Future Husband Part 1 (Scorpio X Capicorn)

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:Capricorn's POV:

Capricorn grinned at himself in the mirror. A pristine, sharp man in a tux to match just that. And within the next fifteen minutes, he'd have a beautiful wife to match that too. A beautiful, plastic, fake girl he doesn't know, and will have to deal with the rest of his life. And if she was that giggly, slutty, self-centered girl well, she'd be like all the rest.

What was her name? He thought furiously, scratching his head for the memory. It didn't really matter to him, because being the perfect son of his family, he was good with looks and prying out information.

Both of which he'd need to survive with this girl.

This girl who belonged to some rich billionaires who only wanted more money to bathe in. They wanted it literally flowing out their ears. But Capricorn couldn't deny that his parents were any different. Like most other rich kids, he had more toys than he needed, but his parents might as well have been strangers.

They'd taught him how to run a business, how to sell a product, how to dress to impress, how to lie, and many other useful things. But there was one thing that would always be foreign to him.


He had never been in a relationship with anybody who truly cared about him or vise versa. All the pretty girls wanted was a bad boy with a handsome body, and they would take him.

Capricorn sighed and looked once more into the mirror. All he saw was a reflection of a man he didn't know, a stone-faced rock would've held the same amount of expression. "Don't let your true feelings loose," his father's voice repeated in his head, "it only makes you weaker," he had always been told to hide tears, set a calm face for any sign of emotion. But his father never told him what would happen if he showed emotion.

"So what happens if I do?"

{Virgo's POV}

      I smirked and whipped my blonde hair around maliciously, swatting away the bridesmaids around me. They had spent way too long touching me up. I mean, how long does it take for them to get this shit together?!?!??

"You!" I snarled, spitting at the nearest girl, a small black haired thing. Barely even pretty enough to be a girl, much less a woman. Shame on her showing up to my wedding like that! "Get me some water!"

I wasn't really thirsty, but in honesty I was nervous. I hoped I could live up to this perfect boy, the one on the cover of every magazine. I was just a lowly millionaire singer in his eyes. And my spitting at the bridesmaids was just a way to hide my stress. It released my anger by targeting them, and it made me feel much better.

The little girl had already scurried of by the time I turned back around, and I was glad. She seemed attractive to my soon to be husband and nothing would come between me and a perfect life.


;Scorpio's POV;

       "Bitch," I hissed as I hurried down the hallway towards the drinking fountain with a plastic cup at hand. That damn bride was so nit picky I wanted to strangle her with her own dang words.

I sighed and stopped at the water fountain, putting a hand to my forehead. My anger was getting out of control. Any little spark in me set off a fire, and that fire turned into an explosion. I needed someone who could calm me down, someone who comforted me instead of fired me up.

These thoughts flew through my head as I poured some water, not from the conveniently placed water fountain, but from the moldy bathroom sink, and took it back out into the hallway. Shit, I need to get my myself together, I scolded myself.

My footsteps echoed eerily on the tile floor, and dim evening light flashed red through the small windows, reflecting her shifting mood perfectly. Scorpio stopped at the door and breathed a few more unholy words before entering the room.

And as I entered the white room, the door creaking suspense-fully, I saw him. Clad in pure ivory, pale as a winter day he stood. As soon as I saw him I knew I wanted to be with him. His calm, quiet Aurora but the spark he gave off, it was amazing.

"I assume you must be Virgo," he grinned playfully, the exact opposite of the vicious bride in the other room, "I mean, you're obviously pretty enough to be her," He walked towards me slow and meaningful, and my throat went dry with every word I thought up to say. His beautiful green eyes sparkled beautifully, and his blonde hair was shaggy in a cute way that bounced slightly when he walked.

My thoughts suddenly swirled uncontrollably, curse words flying all around. Damn this shitty feeling why can't I speak why am I dying dammit stop dying oh crap oh crap shit man you're beautiful in every way and I've only known for two seconds fuck it I'm in love. That's more or less what I felt. Along with a thousand more curses for his soon-to-be-wife Virgo.

I finally brought up the courage to say no, but my mouth betrayed me. Instead, I sheepishly slid my Ebony hair behind my ear and squeaked, "Yeah, I guess you're my future husband,"

He blinked for a second, taking me in before tucking my hair and whispering, "Well, I can live with that,"

Sorry this took so long @eva_the_potato

Part two will be coming soon, keep requesting!

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