Gemini(m) x Virgo(f)

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Requested by Zanute

It was Gemini's first day at  his new school. He had moved last month and had to wait a long boring month for school to start. "Let's just not be a blabber mouth today."

"Hey, make some good friends little dude." Gemini's brother said dropping him off at school. "Yup, you too man!" Gemini said waving as his older brother drove off.

He mumbled as he walked into the large school.He had entered the office and found a lady sitting at a desk. "Uh, I'm a new kid here, do you know anyone that could help me out?" He asked. The lady, who looked quite old, just looked at him for awhile before looking at her computer. "Uh..." Gemini staring speaking but decided to stay quiet.

"So you're Gemini Twin?" The lady finally spoke after what felt like forever. "Yeah that's me." Gemini said resisting the urge to start an awkward conversation. "Alright, you'll be given a tour of the school by Virgo, she'll arrive at any moment now, and then you'll get your schedule and you wanna head straight to second period." The lady said and turned back to her desk.

"Okay." Gemini said awkwardly standing around now. He heard a bell and almost immediately after, a tall girl with long black hair walked in. She had to be at least three inches taller than him.(7.63 cm.) "Hello, I'm Virgo Maiden and I'll be your guide today." She said in a soft voice that had alot of confidence in it. "Okay, where do we begin?" Gemini asked standing up and walking towards the girl.

"We start by finding your schedule, I'll need to see it." She said holding out her hand. "I don't have it." Gemini said. "Ugh, fine. Hey Mrs.Star, I need Geminis schedule." Virgo said to the old lady. "Of course darling." The lady said.

"What? How, why, what?" Gemini said confused by the action since he was told he wasn't going to need it yet. "Great, this way please." Virgo said after careful examination of the paper she held. "Yup. So how long have you been going to this school?" Gemini asked, Virgo ignored him and they continued to make many turns down the winding hallways. "Ack, this school is so large! I need a map if I'm going to be on time to even one of my classes!" Gemini whined. "Please be quiet, you're disrupt classes going on right now." Virgo said as they kept walking. "What a warm welcome." Gemini grumbled under his breath.

Finally they stopped. "This here is your locker. Do you have a lock, or do you need me to get that for you too?" Virgo asked with a trace of sour in her voice. Gemini picked up on the sourness and started getting mad. "Hey! What's your deal with me!? You're acting like a complete bitch. All I did was show up, apperantly that's not good. Like seriously what in the wor-" "Shut up and leave it. I'm not in a good mood." She said completely cutting him off. "Now answer me. Do you need a lock?" "No." Gemini replied and they moved on.

Right when they had reached the last stop the bell rang and Gemini was sent off into the school. He was almost ten minutes late to his first class, well, second, and got an earful about it. "You should not be late, I could care less that you're new, I expect more from you!" The teacher said as he walked in. Gemini nodded and was sat down in the front of the room.

"Did you hear what Virgo did at the summer party?" He could hear girls in the back talking. "No, what? I wanna know!" Another said. "Apperantly her and that Aries kid starte-" but the teacher stopped them. The rest of the day was basically the same and then lunch came.

He sat down next to a kid he talked to breifly at his locker. "Yo Gemini! What up!?" The kid said walking up to him. "Nothin'. You?" Gemini said getting his lunch out. "Just some juicy stuff going round ya know?" The kid said as they sat down. "Ooh, like what? I need to here the secrets of this school Libra, I need it." Gemini said.

"Well, over the summer there was this party. So like there's this girl Virgo, you know her right?" "Yeah." "Okay and so like there's this kid Aries, you know him right?" Gemini shook his head no. "He's that shady looking one over there." Libra said pointing at a short kid a table over. "Well, supposedly he and Virgo, like, ended u-" but again he was cut off along with the rest of the lunchroom.

All Gemini saw was a lunch tray on the ground and Virgo storming out of the room. "Woah, something rubbed her the wrong way." Libra said. Gemini agreed and they finished lunch. The bell rang and everyone started scrambling to their next class. Gemini had found his locker, with some help, and was now trying to find his class.

"Oh shoot! The bell rang!" Gemini said starting to run along with a few other stragglers. He made a left, then a right, then another right, was this the same hall he was in before? Just continue, left, left, staircase, lost.

"Craaaaaaab apples!" Gemini said loudly turning every witch way. "Noooooooo! God I hate this school!" Gemini said still running. Then he saw a blur run across the hallway in front of him. He decided to follow it and started running to catch up.

He saw the blur enter an empty room and walked into the room too. He saw Virgo sitting on her phone with headphones in while eating chips. "Hey, Virgo, can you help me out?" Gemini said and he started walking closer to her. Then he noticed tears in her eyes. "Uh oh." Gemini said louder than intended. Virgo looked up at him.

"What, you afraid I'm gonna start sucking your face off?" She said sarcastically. "What?" Gemini said extremely confused. "You think I'm a slut now? I bet you do." She said standing up. "Wait! Why would I think that? I just wanted some help finding my class." Gemini said grabbing Virgo by the shoulder.

"Guess you haven't heard. Let me explain. At this party over summer I slept with Aries, the drug dealer." Virgo said letting tears role down her face. "What? Is that true?" Gemini asked. "OF COURSE NOT YOU IDIOTIC MOUTH BREATHER!!" Virgo screamed and collapsed to the floor in a pile of tears.

"What have I done?" Gemini said silently. Several minutes passed before anything happened. "So, um, when does class end?" Gemini asked awkwardly. "Soon, this is the last class of the day anyways." Virgo said through sniffles. "Oh, hey do you wanna hang out later. Here's my phone need by the way." Gemini said randomly, pulling out a sticky note out of his pocket.

"I see many reasons to be concerned about this." Virgo said reluctantly taking the note. "And what are those?" He asked as the bell rang. "Why do you just have your number written on a card at the ready? Also I've only known you for... Eight hours and ten minutes. Should I be concerned you're a kidnapper trying to kidnap me?" Virgo said. "C'mon. I'm not gonna kidnap you! Why would I wanna kidnap an ugly person like you anyways?" Gemini said holding back a grin. "Excuse me but what did you just say?" Virgo said grabbing onto Geminis ear and twisting it. "Ow! I mean, ouch, lovely, stop it!" Gemini said struggling.

So that night Virgo started having extremely long text conversations with Gemini that escalated very quickly.


I'M SORRY! THIS IS SO LATE! PLEASE FORGIVE ME! I'VE BEEN SO LAZY! I'M SO SORRY! I've had a semi-hectic week, well two, or is it three? Oh well, I've finished Stranger Things and accidentally finished My Hero Academia too. Oh well, have a wonderful night or day my amazing potatoes, please forgive me for being so late!

Sincerely Zodi.

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