Women of Each Sign Discuss How to Be Sexy and Catch a Lover

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NOTE: This is meant to be light-hearted and silly; please take it in the spirit in which it was intended.
Aries - Lead him by the you-know-what
Taurus BOOBS-the bigger the better
Gemini - Dancing, flirting and lots of action (men, women - who cares?)
Cancer - Every man wants his mother
Leo - Be the unobtainable Queen of the known Universe. Even if you don't catch your man, you will love seeing them grovel
Virgo - Perennially virginal, but hot under the covers
Libra - Equality and fair play. Wear harmonious colors
Scorpio - Sizzle! Spark! And little nips here and there
Sagittarius - Don't fence me in! So many men, so little time
Capricorn - You must plan. Marriage is warfare. Today's battle won is tomorrow's wealth
Aquarius - Find a "walk-in" who is a registered Democrat and drives a Saab
Pisces - It's all feelings. Don't bother me with details

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