Leo(m) x Aquarius(f)

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Requested by The_Gurly_Bookworm

"Alight dork get up and haul butt." Someone said to the sleeping Aquarius.

"No! Go away you bi-"

"No buts not cuts no coconuts! Move, you're going on a trip after all!" The person to Aquarius.

Aquarius rolled over and opened her eyes to see her mother with a pillow, seconds away from smacking her. With her ninja like reflexes, she got up just in time to get hit squarely in the face.

"Mom! That hurt, it's 2 in the morning and I don't need this!" Aquarius yelled and her mother left, which left her to get ready for her big school trip.

Aquarius was a peppy 15 year old girl who was extremely excitable, but also very anxious at times. She has long straight chocolate hair that reached her waist with matching chocolate brown eyes. She was short for her age, reaching only a height of 5 feet exactly(1.5meteters).

She had been waiting all year for this week. She was one of surprisingly many kids going to L.A. for a school trip. Since her school was cheap they would be taking an 11 hour bus ride there, hence the need to wake up at 2 in the morning.

She rushed down stairs, ate her tiny breakfast of only poptarts and grabbed what seemed like 100 pound(45 kg.) bags. She was staying a full seven days and six nights in L.A. so she might as well go all in.

"Bye mom, I love you! I'll send photos!" Aquarius said getting out of the car in front of the school, where everyone else going on the trip was. There was only two buses, which is small for her extremely large school, but that meant at least 80 students.

"AQUA!" Her friend Cancer yelled as she arrived. Cancer had ran over to hug her.

"Cancer hey! Oh my God why do you have an entire airplanes worth of luggage with you." She said noticing the pile of bags behind Cancer.

"At least I'm gonna be more prepared than you!" Cancer said, using a feeble defense. "Oh look Scorpio just arrived." And Cancer was off to Scorpio, her boyfriend. Those two are the school's cutest couple.

"Aw crud, I forgot to find someone to sit next to on the bus." Aquairus mumbled. She knew she had forgotten something and it wasn't the hairbrush.

"Board the buses everyone, we'll deal with the luggage as long as you leave your stuff in a neat pile." A teacher yelled out and everyone flocked onto the buses. Aquarius was on bus two, unlike all her other friends. It had to be the school conspiring against her.

She made sure to get on last and just deal with the leftover seat next to a random stranger. To her luck, there were two completely empty seat near the back. "Score!" She mumbled getting in.

"Role call!" A teacher yelled and started yelling out names.

"Aquarius bearer?"

"Presentay!" Aqua yelled out, getting some weird looks.

Several more names were called before the next important name to the story was yelled out.

"Leo Lion! Leo Lion?",But there was no answer. "Does anyone know where this kid is?"

"He just texted me and said he'll be here soon. Just got on the road the schools on." A kid said showing the teacher his phone.

The teacher said something inaudible and continued calling names.

"Since that one kid hasn't showed yet, we'll just have to l-"

"I'M HERE!" A tall blond haired kid yelled running on the bus. He had to be at least 5'10 though, with bright green eyes that could challenge a green crayon.(177 cm.)

"Alright Mr.Lion, quickly find a seat while the driver packs your bags. We'll leave directly afterwards." The teacher said and Aquarius was immediately put down since the remaining seat next to her was the only one left.

"Can you believe those jerks!" Leo said sitting next to Aquarius after putting his carry-on in the overhead.

"Believe what know?" Aquarius asked confused.

"Sagittarius and Capricorn are sitting together, instead of me next to Capi!" Leo whined.

"Well I'm starting to see why." Aquarius said sarcastically, but Leo clearly didn't hear.

"I should have knew it! Capricorn was always saying how he was getting closer to his crush! Now I can understand, I mean just look at 'em!" Leo said pointing at his friends.

Sure enough they had a blanket on them and were sucking each other's faces off.

"Gross." Aquarius said and looked out the window with a bag of chips in hand and started snacking.

"You really shouldn't eat before sleeping, it can disru-" Leo started saying but was cut off by Aquarius.

"I've already disproved that myth back in the 5th grade. It's only for when you're sick." She said. Leo looked stunned.

"Tell me more about your myth busting events!" He said with a sort of gleam in his eyes.

"You want me to what?"

"Is that the only thing you've disproved?"

"No, I've disproved many things." And Aquarius started telling him about her experiments on myths and false information for at least an hour.

"Wow, that, really cool." Leo said sleepily.

"But wait there's more, and even more on that phrase! The goldfish might have an even larger memory, uh Leo?" Aquarius was saying before Leo passe out dead as a rock onto her shoulder.

"What type of social situation is this? I'll consult Google, my trusty assistant." She said pulling out her phone and actually googling it. "I'm scarred for life." She said after scrolling through Google for a bit.

Aquarius reclined her seat a bit to relax but Leo started moving.

"Nonono!" Aquarius whisper panicked as his head slowly fell onto her lap.

"Welp. I'm too tired to deal with this, I'll deal with it when he wakes up." She said in defeat falling asleep.

A few hours later she woke up again. The sun was starting to rise and it was a beautiful scene. Although, Leo had now cuddled up next to her so much that she thought she would develop claustrophobia after the trip.

"I've had enough. Wake up!" Aquarius said, smacking Leo on the head.

"Ow! Why would you smack me!" Leo said rising up and rubbing his head. "And why are you so close to me?"

"Because, you are the worst cuddle bug while sleeping. No matter how hard I tried you'd just put your head back on my shoulder, almost as if, you were awake the whole the time!!" Aquarius said dramtically.

Thoughts were racing through her head. What if she was being groped as she slept because he had put her in a false sense of safe. Or maybe he'd had a crush on her since kindergarten and she never knew or it? The possibilities were endless.

"But I wasn't awake!" Leo said, going red in the face which only further strengthened Aquarius's claims.

"You're redder than lava flowing out of a volcano!"

"No I'm not, lemme check," Leo pulled his phone camera out, "Why am I so red?!" He said in panic.

"What weird things did you do to me while I was asleep!"

"Nothing! I swear to God I was asleep!"

"Oh yeah, then what kind of sign was there on Clerp Street on the right hand side!"

"I dunno, a yield sign?" Leo answered.

"Aha, you were awake. If you weren't you wouldn't have answered at all. I leave my statement ended."

"Wha? No! I mean, no!" Leo was getting redder by the sentence. "No! I, didn't! I mean, why would anyone want to even sleep within ten feet of you with a brick wall in between!" Leo yelled out frantically.

"I take serious offense to that on many levels." Aquarius said acting as if she was pushing up glasses.

"What no! I mean, ack! Uh, um... How do I fix this. Uh.. well that's not what I meant!"

"Well then what did you mean? Hmmm?" Aquarius said with a little sass.

"Well, er, I meant, that it'd be impossible to, uh, not fall in love with the way you snore quietly while asleep! Yeah that's it." Leo said very stupidly giving Aquarius evidence.

"So you were awake."

By now you could mistake Leo's face for being sick it was so red. He looked down and without saying a word, gave a quick nod.

"But why? If you can justify your answer you might actually live to tell the tale." Aquarius said.

"Well. You were really nice to me, and I thought you were interesting so I decided to see what would happen if I acted to sleep on your shoulder. I did fall asleep eventually though, or else you wouldn't have had to wake me up. That's my final answer!" Leo said beet red.

"That is probably the most dumbest idea I have ever heard of in the history of ever," Aquarius saying and it was visible Leo wasn't too happy with what he answered, "but it also is probably the nicest thing I've heard someone tell me."

"Really?" Leo said perking up with a bright smile.

"Don't get your hopes up. It's not like I asked for marriage."

"Awww! But do you have any snacks left I'm starved." Leo said said happily sitting in his chair, the sun up completely now.

"Yup, but the Nutella is mine." Aquarius said pulling out a bag snacks.

And that my dear readers, is why Aquarius and Leo got married several years later in L.A. not just cuz it's a popular place to go.


I'm finally getting my writing groove back! I can't wait till school ends already. I got so much homework to do. I'm so glad tommorow is a half day and we don't do any actual work. But I'll be sure to try to update more often, plus I'm only taking one more request before I close them again.

Repeat, *only one more request until I close them again!!!* Now that my point is clear it's back to YouTube to do nothing with my life! Hooray, and sorry the requests are taking so long. I've got alot to do in school lately, plus I had a trip earlier in the month so it offset me a bit.

Oh whale, have a great day or night my potatoes( or whatever you identity as).

Sincerely Zodi.

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