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Requested by - Oceanlife3


Aries m - Judge

Scorpio m, Leo f - Defense lawyers

Aquarius f, Gemini m - Public Prosecutor

Cancer m - Accused

Pisces m, Libra f - Victims (Deceased)

Fixed signs - Taurus m, Leo f (Jennifer) , Scorpio m (Vincent ), Aquarius f (Rachel)

Real culprit - Sagittarius m, Capricorn f

Jury and witness - Others..... (The other genders of zodiac signs)

Third person pov :-

A huge crowd of media surrounded the Astro High Court...... It was due to trial of Cancer, who was accused of murder of Libra and Pisces.......

The judge put on his spectacles as Aquarius begins her statement.....

"Your honour,  as we know, Mr. Cancer is held accused for assassination of Libra and Pisces. According to evidences handed over by the police, it clearly shows Cancer as the last person who went into their room before they were assassinated............

"I would like to call my assistant Gemini to show the footage."

"Allowed." Aries stated....

Scorpio and Leo glanced at each other and were awaiting for the footage to be shown..... But they had their homework done in hand.....

The footage showed the scenario outside the door of Libra and Pisces's house....... Cancer entered into their house at 9.30 pm....... And then at 10.00 pm, he went out....

"Your honor, according to forensic report, both of them died at 9.33 pm, 3 minutes after cancer entered and 12 minutes before cancer left......

The weapon was a knife, which has the fingerprints clear on it. And as usual, It matches with Mr. Cancer....... " Aquarius continued while Gemini gave the reports to the Judge.....

"Objection your honor" Scorpio stood up... " On investigation, it was found that Pisces and Libra possessed 4 knives of the same model as the evidence.... It might be so that any other knife of same model was used.... "

"Objection sustained"...

Soon, the time period was over.

" The court is adjourned for today. "

Aquarius pov:-

Well, Scorpio was right. Though I am a public prosecutor, that does not mean I will follow confirmation biasness. I guess, there is something more to it..

"Hey Gemini!! "

"Yeah Sis.. "
"Shall we check the footage once again??"
"Yeah sure.... "

So me and Gemini again started looking through the footage..... We observed it until I noticed something strange......

"Wait... Something's wrong...." I told
"Whats that?? "

"Look at the cctv footage's timing.... It is showing 9.30 pm when Cancer entered. But look at the clock of the neighbour's house..... Its working and showing 9.39 pm..... And when cancer came out, both the timing of the clock and cctv footage is same, 10.00 pm.....

" Oh god!! "
"Somebody messed with the timing of footage... "

"Then if both of them died at 9.33, Cancer must have seen their dead body.... "

"We need to interrogate him... But I think we should team up with Scorpio secretly... "

"But why sis? " Gemini asked
"You will see" I said as I called Scorpio...

"A : Hello... This is Aquarius.. "

"S : Hello, yes, what do you want? "

" A : I have some evidence that may help you? "

"S : Thats really kind of you. As well it is strange. "

"A : Yeah, but even being a prosecutor, I want truth to win.. "

"S : You are a person of virtue indeed. Well what is the evidence... "

"A : The footage. Kindly note the time of the footage and the clock on neighbour's window simultaneously.... "

"S : Ok. Thank you so much. The victory will not only be ours but yours too... "

Scorpio pov:-

I must agree Aquarius to be a different person, a person capable enough to be a role model... I went to my wife Leo

"Hey Honey!! "

"Hey, did Aquarius gave you any evidence? "

"You guessed it right... The footage. "

I sat to watch it..... As I watched it, I realised that timing was different when Cancer entered, it was nine minutes slower... And the time was same when he came out, 10 pm....

"That means when Cancer entered, they were already dead...." I said

"Then Cancer must have seen their dead body right? " Leo asked

"Well, we can come to know about that upon interrogation... I guess the police would do so......

Cancer pov:-

Next day, some officers came for interrogation. God, how many days will this innocent soul would suffer....

" Hi Mr. Cancer, we need to ask something...... "  Rachel told...

"Yes, whats that? "

"Have you seen the dead body of Libra and Pisces when you entered? " Vincent asked, his eyes were deadly enough to scare the sh*t out of me....

"Nnnn... No"
He glared, "You haven't??? "

"No, I swear... "
"Have you seen Libra and Pisces when you went?? "


A huge slap was put across my face by Vincent.....

"You have not seen Libra and Pisces!!!!! " Rachel yelled...

Another slap from Rachel...

Jennifer asked " Who opened the door for you then? "

I was silent, "Sh*t"

Vincent told "Well, Taurus and I have another way to make you say the truth... "
"No.... No I am saying.... It was Sagittarius and Capricorn....  They dressed up as Pisces and Libra... "

"Now thats the point....... "

"They were running an illegal business, I was just a new member in it....... Pisces was the cousin of Sagittarius. Both Pisces and Libra were couple, as well as Sagittarius and Capricorn..... They came to know about the business, so they told that they would inform the police.....

And it was me who changed the time.... I have learnt to do so. They told me that they would give money to bail me..... " I finally confessed...

The police then informed it to the lawyers..

After few minutes Scorpio came glaring at me...

"You should have told the truth to me before. Now, you will also be jailed for assisting the killers..." He said, his voice cold...

Third person pov:-

Next day, the justice was given. The judge sentenced life time imprisonment for Sagittarius and Capricorn. Cancer was given 10 years of Jail....

Scorpio, Leo, Gemini and Aquarius shook hands as they all together achieved the victory.....


Author's note :-

I was quite a different plot and very much interesting..

Now onto the next story....

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