Non-Typical Facts on The Signs

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Aries: Aries is basically all of tumblr. Theyre dorks who get offended easily, and their spirit animals might as well be SuperWhoLocks. Some of them exercise, but its usually to blow off steam without hurting people around them.
Taurus: The stigma around their eating habits and "always being hungry" is not exactly true. While they like eating - as per mostly everyone - they are more materialistic than they are the Cookie Monster. Sorry to burst the bubble there.
Gemini: They arent Satan. They will never be Satan. They are just the only air sign that is intune with their emotions, but overly so. They are masters of communication, and in turn, also masters of manipulation.
Cancer: Supportive, if you are on their good side. Theyre often manipulative, and close minded. While they are gullible, and able to be influenced, its only if ypure the first one to feed information there. Family oriented, and believes in their family than anyone else.
Leo: They are also very supportive. They aren't as manipulative as Cancer, but has the ability to be. Leo is a performer.
Virgo: Much like Gemini, they are masters of communication. While they may be depicted as socially awkward, it may be because they don't like you. They aren't keen on new people, and analyze their feelings rather than feeling them. They seperate and organize things, whether it be their own emotions, or papers.
Libra: Ruled by the planet of beauty. They are beautiful and easy to trust. They are also materialistic, but they hope others see them a certain way, rather than wanting it for the general feeling. Understands others more than themselves.
Scorpio: They are ALSO not Satan. Yes,you heard me. Not Satan. They are interested in the occult and other mysterious things, addictive, and addicted. They are also very sexually oriented.
Sagittarius: Arent always assholes, and often, arent trying to be. They are brutally honest, and its one of their biggest morals. Lying to them is murder.
Capricorn: Actually IS Satan. Yes, here is your Satan. Lucifer, right here. We have found him. Take this information how you wish.
Aquarius: Not only weird hippies who are interested in aliens, but they are true rebels at heart. They want to remake the world in their image, and believe it would be a better place - which is where the God Complex stigma stems.
Pisces: They arent fish. They arent all sweet. They can be manipulative, and often are. They use their natural "sweet" approach as a way to be a dick. Sorry.

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