Patient 707 (AriesXPiscesXLeo)

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Pisces rolled the pills around in her hand. Eight little white pearls, gleaming death in her hand. In the corner of her eye, she could see her reflection, tattered and worn like a rag. But she wouldn't look up. If she stared at herself, she couldn't do it.

It wasn't the first time she had tried. Ever since Aries passed, she could feel his presence over her shoulder whispering he still wanted her back. Over and over, until she wanted to drop to her knees. But when she turned, he was gone again, as if he was toying with her.

"Fuck." Pisces muttered, tearing up at the thought of him. Why had she even broken up with him? Rumors and lies. He hadn't even been seeing another girl. If a certain bitch had kept her mouth shut, none of this would've happened. Maybe Aries would still be alive.

Tears began to fall down her face, fast and hot, burning her eyes. Still staring down the pills. Pisces swallowed the heaviness of the situation. She needed to do this. She couldn't live another day in his shadow, seeing reminders of him.

"Don't do it." Whispered the voice that had haunted her since the day she heard the news. It had told her this before, over and over again. In the beginning, she listened to it. Now she had come to abhor it.

"Shut up." She cried back, gritting her teeth. It was hard enough without him here, but seeing him just made it worse. Why couldn't he just fade into the shadows like everyone else? All the others would whisper their last words, than leave her alone. Why did he stay when he knew how much pain it caused her?

"Please don't do this..." He muttered again, voice weaker than before. Pisces whipped around, the pills nearly cracking in her clenched fist. There he was, a ghost of him, sobbing on the bathroom tile, fetal style. She had never seen him like this before, even when he was alive.

"What the hell do you mean, don't do this?" She hissed through her teeth, wet eyes red from exhaustion. The boy frowned, confusion taking over his transparent features as she went on. "Ever since you came back to me, you've said you wanted me back. I never meant for this to happen! It's my fault you're... dead. So, I'm coming back to you."

If the ghost opened his mouth to say anything else, Pisces didn't hear it. She popped the pills, in small groups, choking them down without water. Her throat seized up, and she doubled over gagging. But nothing came up.

Instead, she collapsed to the ground, muscles spasming wildly. On the dirty, yellow tinged floor, she thought, this is it?

And then, with a final spasm, she blacked out.


When she woke back up, sweating like a dog and breathing heavily, the first thing she felt was disappointment. She was awake, breathing and undoubtedly alive.

"Well... shit." She muttered under her breath, straining her eyes open against the sunlight filtering in behind her. A soft sheet enveloped her, but it was thing, and the air conditioning chilled her to the bone. Everything appeared white, clean, and smelled of bleach.

The hospital.

She became aware of the beeping monitor to her left, and on the screen her heart rate, oxygen rates, etc. we're being tracked with little mountainous lines, ascending to the sky before plummeting downwards again.

The door creaked open, and Pisces fell down to the bed, the mattress creaking under her. She shut her eyes and steadied her breathing, hoping to appear asleep. She needed to find something too kill herself with, and she did not want to deal with questions.

"Oh, you're awake!" A man's voice sounded from the door, and footsteps approached the bed, cracking on the tile. He sounded young, younger than she had expected. Good, she thought, I won't spend my last days with dome crusty old man.

"You're not fooling me." He laughed, voice lifting. He brushed a hand over her cheek, and she shivered involuntarily. She jerked her hand off the bed, slapping his hand away. As she lifted her head, she saw him retreat back a step.

"Don't fucking touch me." She growled, cringing as she heard her voice, weak and dry. She noticed a water glass on the bedside table, also white, and chugged it gratefully.

All the while, the doctor leaned against the wall, appearing slightly amused at her little show. Looking at him now, she realized she was right, he was young, perhaps 25 making him just four years older than her. He was dirty blonde, and had a messy crop of longer hair that stopped below his ears.

And his eyes. They were the same fucking shade as Aries, a dark golden brown.

She had almost forgotten about her ex when he appeared next to the doctor, dark brown hair and fucking dark golden eyes standing out in his transparent form. It was annoying, he was there, but not.

"Hello..? Patient 707? You still there?"

Pisces jerked her eyes away from Ares and focused on the man that was actually there. He was gazing at her, concerned.

"Yeah, its nothing." She replied, shrugging him off like she had done dozens of other times. "Anyways, don't call me 'Patient 707'."

He shrugged at that too, "At least it's better than Patient 669. I had them earlier today, and still have to call them that." His lips parted into a small smile. Pisces couldn't help grinning herself. The room felt warmer with him in it, more comfortable.

Then Aries appeared. Out of the corner of her eyes, she saw him standing right next to Leo, who was still looking down, chuckling. He was making hearts and kissy faces, pointing at Leo.

'Fuck you.' She mouthed, flicking the finger at him. He just shrugged and stepped away, grinning.

"Did you say something?" He asked, looking up at her.

"Uh, you can call me Pisces." She said, suddenly feeling awkward. "And uh, do I just call you doctor?"

"Just Leo, please." He grinned, walking over to the monitors and fiddling with them, pulling out a small notebook to scribble down some notes.

She smiled for the first time in a while, happy she had at least somewhat made a friend. Hopefully. In any case, he finished his work, walking towards the door before turning to her.

"I'll check on you in a few hours. Just press the buzzer if you need anything, okay Pisces?" And with that, he was out to door.

Pisces breathed a sigh of relief. That could've gone a lot worse. But Aries was still standing there. "Okay, what the hell do you want?" Pisces growled, glaring at the ghost.

"For you to move on." He whispered, sitting in the bed next to her. Well, not exactly sitting. More floating than anything else. "Do you remember the first time you saw me like... this?" He gestured to his transparent body.

Pisces felt herself involuntarily soften. She hadn't actually expected him to answer, as most of the time he simply didn't respond. This felt a little more like the boy she had once known, and less like the monster she had thought him to become.

"Yeah, I think so." That wasn't completely the truth. She remembered it perfectly. Seeing him in her room three nights after his funeral, screaming in terror of the boy who wasn't completely there. Her mother had run into the room to find half her room thrown into the corner, herself cowering under the sheets.

"He's there! Why don't you see him?"

"Honey, there's no one there."

She never spoke of him to anyone after that.

"I'm still sorry about that." He said, frowning. "But the reason I'm always here is because it's you that's keeping me alive, or," He paused gesturing to himself again, "Whatever this is. I know that sounds like an awful reason, but I'm... I'm terrified. I died once, I'm too scared to do it again."

Pisces stayed silent, letting him talk. He had never said this much before, hell, not even when he was alive. For Aries to confide in someone... he must be in a lot of pain.

"I've tried to leave you alone before, believe me. But once I was about 50 feet away, it feels like I'm drowning. The farther I get, the worse it is, until I can't breathe. I guess that's pretty fuckin' ironic because I used to swim, but..."

He paused, looking at her with those dark Amber eyes. "Well, now I feel like a total bitch." Pisces muttered, leaning slightly towards him. The ghost smiled.

"Well, so do I. I can't talk much longer, but you need to forget me..." His voice broke at the end, wheezing as if he needed a drink if water.

"Aries..?" She asked, but he just shook his head, pointing at his throat. He mouthed something, before sighing and grabbing a pen and pad from the side table.

You should get together with Leo. I probed his mind and he likes you. Anyways, you can't have a dead boyfriend forever.

"You proved his fucking mind?" Pisces exclaimed.

Aries frowned looking pleased but guilty. He nodded slowly.

Pisces stifled a laugh. "God, my life is weird as shit."

Aries opened his mouth, before angrily scribbling on his notebook. Pisces leaned over his shoulder, before he jerked around, showing her what he wrote. In barely decipherable handwriting, it read;


"Fine, fine. I'll see him in a few hours..."

Aries shook his dark head. "No, NOW." He glanced at the button on the wall and smirking, buzzed it. A repeated ringing sound, like a muted fire alarm, sounded.

"You really are an ass, you know."

Aries grinned nodding, stepping away as Leo rushed into the room, hair wild and breathing heavily. He looked around the room frantically, before seeing her sitting on the bed.

"Are you okay?" He gasped, moving over towards her and checking her monitors worriedly. He turned back to her, eyes still wide.

"Oh, uh." Pisces stumbled, faking a reason, "I just wanted to see you." Well, not entirely faking it.

"Oh, thank goodness. I thought you were hurt."

Behind the pair, Aries stood watching. They seemed to be fit for each other. The young doctor, and the broken girl. He smiled. It sounded like some outlandish book. Some story he was no longer a part of. He walked over to the notepad, scribbling down a final note.

She will be okay, he thought, preparing himself to walk away. He had to do it. Whatever he was didn't belong in this world. Maybe, just maybe he could find peace somewhere else. He exited the room, closing the door to room 707. Through the window, he could see Pisces and Leo laughing, and he fracked a small smile.

She will be okay, he repeated, his steps slowing as if he were underwater. The air seemed to thicken, his breath becoming labored. Doctors and nurses alike walked on around him, unaware of the boy struggling through the halls.

His lungs began to ache, screaming for air. He walked on, nearing the front entrance. Shaking legs, he stumbled into the waiting room, sucking in but getting nothing.

He collapsed, spasming on the floor. He couldn't breathe, his head felt full of smoke. He coughed, choking on nothing. A nurse screamed, and he heard footsteps surrounding him. He felt himself lifted up and being taken back down the hallway, his head gradually clearing, air thinning out.

His lungs sucked in air, and his vision sharpened, just enough so he saw the number on the door. They set him in the bed, and he collapsed into it thankfully.

"Prepare oxygen and an IV for Patient 706!" A nurse shouted, followed by squeaking instruments and muttered voices. Tapping feet and clanking metal.

He only knew one thing for sure.

He was very much alive.


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