Alone Together (Gemini X Aquarius)

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Here's the first one-shot, requested by Nightfall__

REWRITTEN AUGUST 17, 2017 (Originally Watery Eyes)

Gemini sighed and glanced down at his phone for what must have been the thousandth time. The screen glared back, nearly blinding as his eyes scrolled through his last texts with Aquarius once again.

Aquarius: OMG, you'll never believe this!

Gemini: Lol what is it

Aquarius: Me and Leo are together, FINALLY! He's having this huge party at his house, which is also HUGE, for me this Saturday! You should totally come

Gemini: Neat!

Groaning, he shut his phone off, tossing it carelessly onto the table. Neat, he had said. Thinking back on it, that was literally the worst thing he could've replied. Did people even still say that in the 21st century? No, they didn't. Or maybe, he was just overthinking the whole thing.

Was it bad that he was hopelessly in love with his best friend? Deep down, he knew that was probably not a good thing. No matter how many times it worked out in Aquarius' fan fictions, the odds of this being anything other than a disaster were slim.

After all, she wasn't the ragged tomboy she had been just a few years ago. Somewhere along the line, she had blown up into a fucking model, with some charm that he could never understand. And what was he? Just a troublemaker, a class clown. That was all. He was surprised they were still friends.

And tonight would be her party with Leo. He was a star baseball player as well as a swimmer on the school team, so he was strong but still lean. Tan like he spent every spare moment outside, and perfect blonde hair the same golden color as his eyes.

Even though Gemini hated him, he knew that Leo was a ten, or heck, maybe an eleven. There was no denying that. The only problem was his dirty laundry. That boy had a long list of girls he had dated, maybe a few guys too. But they never lasted more than a few weeks, and it ended up with the girls' heats shattered like glass.

And now here he was, sitting at home alone while she was out screwing with another guy. Gemini wished he was the kind of person that had the confidence to ask a girl out, but every time he tried, the words got stuck in his throat.

Suddenly his phone buzzed, jumping around excitement around the table. Reaching out, he noticed the screen reading; Aquarius. Smiling, he put the phone to his ear, waiting for her voice to come through.

Maybe she doesn't like him, maybe they fought, maybe they broke up... He knew that they had just gotten together, and nothing would've happened yet. Still, stupid thoughts filled his head, but he couldn't stop them all the same.

His trail of thoughts stopped as she began to talk.

"Gem! Where are you at? I miss you!" She exclaimed into the phone, and Gemini pulled it away to save his ears. Her vowels were slurred, her voice not quite right. Dread pitted in his stomach as he continued on.

"Are you still at Leo's?" He asked, worry lacing his voice. In the background, a loud beat and buzzing noise dominated the room. A couple people screamed, and Aquarius turned away to shout something inaudible. For a moment, he thought she was going to hand up on him.

"Yep, yep!" She giggled. Gemini had never heard her 'giggle' in her life. The cute girly sound didn't quite fit her, and even now he couldn't imagine her doing it. She must've been drunk off her ass to do something like that.

The phone crackled, and Gemini frowned as a new voice came on. "You must be that friend she's been blabbering about." Leo said, his voice deep and not quite steady either. Before Gemini could respond, he continued tone boarder line threatening. "She's mine, at least for tonight, so stay out of it. We're having fun, right?" He raised his voice at the end, and Aquarius answered a squeaky "Yes!"

And with that, Leo hung up.

Gemini stared at the now dark screen, contemplating what to do. This was her choice, her life after all. They weren't the same person, far from it.

I should stay out of this, after all it's not my problem...

Gemini groaned, grabbed his keys and ran out the door.


Leo smiled at Aquarius, holding her hips as they danced in the middle of the mass, bodies grinding against bodies all around. A beat pounded in the distance, louder than the words to whatever song was on. She felt like she knew, but couldn't put the words together.


Aquarius shook her head, trying to clear it. Why was he still on her mind? She thought calling him would help, simply hearing his voice, but she just felt worse. The warm, fuzzy feeling now felt like boiling water sloshing in her stomach. Had she had too many drinks? How many cans had she drunk? When she tried to remember it all blurred together.

It was too hot, too close. Stomach in her throat, she pushed through the crowd, shoving bodies carelessly. Leo was shouting behind her, but she didn't turn around. She had to get out.

Crashing into the kitchen, she navigated through the few people to the sink, where she hunched over, praying for her stomach to settle. Please not now, not here... she pleaded with herself. Memories of Gemini holding back her brunette hair when she was sick after a class party in sixth grade.

"A few too many cupcakes, huh?" He had said, rubbing her back softly. She frowned, staring at the beer-stained drain. Why was that memory coming back now?

A pair of warm arms wrapped around her, and she leaned into them, glad to have someone to lean into. "Thanks Gem..." She muttered as he kissed her ear, teasing her.

"It's Leo." He replied, "Not Gem. He isn't here. It's just us..."

Aquarius felt her face heat up. "Yeah, Leo..." She said, hoping he wasn't suspicious. Her and Gemini weren't like that. They were just friends.


He grabbed at her tighter, but all she could see was Gemini. As he kissed her neck, to her collarbone, still Gemini. "Hey, quit..." Aquarius giggled, pushing him away lightly. She wasn't in the mood, not now.

He ignored her as he pushed his mouth into hers, not bothering to be gentle. His tongue pushed in, and he shoved her roughly against the counter, holding her down.

"Get off!" She said, shoving him harder this time. Leo stumbled back, tripping over his own feet as he fell onto the tile floor, his head colliding with marble. He lied there for a moment too long, before struggling back to his feet.

Spitting on the floor, he glared at her, rage in his eyes. Aquarius glanced at the tile, fear building in her churning stomach as she saw red on the ground. Blood. His blood.

"What the fuck Aquarius?" He hissed, wiping his blood streaked face with a hand. Had she really pushed him that hard? Leo stood up, knees wobbling as he staggered away from her. He raised his voice, alerting the house as heads turned towards them.

"You crazy bitch! Are you trying to kill me?" He screeched. Leaning back onto a counter. Shadows filed into the room, crowding in but leaving space. Whispers began to flit around the room, things she never wanted to hear.

"Wait no, I didn't-" She stared, voice breaking at the end. It was too late. There was nothing she could do to change what they thought. They saw the blood on the floor, and the girl who caused it. They had already put two and two together. 

So she fled.

As she pushed through the crowd, dark hair streaming behind her, she heard their voices, passing the words down the line. Crazy bitch, they all said, in some shape or form. A few more tears streamed down her face as she burst out into the cold night, a thin sweater all that was between her and the harsh wind.

She pulled out her phone, the screen lighting up. The battery was nearly drained, flashing red in the corner. As she moved away from the house, down the long, twisting drive, she dialed the only number she knew by heart, sighing with relief when they picked up.

"Aquarius?" She heard the voice almost immediately, her face lighting up a bit as she chocked back a sob. Her brown hair was whipping around in the wind, her body shuddering each time it blew by.

"Leo." She sobbed, knowing her contact would understand.

"Don't worry, I'm almost there," he mumbled, a worried undertone. Then, before he could ask another question, the battery died, black screen staring back. Shivering and weak, she lowered herself onto the cold ground and curled up, waiting to be whisked away from this nightmare.


   Sunlight flickered through the window, coaxing Aquarius away from sleep. Slowly, she blinked her blue eyes, sitting up in the bed, groaning as she felt her head pound. Hangover. The last things she remembered was Leo's house, and the chaos after that. She shook her head, clearing her thoughts from that awful night. She glanced around, smiling warmly at her familiar surroundings.

A clean bed, fluffed perfectly in a way she was far too lazy to do. One window with a curtain over it, blocking out the sunlight how she always had it. Her favorite Boku no Hero Academia mangas, neatly stacked in a pile for her to read and a small blue bow on top. And next to that a warm coffee with cream.

Aquarius smiled, letting herself sink into the blankets. Only her closest friends knew about her secret obsessions, and only one of them would do all of this.


At that moment the door opened with a loud creak, a figure pushing it open. He turned around, a tray in his hands piled with waffles and blueberries, her favorite, a and a folded blue napkin to go with it, because napkins were made for people like her.

"Hey Aquarius, I guess you're up?" He said, a weak smile playing on his lips. She nodded, still tired from last night's adventure and groaned.

"What the he-" she stopped as he shoved a waffle in her mouth, and she ate it, biting back a few more choice words for her headache. It was warm and sweet, and she savor end every bite.

"Thanks!" She exclaimed through the mouthful, "these are great!" He grinned back, a smile that could light up her day in a second. She looked away as heat rise on her cheeks, preoccupying herself with the waffles.

"Hey so um, about last night..." Gemini muttered, trailing off awkwardly, fingers toying with the blankets. Glancing back at him, she realized it was probably all over social media by now. A wave of shame washed over her, but she knew she needed to explain it at least to him.

"Look, I know you probably saw it but that's not what really happened, at least not entirely." She started, but he cut her off, waving a hand loosely in the air.

"I know that." Gemini said flatly, "I was asking if you were okay."

"Oh." Aquarius said, eyes widening in surprise. She found herself tucking her hair behind her ear nervously, and hated it. What if he didn't like her back? What if she screwed up their friendship? "Yeah, I guess I'm okay."

"Anyways, why did you punch him?" Gemini asked, piling her now empty plate back onto the tray. She frowned. Never had she punched Leo. Sighing, she realized the story must've gotten twisted on down the line.

"Because he was being a horny douche, and..." Aquarius took a deep breath, realizing it was now or never. "I think I like someone else."

"Can I ask who?"

She frowned. He just didn't get it. A blush began to tinge her cheeks as she leaned forwards, her eyes on his. "Sadly, I haven't kissed him yet, but I'm about to," and before he could react, she pressed her lips onto his, tugging him into her.

Gemini's eyes widened in pure shock, every doubt and memory floating through them. She herself was amazed at her own bravery, considering she'd never confessed anything this big before. She pulled away lightly and gave him a tight hug, resting her chin on his shoulder.

"Did you hate it?" Aquarius whispered, tears building in her eyes. She couldn't force him to love her. He needed to do it himself.

"What? No, I loved it!" He replied, jumping slightly, as if surprised by his own honestly. Aquarius smiled against him as he continued. "I love you," He said, and meaning every word of it.

She leaned back, letting the tears fall as she grinned. "Thank god, I was so worried I was the only one!" Aquarius opened her eyes as Gemini dabbed a tissue to them, wiping the tears away.

"Don't waste your tears." He said, using his other hand to brush her dark hair. "There's nothing to cry about anymore."

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