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Cast :-

Aries m, Leo f, Aquarius f, Scorpio m, Libra f, Taurus m, Capricorn m, Sagittarius m, Gemini f

Third person pov:-

Aries, Leo, Libra, Taurus, Capricorn, Sagittarius and Aquarius used to stay in the Cosmos Apartment. In recent few months, a guy called Scorpio had joined with them as neighbours. He is quite an introvert but still is friendly with all, except Aquarius........

Aries pov:-

I and Leo were chatting about our new friends.

"Hey honey, don't you think we all are quite a team together... " I asked

"Yeah, except Scorpio and Aquarius... " She replied with a sad face...

"Oh hell yeah... "

Just then, we heard sounds of extreme fighting.

"Listen you bit*ch, mind your own business. "

"Shut up you a**hole, you have just joined a few months..... Stay in your limits... "

We went there to see Scorpio and Aquarius beating each other. We parted them and told not to fight.

"Scorp, we all are neighbours, we should not fight like these.. " I said

"She is the one who started... " He replied

"A primary school kid!! " Aquarius mocked

"Leo, you tell something to her please. She always gets on my nerve. " Scorpio told with puppy eyes.

"Aqua! He is new. Don't fight. " Leo made Aqua understood

"Sorry... " She told and left politely.... Scorpio too left..

"Phew! " I told.... Leo sighed with me as well..

"Hey, shall we play truth or dare during evening?? "

"Yeah. Great idea. It will be like a house party... "

We informed all about the party. All were excited except Scorpio, though he agreed later...


Third person pov:-

They all enjoyed the party together. An it was now time for truth or dare...

"First Aries, truth or dare?" Leo asked

"Ok truth"

"Does size really matter?"

Aries spit out his drink. "I guess yes, except you are better short in height... " Aries laughed and leo frowned...

"Next, Leo, truth or dare? " Aries asked
"Dare forever.. "

"You need to do a backflip.. "

Leo looked at his face in horror. Though she tried, she fall down hurting her hips.

"Oww!! "
"Next, Scorpio truth or dare"

"Do you like anyone here, if yes, give clues... "

"Yess I do!! And her names have the letter a, i, r"

"Aquarius? "
"Hell no man, not that sh*t again!! "

"Shut your fu*king mouth... " Aquarius yelled

"Calm down friend.. " Gemini told
"Then is it Libra? " Taurus asked.

Scorpio smiled.. Libra blushed madly....

"Now aqua, truth or dare? " Libra asked

Sagittarius told, slap your enemy here.

Scorpio glared at him. Aquarius went towards him and gave him a tight slap. Scorpio glared at her bitterly before pulling her hair..

"Listen you bit*ch, I shall deal with you tonight... " He growled into her ear...

She glared at him..... "We shall see.... "

They left at their respective homes. And the game ended there itself..

Sagittarius pov:-

"When the hell will they end their fight? " I asked

"I guess never" Gemini retorted
"Be positive girl. " Leo yelled

"I guess, we all should go to.. " Taurus advised....

And they left to their respective rooms...

Libra pov:-

Well, Scorpio likes me. Wow....

I went to his room... He smiled at my presence.

"Hi Libra. Please come inside. "

"I went inside.. "

He offered me a hot chocolate which I enjoyed a lot.

We talked about few minutes. I guess he loved me a lot. He infact proposed me to be his love. I was in cloud nine. I accepted his offer. And soon we ended making love. I was in heaven........

"Gosh! " I moaned
"He had his head in between my shoulders... He was panting after a hard work...

And we cuddled each other...

Third person pov:-

Both Libra and Scorpio woke up late in the morning. As they headed out, everyone was smirking at them.

" Libra, you are too loud.. " Gemini chuckled

Scorpio was glaring but it got hidden since he had put his head down. Libra was laughing....

Since then Scorpio and Libra became lovers and both were enemies of Aquarius. Actually everyone soon considered Aquarius as their enemy.....

One day, Sagittarius and Gemini got murdered.....

All were shocked.
"Who the hell could do this? " Taurus asked

"Its Aquarius.... Aquarius Aquarius Aquarius for sure!!!!!! " Libra squealed

"No you bit*ch!! " Aquarius growled

"Shut up, fu*cking liar. " Scorpio yelled
And again, they broke into a fight

"Calm down you three" Aries and Leo yelled....

"Aquarius, weren't you the last who entered Sagittarius and Gemini's room?? " Leo asked

"Yeah, but I left out.... They even bid me goodbye!! " Aquarius defended herself..

"You are a suspect, mind it. " Aries told bluntly

"Yeah, because I am enemy of everyone here... " Aquarius voice had tears hidden

"And thats why you are. " Scorpio mocked...

"The police have checked the body and will investigate further...." Capricorn added

And they left

Libra pov:-

"Hey Scorpy, I think Aquarius has only done this... "

"You're right, but she is not alone... "

"What? Who is the other? "

Before I could complete my sentence, I suddenly felt blur and soon became unconscious.

As my eyes opened, I saw myself tied down to a chair in a dark room. And next I saw a hooded figure emerging from darkness......

"Hey Libra, had a nice sleep??"

I shivered at the voice.... "Scorpio? "

He opened his mask and smirked evilly.
"Guessed it right? "

"Why have you kidnapped me? " I asked crying

"Because you are a idiot who needs to be killed... " He growled..

"But you loved me! " I cried with tears

"Thanks to my acting skills. I loved someone else...  You want to see her?? " He smirked

Soon a woman emerged from darkness. My eyes widen out... "Aquarius??? "

"So you guessed me correctly too? " She told in a cold voice.

"You both are couples? " I asked astonished

And they both laughed..


"Hey Aqua, how's the mission going there ? " Scorpio asked Aqua via phone

"Its going fine, just missing you.. "

"What if I tell you I am planning to stay there sweetheart? " He chuckled

"Really?? "

"Yeah, but we will have to pretend as sheer enemies..." He told quite seriously

"Well okay, so I vow to tell everything false... "

"I too vow to lie... " He chucked

"We shall avenge for what Sagittarius and Gemini did to our family. They are terrorists..... We shall give our country justice... "

Flashback over:-

"Gemini and Sagittarius were one of the agents who ruined our small country. We  are military agents of that small country now. Previously we were not. But we loved each other. But they and other terrorist agents shattered our country through wars. Everything got ruined... We lost our family... "  Aquarius narrated she tears came from her eyes..

"My family was destroyed too.. My sisters got assaulted.. Mom and dad were shot. I escaped losing a heart, just like Aqua. And then we joined the military where we were provided gorilla training..... We took part in the intelligence team of the military. So we were both brains and brawns.....

And soon, we eliminated many terrorists... And then we found out Gemini and Sagittarius's location. And then we did what you saw... " Scorpio added coldly

I was shocked to hell... I was speechless.

"I know what happened to you was wrong.. But please leave me.. I have not done anything wrong!! "

"Yeah, but you spill out everything. I know how you revealed your sex time with Scorpio to everyone including me.... " Aquarius added


At night when everyone used to sleep, Aquarius and Scorpio went out to a far place where they meet....

On that similar day when Scorp and Libra's love making went into ears:-

Scorpio used to welcome her with a passionate kiss. But this time he was quite scared.. He saw Aqua's face to be extremely angry...

"You had to do this? " Aqua was on the verge of tears

"I am sorry love... It became out of control. " Scorpio apologised to her

"But how could you? " She added

"It was a trick to lure her.... I wanted a alibi, but she turned to be a fool....

And babe, I made lots of love with you before. I was not intrigued into her at all.  We made love much better to be honest...  Please it had to be a part of mission..... "

"I guess, ok" Aquarius finally forgave him.

He pulled her into a passionate kiss.... "He then added laughing " I guess we played a lie and dare.."

She laughed with him too.

But one thing I said was true, "My love's name has the letters a, i, r. Just like I can't survive without air, I can't survive without you. " He said with passion while bringing her to a close hug......

Flashback over:-

And a gunshot was heard, Libra was dead. And as they went out of the building, Aquarius took out a remote and pressed the button. The apartment broke down blasting..... And they left out of the country...

The police are in search of them. If you find them, do inform..


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