Taurus(f) x Capricorn(m)

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Requested by PikaPuff16
                        Capricorns P.O.V

Me and her have been friends our whole lives. Well actually since the second grade. She had moved in just across the street from me. Since we are both introverts it's surprising we even became friends, but we did. Me, well I've loved her since a month after we met.

I'm probably never going to confess though. I'll just wait for her. I'm afraid she'll think I'm crazy and never speak to me again. Oh well, that doesn't matter.

"CAPRICORN!!!! WHERE'S THE FOOD YOU PROMISED ME!?!!" she yelled in my face. I snapped back to reality. "What food?" I asked knowing I had made a promise I'd never remember. "The one you made yesterday, dummy!" She yelled at me. "You know I don't remember, bigger dummy." I replied cooly.

She pouted and stormed off to her kitchen. We were hanging out at her place like usual.  Lately my parents had been fighting worse than ever. The first week I hoped it was just something stupid that they'd get over quickly. But then it continued for a month, getting worse everyday.

She came back in with a bag of chips happily munching on them. "So, what are you gonna do at the ceremony thingy?" I asked her. Our school had a ceremony celebrating the best students and their talents. We both got in.

She was in for her amazing photographer skills, I was in for acing every test since the fifth grade. School was easy for me.

"I was planning on maybe just doing a display and a simple presentation." She said looking at her camera. She hated public speaking, it was one of her worst fears and I can relate to that, being introverted too.

"I have no clue how to a presentation for what I do. I get good grades, that's it." I said, then looked at the clock. It was eight o'clock. "Yikes, I gotta get home!" I said leaving.

Taurus's P.O.V

I watched as Capricorn left. I hoped he might suggest to have a sleepover. We've been friends for so long and not one sleepover. "Hmph! It's his fault for not asking!" I said angrily biting a chip. I started to work on my project, which was due tomorrow.

"Finally, it's finished. Time for a good sleep." I said getting into bed and dozing off.

The next day

Beep, beep, beep! I rolled over and punched my alarm clock. Then looked at the time. "HOLY POTATOES! I'M GONNA BE LATE!!" I had been hitting the snooze button since seven and now it was eight. School started in a half hour and I needed to get clothes, eat, shower, get my project, and actually get to school.

"I'M SCREWED!" Then my bedroom door opened. It was my mom, she was weird, biting a good. "Operation kid hits snooze button to much is a go!" She shouted at me. I had no clue what was going on. "Your father is at work, project in car, and breakfast on table! I get to choose clothes while you eat. NOW GO GO GO!" She shouted pushing me out of bed.

When she had a plan it was normally well thought out so I just filled her orders. I ran down stairs and saw a giant breakfast. I quickly finished and ran back upstairs.

I ran to my room and when I entered my mom shoved clothes in my face. "PIT THEM ON!I DON'T CARE IF THEY DON'T MATCH JUST PUT IT ON!" she yelled like an army general shouting orders at his troops. "I'LL BE IN THE CAR, YOUR BAG IS ALSO PACKED AND READY! NOW GO!" she screamed as she ran down the stairs nearly falling.

I did as she said and hopped in the car. We only had ten minutes left and it was a five minute drive, but the traffic was horrible. My mom was shouting a colorful rainbow at the traffic, which probably caused it to go slower.

Finally we arrived right on time to. Once again my mom saved my lazy butt.

The ceremony was right in the morning so I had to rush over to the back stage with my project in tow. I arrived and was directed to a bunch of chairs and told sit on the one with my name.

As I surfed the rows, I saw many names with empty chairs, but one stuck out. Gaot, Capricorn the sign said. I didn't have to think, I would when I found my chair. I found it and sat down.

Why wasn't Capricorn here? He was never late and plus he was one of the first presentations. Time passes and it was my turn to go up.

I did, and nearly failed, but I didn't. So I say that was an achievement. The school day ended and I went back home. Capricorn wasn't anywhere to be seen the entire day.

I got into dad's car, since mom was at work and dad got home. "So I hear mom saved your butt this morning?" He said as he pulled out of the parking lot. "Yup, if it wasn't for her I'd be dead meat right now." I nervously smiled.

Clearly dad saw I was worried. "Something wrong cupcake?" "Hmm, no. I'm fine." I said staring out the window. "Ok, just talk to me if you need too. Remember I'm you're dad." He said not pushing it to far.

We got home. "I'll make cookies! The only reason why Capri doesn't attend school is a sickness." I said thinking out loud. Cookies always made me feel better so I'd give him some. I baked the cookies then went over to his house.

I was about to knock on the door when I heard shouting. So this is what Capri means when he says fighting. I knocked on the door hesitantly. The shouting stopped. The door opened and I saw what looked like Capricorns dad. "What do you want?" He asked grumpily.

"C-can I see Capricorn? I have cookies since he wasn't at school." I said shrinking as the man gave me a death glare. "Sure, one moment." He said walking away. "CAPRICORN! GET YOUR LAZY ASS DOWN HERE!" he shouted. I heard footsteps and saw Capricorn at the door. His eyes were read and puffy, not good.

"Hey Capri, I got some cookies since you weren't at school today." I said trying to be happy. "Oh. Thanks Taurus." He said. He didn't sound as happy as normal. I was going to find out why. "Something wrong?" I asked. He slammed the door in my face.

Jerk. That was harsh. I went back home. I distracted myself by playing some games.

          Capricorns P.O.V

I ran back up to my room. My parents started yelling again. I knew it was gonna happen, I just didn't know when. It all happened last night.

I had found my mom sitting on the couch crying. I asked why. "Me and your father our getting a divorce." She said coldly, tears running down her face. "Why?" I asked hoping I could stay with whoever was staying here. "Sit down, I'll explain everything to you." She said. Oh crud. This is bad. Super bad. She needs to explain.

I sat down resentfully. "Well hon, I'm giving it to you staring forward. I'm going to have a kid." She said holding back tears. My parents had been having financial problems since before the fighting started. I could only imagine what another kid would be like for them.

"And? What does that mean for me?" I asked hoping for the best. "You'll be moving away with your father." She said. "No. Please, why? I wanna stay!" I said breaking down. I was gonna leave. Leave her, I haven't told her yet though, how I feel. "We decided it's best for me to stay since I'll be having a kid. So it's easier for me." She explained. I knew she was right. I just didn't want to believe it.

"NO! I DON'T WANNA GO!" I shouted. I had burst into tears and ran to my room. I didn't go to school. I was a mess. Then I decided, as I ate a cookie, I was going to tell her.

Taurus's P.O.V

The next day

I heard a knock on my bedroom door. It was Saturday so I got to sleep in as late as I wanted. The door opened. "Your friend is her sweets." It was mom. "Okay, let them in." I said as.i yawned. I looked at my computer, a game over screen on it. I had fell asleep playing and was moved to my bed.

Then my door opened again. It was Capricorn. "Hey Capri." I said barely awake. I didn't expect what he said next. "I like you!" He said, his entire face redder than a tomato. "Hold give me a minute. I still ain't awake yet." I yawned thinking I heard the wrong thing.

A minute went by. "What did you say?" I finally asked. "I-i-i-i l-like you." He squeaked becoming a shade of red brighter than the sun itself. "Ummmmmmmmmmmm." I said staring into space. "I knew you didn't like me." He said very dissapointed. "What no, I like you." I said standing for words. "But just as a friend." He said sitting down in defeat. "What, no I, uh, I um, I do erm, like, you, um uh, more." I said barely in a sentence. He blushed.

"I moving away." He randomly said. "Wait what?" I asked hearing this sudden news. "My parents are getting divorced. I'm going with my dad." He said, a year welling up on his eye. "No, that's impossible! Who will I talk to from now on?!" I said surprised. "No, it's true. I'll never speak or see you again." He said. I collapsed onto my bed.

Then I got an idea. "You have a phone right?" I asked. "Yay, why?" Even though I didn't have a phone I still needed to know. "What's your phone number?" I asked with determination. "I'll write it down." He said getting paper and a pencil. My plan was set in motion.

He left the next week. We both cried as he left. It was sad. But I had a plan!

Capricorns P.O.V.

One month later

Unknown:I NEED FOOD!

What? Why is a random stranger texting me this.

Capricorn:Who is this?

Unknown: You don't know who I am!!!!!

This seems like a person I knew.

Capricorn:No. Just tell me.

Unknown:Meany. Capricorn is a meany!

How did they know my name!? I was panicking.

Capricorn:Who are you and do you know my name!?

Unknown:I'm Taurus u dummy!

That's why this person reminded me of her, cause she was her.


I had to add a happy ending. It was just so perfect not to! Oh well, this was way longer than expected. Sorry it took so long to get out. Have a beautiful day or night my lovely potatoes!

Sincerely, Zodi.

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