Yandere! Pisces (m) x Cancer (f) x Yandere! Scorpio (m): We Are Your Brothers

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[published May 26th 2017]


Yandere! Pisces (m) x Cancer (f) x Yandere! Scorpio (m): We Are Your Brothers (part 2)

Apparently, the chapter title was too long ^^"

Anyway, since you guys wanted a part two so badly... Here it is! >~<


"Pisces! Pisces!"

Pisces turned around happily, his teddy in his hands, to be greeted by Cancer. Pisces smiled at first, but his smile quickly faded once he saw the frightened look on Cancer's face. Cancer instantly buried herself into Pisces' chest, blinking away her tears.

"What's wrong, angel?" Pisces asked softly, worriedly looking down at Cancer. He pulled her away from his chest to examine her, to notice a red mark on Cancer's hand.

He brought Cancer's hand closer to examine it, seeing a bite mark in the palm of her hand. He figured someone must've bitten pretty hard, seeing blood was pouring out of the wound.

Pisces' whole face seemed to darken, along with the aura around him as he looked back up at Cancer. "Who did this?" Pisces' tone was much darker, and even though he meant well, Cancer was frightened.

"You always make such a big deal out of everything, brother."

Cancer instantly jumped and hid behind Pisces, recognizing the voice.

"What did you do this time?" Pisces asked his twin unamused. Scorpio had hurt Cancer several times before in the month she'd been there, so it was no surprise he had hurt her again.

"We were playing vampire! She was supposed to run away from me," Scorpio explained. "It's not my fault she wouldn't run!" Pisces turned around to face Cancer, tilting his head to the side cutely in confusion.

"Why didn't you run?"

"I-I didn't want to play...!" Cancer replied, holding onto her wound as a frightened look was still plastered to her face. Pisces turned his head to face Scorpio again.

"Scorpio, if sister doesn't want to play, then she doesn't want to play!" Pisces scolded, before grabbing a hold of Cancer's non-injured hand and leading her to the nearest bathroom, Scorpio following behind.

Pisces lifted Cancer up and sat her down on the counter, before examining Cancer's wound a little closer. A frown seemed to appear on Pisces' pale face.

"You didn't have to bite so hard!"

Pisces turned his head to glare at his brother, who only shrugged as a small smirk appeared on his face.

"No, but I wanted to," he replied smugly. Scorpio instantly let out an "ow!" after Pisces flicked his forehead with his finger. "You didn't have to flick my forehead..." Scorpio pouted, rubbing his forehead gently.

"No, but I wanted to."

Pisces looked over at Scorpio to send him a smug smirk, before tending to Cancer's wound.

"Now play nicely, brother," Pisces said as he finished up with his sister's bandages, putting away the medical supplies as Scorpio smirked.

"Can't make any promises~"


"What do we have here~?"

Cancer looked up from her arms, seeing a group of three boys standing in front of her. They were all a few years older than her, so they were much taller and stronger.

Cancer sniffled, wiping away a tear as she looked up at them. Scorpio had tried to bite her again, so she ran outside out of fear, sitting by the gate with her legs to her chest, crying.

"Why are you crying, little girl~?" One of the boys laughed. Cancer stayed silent, hoping they would go away. The same boy laughed again, roughly grabbing a hold of Cancer's arm and pulling her up, causing her to whimper out of pain.

"Are you gonna start crying again, crybaby?" Another boy laughed, causing the two others to laugh with him. "I'll give you something to cry about!"

The boy hit Cancer, sending a slap to her face. She lost her balance and fell to the ground, causing the three to laugh and surround her. They started kicking her, laughing as she cried out in pain.

"Are you gonna cry for mommy~?!" One of the boys asked, as they all laughed more.

"Haha, you're such a cry--"

It went silent as the two other boys looked over at the other, seeing his eyes popped open in utter shock, before tears started welling in his eyes. Cancer noticed a pool of red on the stomach of his grey shirt, before the boy fell to the ground, laying in a pool of his own blood.

Pisces was standing behind him with a bloody knife, his gaze locked to the ground beneath him, causing his hair to cover his eyes. There was one thing that caught Cancer's eyes though; Pisces' crazed grin.

The two bullies stood in shock, not being able to move out of fear as they watched Pisces climb onto the boy's back, bringing the bloody kitchen knife over his head. Cancer got a glimpse of Pisces face for a second; his eyes seemed soulless and downright crazy, a look that sent chills down Cancer's spine. It was like he had lost all sense of compassion, like the only thing he cared about was seeing blood.

He quickly brought down the knife, sending it straight into the boy's wound, blood squirting out as Pisces' grin widened. He let out a loud, psychotic laugh, bringing the knife back up before stabbing him again. The two boys and Cancer watched in utter horror as Pisces kept laughing crazily, stabbing the poor boy over and over again until his corpse was mangled.

Pisces breathed heavily, his psycho grin never leaving his face as he stared at the corpse in front of him and caught his breath. He slowly looked up, the same psychotic look on his face.

"Who's next~?"

Finally being able to move, the two boys screamed and ran the other way, but didn't get very far as another psychopath was blocking the way. He didn't look nearly as psychotic as Pisces; he looked more sadistic, with an evil smirk spread across his face.

"Where do you think you're going~?" Pisces asked, giggling behind the bullies. Pisces and Scorpio tackled a boy each, Scorpio leaving punches on the boy's face as Pisces kept bashing the boy's head into the concrete.

Cancer had managed to sit up, but wasn't able to run away or even stand up. She just sat there, watching it all in horror.

Scorpio finished off the bully with slitting the boy's throat with Pisces' knife, looking over at his brother. Pisces had a hold of the boy's head by his hair, bashing his head into the concrete over and over, even though the boy was already dead. Pisces kept laughing loudly, as blood flooded the concrete.

"That's enough, brother," Scorpio assured, placing a hand on Pisces' shoulder. Pisces seemed to calm down, taking deep breaths again to calm himself.

The two walked over to Cancer, who was still sitting there in shock. She backed up slightly out of fear, thinking she was next. She closed her eyes and covered her face with her arms, tears welling up in her eyes, but looked up again as she felt herself being lifted up.

Scorpio was carrying her bridal-style, holding her protectively into his chest.

"I'm the only one who can hurt you," Scorpio growled, holding his sister even tighter, as to make sure no one would take her from him.

Cancer cuddled closer into Scorpio; something about his embrace made her feel safer. She barely noticed something sharp penetrate (here comes the perverted comments lol) her arm, looking over and seeing Pisces with a syringe in his hand.

He smiled warmly at her, before her vision turned black.

"This is for your own good, sister..."


I love writing creepy things~ :333

There's something seriously wrong with me lmao

Anyway, do you guys want a part 3?~ ;3

- Kate ⭐️

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