(F) Aquarius X (M) Leo

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First day

Aquarius's POV

   First day of school, damn. Well it is for me at least, I just moved here a couple days ago and it's already in the middle of the school year for others.

   I feel like an alien from another planet! I never had to start over before and I'm nervous. I'm so going to make a fool of myself.

   I'm still in my car contemplating if I should go in or not. My brain is telling me to fuck this and go home, maybe I should listen...

   But before I'm able to put my keys back into ignition, my phone dings. I look down and I see the text is from my old best friend Taurus.

   'Hey girl, where you at?! I haven't seen you since elementary since I moved here. But now you're here, SO HURRY YOUR ASS UP!!!' Taurus texted me

   Holy shit, I totally forgot Taurus was going to be here!!! I haven't seen her in ages! She moved in the end of elementary and we kept in contact ever since. Texted each other every day. Okay I change my mind.

   'I'm coming I'm coming, where are u anyways?' I texted trying to sound calm even though I'm so excited

   'I'm at the front doors, hurry up! I need to get you to the front office and get to class on time!' Taurus texted back

   'Alright, I'll be there in a sec.' I replied as I start getting my stuff out of the back seat. Once I have everything, I get out of my car and lock the door behind me. Once I put up my keys, I look towards the entrance of the school. But before I can register what is happening, I'm being tackled...

"AQUARIUS!!!" Taurus screams at me while give me a bear hug

"TAURUS!!!" I scream back returning the hug. I may not always enjoy being touched, but today I'll make an exception. After we stayed like that for a bit, Taurus pulls away and starts talking again.

"Oh my god girl, you be looking fine." She says trying to mimic a dumb blonde or something like that

"Thanks girlfriend, you booty be popping in them jeans girl." I said mimicking with her

"God I missed you." Taurus says pulling me back in for another hug

"Me too." I say returning back


"HOLY SHIT WE'RE GOING TO BE LATE!!! COME ON!!!" I screamed out while taking Tauruses hand and running

I then hear her laughing and I stop because I'm probably doing something stupid again. "Calm down, that's just the morning bell. It tells us that we should start making our way to class, not the late bell."

"Ohhhh... I knew that." I say flipping my hair

"Ya, whatever. Let's get going. I have to deliver you to the front office so you can get your schedule and a tour guide." Taurus says taking the lead

"Can't you give me the tour?" I asked catching up

"Sorry Aqua, but I can't. I have to tutor some freshman for first period. I had to do it in order to graduate because I'm short on volunteer hours." Taurus says disappointed

"Ugh, okay then. Do you know who is going to give me the tour?" I asked as we start walking down the main hallway

"No clue. But I'm sure they'll be fine. It's only for a little bit, ok? Don't get so worked up about it." Taurus says trying to cheer me up

"Yeah, you're probably right. I'll probably get some teachers pet or something like that." I said jokingly

"True. Anyways, it could be worse. You could get him." Taurus shudders at the last bit

"Who's him? Is it Voldemort?!" I asked excitedly

"I wish. Anyways, you don't have to worry about him. He's just the school's biggest player. He's been with almost every girl in this school. I think his longest relationship lasted two weeks I think, not to sure." Taurus explains to me as I see a sign saying front office in the distance

"One; what do you mean almost every girl. And two; What's his name?" I asked curiously

"Well, he's been trying to make me his bitch for a while now. Even when he has a girlfriend. I honestly can't stand him, I don't like his personality at all. It seriously takes every fiber of my being not to strangle him." Taurus says holding her hands out like she's choking something

"I'm sorry to hear that." I said patting her shoulder. I wonder why she never told me over text?

"Anyways, stay away from him if you know what's good for you. His name is Scorpio. You'll know who he is when you see him. Now here we are. I'll go in with you to see your schedule and I'm gone. So come on." Taurus says entering the office. Wow, I didn't even realized we got here

"Oh, good morning Taurus sweetie. Is this the new student?" An old lady behind the desk asks

"Yes ma'am she is. She would like to see her schedule please." Taurus says politely

"Of course, here you go." The old lady says handing her a piece of paper while I just stood there quietly. "Whenever you're done here, your tour guide will be here in about 5 minutes."

"Alright, thank you Miss Pottery." Taurus says walking over to me

She takes a look at my schedule and she starts smiling. "We literally have almost the same classes." She says handing me my schedule. Here's what it says;

1st History
2nd World lit
3rd Spanish
4th Chemisty
5th Childcare
6th Advance Algebra

   "Wow, how did that happen?! I said excited and confused

   "I may or may not have said something to the consoler." Taurus says bumping shoulders with me

   "You're such a teachers pet." I said rolling my eyes

   "Eh, I don't mind. I get away with stuff at least. Anyways, I have to get going now. I'll see you probably in World lit, ok?" She says patting my shoulder

   "I'll be fine." I said casually even though I'm not fine!!!

   "Ok, oh look. Here's your guide. You got Leo." Taurus says pointing behind me

   I turn around and accidentally bump into a wall...... that's moving

   "I'm sorry!" I quickly said as I back away. I look at what, or who, I bumped into. HE'S A FUCKING GAINT!!! I CAN LITERALLY CLIMB HIM LIKE A BEAN STALK!!!!!!!

   "It's fine, are you the new girl?" He asks while crossing his arms

"Depends, who ask?" I asked also crossing my arms acting tough

"Ok miss sassy tang, names Leo. I'm going to be your tour guide, so it would be nice if you were to tell me your name." He says smirking

"Names Aquarius." I said coldly trying to act cool, even though it's really hard. HES THE TOTAL HUNK!!! He has dirty blonde hair that gives him a fluff on top of his head. He has clear blue eyes and a strong jaw. God this guy can be a model

"Ok blue, let's get going." He says turning around and holding the door for me

"Blue?!" I questioned

"Ya, that's you're nickname for now on. Also nice blue hair." He chuckles at the end

"Taurus save me." I begged Taurus who was still in the room

"Sorry Chica, I've got to get going. And Leo, don't show her the room." Taurus says smirking

"What room?" I asked kinda scared

"Oh, that room. Ya, I'll keep her away from that room." He says winking

"WHAT ROOM?!" I screamed out

"Do you hear something Taurus?" Leo says trying to ignore me in the room

"Nope. I'll see probably you in Spanish Leo." Taurus says leaving

"You'll also be seeing your boyfriend." Leo says to her

She stops and slowly turns towards him. "One: He's not my boyfriend. Two: Tell him he even thinks about doing the stunt he did yesterday I'm ripping his balls off." Taurus says storming off

"Are y'all talking about Scorpio?" I asked forgetting them ignoring me

"Yep, I always like teasing her with him. She's the first and only girl to resist him and I respect her for it. Scorpio is my best friend, about time he doesn't get what he wants." He says still holding the door for me

"Geez, how long have they been at it?" I asked while walking out the door with him

"A long ass time. Scorpio actually really does like Taurus, he's just really dumb. He tries to make her jealous, but really just keeps pushing her further away. I keep trying to tell him that, but he isn't having it." Leo says sighing

"It's hard shipping two people who are too stubborn for their own good." I say also sighing

"Preach, I just want them to get together already. Scorpio been getting on my nerves about creating plans to win her over." Leo says tiredly

"Let's hope this feud ends soon then. Now let's talk about something else. Like maybe where the fuck we are at?!" I said scared once I realized I had no idea where we are

"Calm down ok Blue? We're just going to the gym." He says trying to calm me down

"Fine, I guess I have to trust you." I said redundantly

   "You didn't really have a choose you know. Or could wait here until the one minute bell rings." He says smugly

   "The what?" I asked. But before he can respond, the bell rings again.

"RUN!!!" Leo screams as he starts bolting it. Before I can tell him to stop, I look behind me and see a crowd of people charging at me

"FUCK THIS SHIT I'M OUT!!!" I screamed trying to catch up with him. I actually ran too

   We made some turns and I sadly lost him! I start calling out for his name while I kept running. I turn around and the crowd is coming closer. I'm dead, I'm dead, I'M DEAD!!!

   "EEEP!!!" I said as I was pulled into a room, well more like a closet. "HELP!!! STRANGER DANGER!!! RAPEEE!!!" I start screaming and kicking at who brought me here

   "Calm the fuck down!" I hear Leo say, wait.....

   "Omg you fucking dick bag why would u kidnap me?!" I screamed at him, but I stopped trying to fight him

   "Saving your ass that's what, you would've die if it wasn't for me. So maybe a thank you would be in order?" He asks crossing his arms

"It's your job to save the damsel in distress." I said flipping my hair

"Ok princess, whatever you say." He chuckles while rolling his eyes

"So this is a great start to my first day, isn't it?" I asked him sarcastically. I hear him mumbling something, but I don't understand. "What did you say?" I asked him

"N-nothing!" He stutters quickly

"Okay then..." I whispered to myself while the silence toke over us

Leo's POV

   Thank you to the lord above she didn't hear me. I may have accidentally said, 'It sure is now that I met you.' I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WAS THINKING OK!!!

She really is something though. She's special in her own way, that's for sure. I would love to get to know her more.

"Hey, how long until we can get out of her. I hate small spaces." Aqua says as she tries to move around

"Until the late bell rings." I replied

"I really hope that's soon." She says worried

"It is. Just relax ok? Just talk to me and pretend we're not locked in a closet together." I said trying to cheer her up

"Fine, tell me about the students here. Is it stereotypical like with different groups?" She asks curiously

"We just mostly have groups of friends, but there not like the movies. They don't really fit into one category. Like the jocks, nerds, etc." I explained

"Thank goodness, I would have been a social outcast." She says jokingly

"You can hang out with my group if you want." I offered

"What about Taurus, I think I'll just stick with her." She says quietly

"Oh, she's apart of our "group" you know. She didn't really have a choice since Gemini is apart of it and Scorpio pretty much forced her." I explained

"Is Scorpio that much of a dick?" She says shocked

"Kinda ya. I mean he does stupid stuff, but he has good intentions, sometimes." I whispered the last part

"I'll just keep an eye on him. Now who is this Gemini person?" She asks

   Aquarius POV, sorry for the sort POV Leo!!!

"She's Taurus best friend. Gemini's boyfriend is friends with Scorpio too, so she's kinda just stuck with us." Leo says carelessly

   Wait, Taurus best friend? But I thought I was her best friend?! Sure we haven't seen each other in a while, but I thought we were going to be best friends forever...

   "Oh, cool..." I said quietly

   "Let's continue on, shall we." Leo asks as he hold open a door. I look inside and it's filled with rows of books, most be the library

   "Sure." I said as me and Leo enter the library

   *Time skip brought to you by the famous Lizard to lunch*

Still Aquarius POV

   It's lunch time now and the cafeteria is the last place of our tour. I'm just glad I was able to skip so many classes, he toke his time with this. I'm still kinda bummed out that Gemini is Tauruses new best friend, but who can blame her? She needed someone to be there for you

"Hey, you want to get lunch or want to go to the table?" Leo asks me. Oh ya, me and him also have been getting to know each other better. He really is a nice guy once you get to know him

"Let's go to the table first so I can put my stuff down." I says fixing my book bag straps

"Alright, follow me." Leo says as we start going through crowds of people. After a while, I was able to see Taurus. I snuck up behind her so I can give her a good scare, but decided to listen in for a bit.

"What do you mean Sagittarius got in trouble again? You would've thought they would've learned their lesson about pranking the principle." Taurus says to a girl next to her while eating chicken nuggets

"Yep, this time Sagittarius put the principles office supplies in jelly! I want to know how they did that." The girl says to Taurus

"Well, I would try it too, but I'll most likely eat it." Taurus says eating a fry

"You would honestly, also where's that new girl at? You wouldn't stop talking about her." The girl says eating a sandwich

"She's supposed to be here by now." Taurus says as she starts looking around. But what she didn't know was that I was right behind her

"BOOO!" I screamed out while jumping on her

"AHHHHH!!! SAVE MY NUGGETS!!!" Taurus screams while trying to reach her food

"Dude, I could've been a killer and you still would've gotten your food." I said jokingly while taking a seat next to her

"Well duh, maybe the killer likes nuggets. Also fuck you." Taurus says taking another bite of her nuggets

"Ummm, I'm guess this is Aquarius?" The girl asks Taurus

"Oh, yes this is. Gemini; Aquarius, Aquarius; Gemini." Taurus says introducing us

   "It's nice to finally meet you, Taurus loves talking about you." Gemini says waving at me.

   "Awwww, you do care." I said to Taurus smirking

   "Shut up, I was still butt hurt about leaving. Hey, where's Leo at? I thought he would've been with you." Taurus says drinking some coke

   "He probably got lunch, now where's this Scorpio guy that's interested in you?" I asked smirking. Tauruses eyes widen as she starts choking on her drink. After her coughing fit, she replied

   "I would rather not talk about him. Also you shouldn't be talking to him either. Stay away from him." Taurus says seriously

   "Awww, is my sweetheart being protective of the new girl." A tall guy says as he stands behind Taurus

   "Fuck off." Taurus says turning around

   "But I would rather fuck you though." The guy says pouting. He's a good looking guy, I admit that. But no where as attractive as Leo in my opinion. He has black hair with baby blue eyes. He already somehow has a 5 o'clock shadow and is extremely tall. I look behind him and I see Leo and someone else talking.

   "You're disgusting. What do you want, aren't you supposed to be with your girlfriend." Taurus says crossing her arms glaring at him

   "Oh I broke up with her as soon as I heard there was going to be a new girl. And I'm guessing you're her? Hey, I'm Scorpio. I've have been feeling a little off today, but you definitely turn me on." Scorpio says smirking

Before I could counter with a sarcastic reply, both Taurus and Leo interfere.

"Wow man, I told you not do to that crap with her." Leo says pushing his chest. Then Taurus got in between them and started going at it. Some of which I can't even believe is coming out of her mouth.


"Fine, I'll leave her alone then. Unless she wants some action." Scorpio says fixing his jacket from where Taurus was grabbing him

"She doesn't Scorp, now leave... her..... ALONE." Leo says glaring at Scorpio looking like he wants to kill him

"Oh, I see now. You like her, don't cha?" Scorpio says smirking. Leo whole Demeter changed after that statement. His eyes double in size and is filled with rage. I quickly realized where this was going and got in front of Leo. Someone needs to stand up and I don't want to see him like this.

"Hey hey, calm down ok?." I say reaching up pulling his head down away from looking at Scorpio. "There we go. Now, don't listen to him, listen to me. I don't like him that way and I won't let him take advantage of me." I say to him trying to calm him down. He was able to do it for me, so I'm returning the favor.

His breathing slows down and he closes his eyes. "Thanks Aqua." Leo says putting his forehead on mine

"It's no problem, don't let him get to you. But is what he said was true?" I asked him

"I can't lie, it's true. I've kinda developed a crush on you. You're just so cute." Leo truthfully says chuckling

"I think you're cute too." I say honestly while kissing him on the forehead. He then blushed madly and I get a giggle out of it.

I pull away and realized both Scorpio and Taurus are gone. "Umm, what happened to those two?" I asked Gemini who is seating next to this other dude now, maybe boyfriend?

"Oh, Taurus got fed up with him again and dragged him out by his ear while throwing out some cussing." She says casually while drinking from a milkshake. Guess this isn't the first time, not surprised

"I love Taurus, but sometimes she can be scary." I joked while everyone laughs with me.

"Hey Leo, wanna go try to find them and do a spy mission?" I asked Leo

"We're going to get along great." Leo says smirking while taking my hand. This should be fun.

Ugh, I'm sorry that toke so long!!! I've kinda toke a little writing break to get back my inspiration. Also what do you think? Please tell me your opinions and requests in the comments below. Also I might not always make them this long, sorry. It's at 3336 words. A lot I know

Anyways, that's all. Have a good night or day!!!

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