Scorpio(f) x Taurus(m)

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Requested by Worldwide27

It was the first day at school, even though it was the middle of January. Scorpio had moved in last week and today was her first day at school, since she refused to go Thursday and Friday for reasons of her own. So now it was Monday and she couldn't refuse anymore.

"Bye sweetie! Have a nice day at school!" Scorpios mom said as Scorpio left for the bus stop.

After taking three wrong turns in a row Scorpio arrived at the bus stop to see the bus pulling away. "Well crap." Scorpio mumbled under her breath turning around to walk to back to her house. She took several more wrong turns and managed to end up at her school, several minutes early though.

"Well that worked out pretty well. Wait were am I suppose to go?" Scorpio said out loud realizing she had no clue what she was doing.

Scorpio wandered into the building when she saw a group of kids who got dropped off enter. She had found the office and asked the lady at the desk what she was supposed to do.

Scorpio was handed a map and a locker number with a lock and sent off with nothing else whatsoever.

"You're late." Was the first thing Scorpio heard when she wandered into class 15 minutes late. Poor Scorpio couldn't find her locker or class so she even though she arrived early  to school she was still late to class.

"Hi I'm new. My name is Scorpio." Scorpio replied and sat at the nearest desk she could find which was at the front.

She had sat next to a boy with long dark brown hair and Chestnut eyes. He was so tall he could barely fit his legs under the tiny desk, like seriously, they need to add taller desks for the highschools and middle schools.

"Hey there girl." The kid said, "My names Taurus, what's yours?"

Scorpio was not flattered by this, although she could hear snickering from the back of the class. "Greeting someone with hey girl is not flattering at all." Scorpio said looking at the work she had been given. She hadn't realized that her first class was math and nearly smacked her head on the desk.

"I would think different I mean watch this." The boy turned around to the girl sitting behind him. "Hey girl what up?"

Scorpio swear she had heard the girl mumble something like "marry me", but she was probably just hearing things.

"That's nice. Guess I must be abnormal here." Scorpio said and then the bell rang. Wow this school had really short classes, or Scorpio was just that late.

It didn't matter though, Scorpio had a larger problem, getting to her next class. She was at least five minutes late to all her classes until lunch.

Oh good where am I going to sit? Scorpio thought as she entered the lunchroom, seven minutes late.

"Hey girl! Come sit over here if you ain't got no place to sit!" Scorpio heard a familiar voice say. She turned to look at the speaker and of course it was the one and only Taurus.

"No way!" Scorpio said stubbornly and went to find some other seat. She had found one at the end of table full of girls.

"Is anyone sitting here?" Scorpio asked.

"Yes, the invisible person representing my love life. Now go f-" The girl sitting next to the empty seat started saying but was cut off by her friend.

"Don't mind Aquarius. She's just really jelous of you. I don't think you should sit here." The girl said.

Scorpio had run out of options to sit, as basically ever other seat had been taken. "So you gonna seat with me yet?" She heard as someone placed their hands on her shoulders.

"No!" Scorpio said unintentionally loud. The girl named Aquarius around and gave the scariest death glare ever.

"Yeah Scorpio. Why don't you leave her alone. She can sit next to me." The girl said in an unmistakably jelous voice.

"Well?" Taurus asked Scorpio.

Scorpio was not going to take her chances with Aquarius and gave in to Taurus.

"Good choice!" And Taurus led Scorpio to his table.

"So what's the deal with her?" Scorpio asked as she unpacked her lunch.

"Oh she's just had a never ending crush on me. She gets jelous of every girl I talk to except her best friend Cancer, but that's an entirely different story in itself." Taurus explained as he took a big bite of his sandwich.

"Oh." Then two guys came up to Taurus and started talking.

"So is this your new girl Taur Taur?" One of them asked.

"Hopefully, Libi." Taurus replied and then they both high fives each other. It must have been some sort of greeting ritual among men in this new school. Scorpio was also worried about the hopefully part.

"What do you mean, 'hopefully'?" She asked.

"This big boy here has got it out for you!" The Libi kid said.

"Oh yeah Libra, how can you tell?" Taurus asked. Apparently the kids name was actually Libra.

"The way you look at her and talk to her. Much more respectful than with others." Libra said with a sly smile.

"Alright you got me." Taurus turned to face Scorpio, "So wanna date me?"

It was only Scorpios first day and already someone had asked her out. What a school. She had to deny though. "No. I've only spoke to you for a total of like, ten minutes."

"Well still least let me show you around town!" Taurus begged.

"No. I can show myself around."




"I said no."

This continued for the rest of lunch and the rest of the day. Taurus even followed Scorpio onto her bus, even though she later learned it was his bus and she was on the wrong bus.

She gave in and let him show her around town, and he asked her out five times. They became best friends and even though Taurus asked Scorpio out every chance he was given she only said yes to him when they were at the graduation for highschool and stayed together ever since then.


Yes a request complete! I have way more requests than I expected. This is insane, but since I have Christmas break coming I won't close them until January if I still have a pile of them.

Also I'm slightly addicted to stickers. My sister has a sticker book and left it on her bed and I found it. Let's just say I ended up with stickers all over my hands. Oh whale, I might update again, but who knows. Have a narwhal of a day or night my potato readers!

Sincerely Zodi.

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