles out of the way to accommodate your request to "check out the sales at XYZ store."
Capricorn always gets the best bargains but they are such tightwads that shopping with them is like spending your 2 week vacation in Purgatory.
Aquarius loves anything New Agey, modern, purple or philosophical.
Pisces considers shopping to be the modern, Occidental mystical path to Enlightenment. They like to "grok" with the items. This can be fun if you have 4 or 5 hours to waste.

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