Do Re Mi (Cancer X Aries)

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Mom, Dad, how are you?

Are you well?

I hope you are, or at least better than I am. Is there a heaven? A hell? Because I'm probably not going to last much longer. I'm so scared. Why did he take you and leave me? I just don't understand.

I want to go home.

Love, Cancer


Mom, Dad, I am still alive.

Maybe it would help to tell you a little about my situation. Ever since you left, he head dumped me in a room, I assume his basement, which is about the size of a prison cell. It feels like one too. For the first week, he chained me to the concrete pillar in the middle, giving me only the means of food and water to survive. In bowls too, like I was a dog. I am not a dog.

But now that you are gone, he is nicer, upgrading me to free roaming the cell. Fun, right? It's funny I feel blessed by this little action. I shouldn't. But it still makes me hate him a little less.

Oh, I should talk about him a little bit too! Aries, he is called. He told me so. Whether that is his real name or not, I don't know. Whatever the fact, I think the name fits him. Ares the Greek god of war, I think he is named after. He is tall and strong, the lean kind. All skin and tight muscle and bones. His face is just as tough, as if chiseled from stone. A rock, that's what he is. Hair close cropped, reddish brown. I don't look at his face any closer than that. I'm scared to, because of what happened to you.

Have I gone to rambling? Sorry, mom, I know you always hated that. Dad, I apologize to you as well.

Love, Cancer


Mom, Dad, he talks to me.

More than you ever did. He will come down from above (I'm sure I'm in the basement now) and sit on the ground as he serves me cheap ramen and other instant foods on a plate! Yes, a plate!

He tells me about what happened in the world that day, politics, weather, events. He is good at avoiding questions too, I've found. When I ask about his day, what he did, he will ask how the mac&cheese tastes, if I feel well, if I need a change of clothes.

I am not brave enough to push him. I am still scared. Although I suppose I've always been scared. Mom, I still remember that time you threw the glass across the room, almost hitting me. Were you aiming for me? I had not done anything wrong, mom.

I hadn't. Had you dad? I thought you were perfect, but maybe you weren't. Maybe we were just playing dolls, putting on pretty faces and an act for our guests. Well, you, anyways. I was just following your lead.

It's nice not to pucker up for every person that passes by, even if I am in a prison. Or was I always in a prison? Were you my guards? He makes me doubt everything I thought I knew, and he doesn't have to say a word.

Please answer me. I don't know what I should be afraid of anymore.

Love, Cancer


Mom, Dad, Aries found my letters.

I was afraid, once again. Of what, I wasn't sure. A beating? Being chained back up? Starved? I had never felt the pain of those possibilities before, yet I feared them. So much.

But then, glancing at where I was slumped on the floor, he smiled. Slightly stained teeth, it was not perfect. Yet, to me, it was priceless. I noticed the color of his eyes then. So deeply brown, they were almost black.

Then he said, "Thank you." He crouched down and hugged me, his arms holding me tight. I just sat there, shocked. Then he stood up, and left.

Mom, Dad, I can't remember the last time you told me thank you. I really can't. I cannot speak from experience, but I don't believe kidnappers should treat you better than your own family. Here, you would say, but 'he feeds you trash!', and 'he keeps you as a prisoner!'. Yes, that may be true, but you cannot buy my heart. And, I am unsure that I was ever free when you were around.

'Stand up straighter!' And you would slap my back, mother.

'Smile.' Through clenched teeth as you gripped my wrist too tight father.

'Thank you' is what Aries said, hugging me.

The more time that passes, the less I hate him for separating us. I saw it in his eyes, he is just as broken as me. Was he hurting me, or saving me?

Mom, Dad, this should not be something I'm questioning. I should say, 'I hate him for taking me away from my loving family!' Screaming it even.

It's so sad I can't.



Mom, Dad, Aries asked me something today.

He asked, 'Do you hate me?'

It was over water and saltine crackers, as he cracked open a bottle. He wasn't looking at me, instead focusing on the broken neck of the plastic. His hands were shaking. I don't think he meant for me to notice.

'No,' I said, not thinking too hard. I had pondered this for so many nights and days it was no longer a question. I do not hate him for doing what he did to you. Plain and simple, I don't.

When he glanced up at me, with those eyes of his, I think it was the first time a person was not looking down on me. He diverted his gaze after a second, going back to the crackers, ripping open the packaging.

I thought he was done talking. Until he whispered, 'Why?'

I answered this too with precision. 'Because you are not cruel to me when you could be. For example, you could beat me, but instead you feed me. Why?' I was thinking of you then, mom. You just ordered take out, the expensive kind of course. Not for me, but for the status it brought. Appearance means a lot to you, doesn't it?

'Because I didn't mean to hurt you, but I can't afford to let you go.'

We ate in silence, stealing glances at one another. I wonder how I would look to you. My blonde hair, curly and frizzy now that there's no straighter to smooth it. Father, it was you who demanded I straighten it, wasn't it? I'm sure I was broken out, like every other teenager without a decent make up kit. Lips dry, eye bags from extreitencual crises at three am.

But he still smiled at me. He didn't mind the messy way I ate, or any of my other habits that always pissed you off. For the first time, I wondered what had put him here, eating crackers with me in the basement.

I wonder if I'll ever know.



Mom, Dad, he spilled.

You were monsters. God, how could you treat a man like that? How could you kill a man with no drive behind it? You took his money, then little by little, his sanity. Just to keep sitting on your billion dollar throne of an insurance company.

No wonder Aries hated you so much.

So, I suppose you know now. If there is a hell, I'm sure you went to it. You deserve whatever you got. I'm ashamed to be your daughter. I don't want to ever hear your names again.

He took me out of the basement, told me I could go, find the police if I felt it, give him punishment for what he did. Thing is, unlike you, he doesn't deserve it. I'm staying with him for now, as I'm unsure what to do.

Just as friends, maybe more in the future.

I don't know about anything for sure, except that I will be happier without you.

Goodbye, Cancer


For lara112099 ~  Sorry it's been so long since the last update! I hope you guys like this one, so please tell me what you think.

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