Aquarius (m) x Sagittarius (m): Douche

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~with Aqua~

Aqua felt something drop in his hand, and saw it was a small note. He looked up to see if the teacher saw it, before reading the note.

"This is so boooriiiiing!" It said. Aqua understood who it was from, and turned to the side to see Leo.

"Passing notes, are we?" Aqua looked back up at the clearly angered teacher.

"N-no--" The boy replied embarrassed. The teacher walked over to Aqua's desk and grabbed the note from Aqua's hand.

"Hmm. You wrote this?" The teacher asked after a few seconds of reading.

"No, it--"

"Detention. Don't be late." The teacher walked back up to the front of the class and continued the lesson, leaving an embarrassed and ashamed Aqua.

~with Sagi~

"Ha, this will be so awesome," said Aries with an evil smirk.

"I know," Sagi agreed and also smirked evilly.

"Hello, class," the teacher greeted and walked inside the classroom. Aries and Sagi sent each other a smirk before turning their attention back to the teacher. She sat down at her chair, and immediately squealed. She stood up and turned around, making everyone see the wet mark on her butt and everyone started laughing. She picked up the soaking wet sponge, and through it to the ground.

"Sagittarius!" She screeched and pointed to the laughing boy. "Detention!"

~detention time~

Aqua walked inside with his head down in depression. He was so ashamed of himself for getting detention for the first time. He sat down at one of the desks and pouted.

"What'd you do to get detention?" Aqua turned to his side and saw Sagi.

"Passing notes..." He mumbled.

"That's it? I put a wet sponge on my teachers chair." He couldn't help but let a few laughs out. "And she sat on it!" He continued laughing, and Aqua looked at him like 'seriously?'.

"Why would you do that? Do you like detention?" Aqua asked after Sagi finished laughing.

"Well, no, but it's totally worth it." Aqua looked forward and continued pouting.

"You clearly don't like detention," Sagi pointed out.

"You think?" Aqua rolled his eyes.

"Jeez, sorry. Only asking..."

Aqua sighed. "Sorry. I'm just kinda bummed that I got detention."

"First time?"

Aqua looked back at Sagi. "Yeah..."

"Don't feel bad. I must've been here at least a million times." He smiled reassuringly.

"How are you not expelled?"

"I have my ways." Sagi smirked.


Aqua and Sagi actually became best friends. No, the best-est of friends. As close as can be, even though they were so different. I guess opposites attract, right? That's right. Sagi had strong feelings for Aqua. And today was the day he was gonna show it.

Sagi and Aqua were walking down the hall at school. The bell rang and the students disappeared quickly, leaving Aqua and Sagi alone.

"I better get to class," said Aqua and was about to walk away, but Sagi grabbed his wrist and pulled him back, placing his lips on Aqua's. Aqua was shocked, he wasn't expecting this AT ALL. So he simply stood there. Sagi pulled away hurt, and looked at Aqua sadly.

"I guess you don't like me back," he said sadly before walking away, leaving Aqua confused and shocked. He stood there for a few seconds, processing what he just witnessed, then finally went to class.


It had been a day, and Aqua still hadn't seen Sagi. This worried him, for Sagi was always with Aqua and couldn't be away from him for more then an hour.

Finally, he saw Sagi with Aries in the cafeteria. But when Sagi noticed Aqua, he quickly walked away. Aqua made his way to Aries, who had been left behind.

"What's his deal?" Aqua asked.

"Don't you get it? Aqua, he likes you. Like, a lot. And now he's hurt," Aries replied.

"B-but, I never saw it coming..." Aqua muttered. "Will he ever forgive me?" Aries shrugged his shoulders.

"Dude, you've gotta figure out your feelings for him. It's crushing him," Aries said before walking away.


Hmm... His personality? Daredevil, very bad boy-ish. His looks? Incredibly handsome. I like him? He is very hot, and I would totally date him. WAIT, WHAT?! Do I like him? Oh my God, I totally do! I've gotta tell him, Aqua thought.


Sagi opened the door to his house sadly, like he had for the past two days. He came inside, and almost didn't notice the path of rose pedals leading to his kitchen. Sagi followed it slowly, unsure of what to suspect. He came to the kitchen, and saw a pizza box on the table. He opened it, and couldn't help but smile when he saw the words "I LOVE YOU, TOO" in m&m's on a pizza.

"I really do," a voice from behind said. Sagi turned around, and saw Aqua in fancy clothing and a rose.

"You douche," Sagi mumbled before pressing his lips on Aqua's. And this time, he actually kissed back.

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