Aries(m) x Libra(f)

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Requested by Story_Brooke_23

Aries was sleeping in class, as usual. "You moron wake up!" Libra said who was sitting next to him. She slapped him with her notebook. "Oww! What the heck!" He complained waking up. "The teacher looked suspicious." She whispered acting like she was paying attention to the lesson.

"Well why don't you wake up that kid over there!" Aries said angrily pointing at another sleeping kid. "Because unlike you, that kid is passing his tests!" She said irritated. "I am not failing!" Aries argued. "Yes, yes you are." She said. "So, it's only this class." Aries said still mad. Then the teacher saw them talking.

"Would you two like to share your conversation with the rest of us?" The teacher said trying to get them to stop. They just shrugged. "Aries I know that you're also failing science, I'm not dumb." Libra said loud enough for everyone to hear. "Alright, alright just stop talking." The teacher said silencing them.

The class passed and they went to lunch. They both sat at their normal table. "So what are you eating?" Libra asked as Aries sat next to her. "Nothing, I haven't unpacked my lunch." Aries replied sarcastically. "Ugh, you know what I mean!" She said mad. "Fine, a PB and j sandwich." Aries answered.

"Hey Libi!!!" Libras other friend, Aquarius, said sitting down next to her. "Hey Aqua!" Libra said smiling at her friend. Aries glared at Aquarius, she just gave him an evil smile. Aquarius was the only one who knew about Aries' crush on Libra, and she could tell her at any moment. Libra continued to talk while to Aquarius while Aries watched.

"Dude sorry I'm late, got on the bad side of the math teacher. Let me tell you, not recommend." Aries other friend, Sagittarius, said sitting down next to him.  "Dude, you're so gonna get held back a grade at this rate." Aries said trying to act cool. "Staring at Aqua again?" Sagittarius asked. Everyone thought that Aries liked Aquarius because he always stared at her. In reality he was trying to stare at Libra and Aquarius just got in the way.

"Dude, no." Aries said tired of dealing with this. Then Aquarius came up to him. "Meet me after school at Starbucks." She said ominously. "Ooooh!" Sagittarius said as she walked away. "Seriously, it's nothing. That girl creeps me out." Aries said. It was the truth too, Aries thought that Aquarius was a creep with no life who murdered people for fun. "I just can't help it, oh well good luck dude!" Sagittarius said as the bell rang.

It was after school and Aries was standing outside Starbucks. He walked in and saw Aquarius sitting down staring at him. Aries sighed as he walked over to her. "What do you want ya creep." He said resentfully sitting down next to him. "Hey, I resemble that remark." Aquarius said with a pouty face. "Just tell me what you wanted me here for." He said wanting this to end. "I won't, you called me a creep and now I'm mad." She said acting like a child. "C'mon, enough joking around, just tell me!" Aries said angrily.

"I guess I won't tell you the news of someone liking you." She said getting up. At that Aries was interested and wanted to know more. "Who is it? You're not a creep, just a strong personality!" Aries said trying to stop Aqua from leaving. "Well since you said sorry, kind of, I'll tell you." She said sitting back down. "So today Libra told me she was interested in you. Since I know you like her I think that you should ask her out." Aquarius said.

"What, really! Holy crap! What am I gonna do? How do I even ask her out? I mean is it intere-" Aries was cut off, "Just ask her out tomorrow." Aquarius said stopping him. He nodded and went home. All night he couldn't stop thinking about how he would tell Libra how he feels. All to soon the morning arrived.

He was walking down the hall to Libras locker. Right when he almost reached her, "Dude! How's the date with Aqua go?" Sagittarius asked walking up to him. Libra perked up at hearing that. "Dude, be quiet! Will get of my way!" Aries said getting angry. "What, I'm only trying to ask a question, no need to get mad!" Sagittarius said trying to stop Aries. "You are really messing with my plan, and I am this close to punching you right now." Aries said getting shoved by people. "Oh come on. Just tell me, what did Aqua want from you?" Sagittarius asked not taking the hint to get lost. "Dude, nothing happened! We can talk later!" Aries practically yelled. Right when Aries manged to get a view of Libras locker she had left. Aries growled and stormed off.

Lunch time arrived and Aries sat in his normal seat. Libra was nowhere to be found. Sagittarius was bombarding him with questions. Then Aquarius sat next to him. "WHAT THE HE IS WRONG WITH YOU!!!!??!" She yelled. "What?" Aries asked confused. "EVERYONE IS SAYING THAT WE ARE DATING! LIBRA IS WRECK!" she yelled. "I never said anything like that!" Aries said getting defensive. Sagittarius was listening to the entire conversation.

"So you guys didn't go on a date?" He said quietly.  They both slowly looked at Sagittarius. "No, dude, we didn't go on a date. I said nothing of that." Aries said using all his mental power to not kill him right then and there. "Oh, ummm." Sagittarius said afraid of what was to come. Aquarius was twitching and looked ready to murder. "THEN WHY DID YOU SPREAD THAT A RUMOR THAT WE WERE DATING IF I SAID NOTHING! WHAT IS WRONG YOU!"Aries yelled standing up. "Where's Libra!?" He asked looking at Aquarius. "The auditorium." She answered then Aries ran out of the lunchroom.

He arrived at auditorium and looked around searching for Libra. He heard a quiet sobbing sound from the back of the room. He followed the sound to find Libra sobbing in a corner. "Hey, what's wrong?" Aries asked slowly approaching her. She looked up, she had black lines of makeup running down her face from crying.  "Aries! You, startled me." She said trying to act like she wasn't crying.

"Why so sad Mr.Dad?" Aries said trying to rhyme. She giggled through tears and said "It's nothing, really." "It's clearly something, you're crying." Aries said sitting next to her. "Okay, I'll tell you. I thought you liked me so I told  Aquarius. I thought she was going to tell you about it. Instead she goes on a date with you! I mean, I know she can be cold, but that's just downright rude!" Libra said through sobs.

"Actually she didn't ask me out. Even if she did, I would've said no. Sagittarius was a jerk and jumped to conclusions. I actually like you." He said smiling looking at Libra. She stared at him for a bit then burst out sobbing and hugged him tightly. "Th-thanks Aries!" She said as she cried.

Later they walked out and when Aquarius saw them she started cheering. Now the tumor was that Aries and Libra were dating, which was true. They later became the entire schools OTP.


This took to long to make. Sorry for the wait. My IDCS kicked in. It stands for I don't care syndrome, which makes me lazy. It's the perfect excuse. Oh well have a nice day or night!

Sincerely Zodi.

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