An Awful Job and a Strange Lockdown

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Earth Dorm 6:30a.m.

Capricorn slowly got up out of bed. She let out a loud yawn and got ready. "Hey V, got breakfast?" She asked as she sat down on a chair at the table. "Yup! She delicious pancakes and eggs!" Virgo said happily setting a humongous stack of pancakes down on the table next a giant plate of eggs.

"Woah, you haven't made a breakfast like this in weeks!" Capricorn said grabbing some pancakes, then she looked at Virgo who had sat across from her. There was something off. "Hey, did you put your hair in a different part today?" Capricorn asked. "Nope, guess again!" Virgo said in an oddly cheerful voice. "Um, it's with your face right?" "Yes, on my face." Capricorn didn't say anything. "Yeesh! I'm thinking you might need some glasses more than me! I got glasses yesterday! GLASSES!" Virgo yelled. Capricorn just noticed the brown horn rimmed glasses Virgo had on.

First Period Class

"Virgo, those glasses are adorable!" Libra said standing in front of Virgos desk. "Aww! Thanks!" Virgo said blushing at the mountain of compliments she was getting. "Meh, you look like a nerd now." Sagittarius said leaning back in her chair. "I agree with Sagi." Aries added. "You guys are jerks!" Taurus said pushing Sagittarius's chair down so she fell. "Ow! You don't get the right to call people jerks after that move!" Sagittarius yelled at Taurus as the bell rang.

The teacher walked in then with several clip boards. "Hello everyone today I need to send some of you out and about the school for regular inspections. This normally happens once a year and we just let the students do it, you are the ones who spend most of your time here in many parts of the building anyways. The clipboards will have a full checklist of what you'll be looking for," the teacher explained as she started to hand out clipboards.

"This seems like very poor management if you ask me. Having students do it won't ever produce any good reliable results" Virgo said criticizing the school.

"Yeah but I don't have to do any learning today. I usually just sleep in this class," Aries grinned leaning back in his chair.

"One of these days you're gonna lean too far back Aries," Virgo told Aries as the teacher got to the zodiac group. She handed out a clipboard for each person then told them what they'd be doing.

"Alright zodiacs you and the big dipper are go-"

"No! The big dipper group! We can't work with those guys are you crazy!" Gemini chimed in.

The teacher just glared at Gemini and continued to speak, "You all will be working in the first year magic wing, by Mr.Riclons room. Now group up and get going you have lots of work to do." She shooed everyone out of her room. Most other students started walking off to their area of the school leaving just the zodiacs and big dipper.

Leo and Pheceda were already walking off without everyone. The zodiacs glared at the two before moving themselves.

"Hey y'all gotta wait up!" Alkaid said running behind the zodiacs.

"I don't think we're in a talking mood today," Sagittarius snapped at Alkaid who got the hint and shut up. The big dipper group still walked next to the zodiacs though.

Everyone made it to the hallway where the inspection started. Everyone had to split into groups for the actual hall inspection which they had to do before doing any actual rooms.

"This is gonna take sooo long!" Aries complained as he, Sagittarius, and Alkaid inspected lights. Both Aries and Sagittarius were too short to reach the lights but Alkaid could reach them.

"It ain't all too bad. Ya know this gives us a chance to know each other more anyhow," Alkaid said, his thick southern accent coming through.

"I don't want to know you," Aries said.

"Yeah we don't want to associate with anyone who is friends with Pheceda. I almost feel bad for the rest of the dippers," Sagittarius agreed.

This clearly offended Alkaid as his accent managed to get even thicker as he angrily said "Well y'all are meaner than a damn weasel stuck in a barrel o'er night now ain't ya! Who do y'all think you are acting the way you do!"

"Jeez bud loosen up." Aries said under his breath. Alkaid threw his clipboard at Aries hitting him square in the middle of his forehead. It make a large hit sound when it hit him which made Alkaid laugh. The two started arguing and fighting while Sagittarius was forced to finish her part of the inspection.

Cancer, Scorpio, Dubhe and Alioth were stuck inspecting the floor, which had a surprising amount checks needed to be down.

"This work is so stupid!" Alioth complained. Her voice was incredibly loud so no one could ignore her.

"It's not that bad, if we don't complain we can get the job done with quicker," Cancer said as she was fully on the ground looking incredibly hard for anything wrong. She was taking the job just a bit seriously.

"Cancer don't talk to them," Scorpio scoffed.

Now Dubhe finally chimed in, "Oh Scorpio are you the mean and mysterious type? I always did like the more cold and quiet type there's just something that draws me in," Dubhe was looking Scorpio up and down.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Scorpio noticed Dubhe staring.

"I'm just looking you over don't worry. You know you've got really nice hair, and you style it to frame your face. You should tell me how you do it one of these days," Dubhe was trying to butter up Scorpio.

Alioth had to butt her head in, "Dubhe stop flirting it's embarrassing to watch.

"Alioth you should take a few tips from me every guy you talk to runs away in fear," Dubhe laughed.

Scorpio had heard enough and got up and left to a classroom. He left quick enough for so no one would be able to stop him.

"You see Dubhe Scorpio is just a bitch anyways," Alioth shook her head.

Cancer left next, she didn't want to hear any slander about her friend.

Sadly for Cancer and Scorpio they walked into the classroom with Leo and Pheceda in it which was considerably worse.

"Ew what do you two want? Can't you see we don't want you here?" Pheceda said sassily.

"Don't you know how to shut up," Scorpio scoffed as he walked to a corner of the room to stand moodily.

Before anyone could say anything else a voice came on the speakers and announced a lockdown. The group that was left in the hallway rushed into the room. Before they could lock the door Mr.Riclon showed up, as this was his classroom the signs were in.

Everyone sat there in the corner of the room for what felt like hours, but it had only been five minutes. Then several kids ran past the door, followed by a shriek. Immediately everyone started panicking. "I don't wanna die today!" Cancer said close to tears as Pisces cuddled with her. "Everyone clam down, it's only a drill, those kids are breaking the rules, that's all." Mr.Riclon said silencing the class to contained whispers. Only about one minute later there was a loud explosion and they could see debris fall from the roof.

Cancer burst into sobs and almost the entire class went into panic mode. "Aqua, what's going on!?" Sagittarius asked Aquarius who was panicking. "I-I d-don't know." Aquarius said stuttering. "Come here, you need a hug." Sagittarius said giving Aquarius a hug. Aries had got up and was looking out the window. "You moron, get down!" Mr.Riclon shouted and just in time he jumped on Aries knocking him down right as a giant ugly creature flew into the room.

Everyone was screaming, crying, or running around in utter confusion. Several people burst into the room and things started flying everywhere. The one person had started shooting green lighting at the beast stunning it. Everyone got a clear look at it when it stopped moving. It had large dark ugly red wings to large for it's small body. It was skinny, so skinny you could see the bones sticking out. It had a long skinny tail with a tuft of hair at the end and large black round eyes that stuck out.

Cancer had passed out. Virgo had broken her glasses in the mess and Capricorn had got flung by one of the mystery people at the monster. Then one of the people ran over to it and poured a weird liquid on it, which made it slowly dissolve into nothing but ashes.

"Sorry Mr.Riclon. We'll get you some new windows and replace most of the desks and chairs." One of the woman said to Mr.Riclon. "I thought you said that that glass was unbreakable." Mr.Riclon said angrily. "It was, at least I thought it was." The girl said bending down. That was when everyone realized that the girl was a student, along with the rest of the people. No one said anything.

Eventually everyone had cleaned everything up, and moved to the next class. The day seemed to go at ten times the speed after that incident. The end of the day arrived and the school day had ended, thus, the signs went back to their dorms.


I'm so sorry for not updating in forever! I've been in a funk for awhile and I finally got out of it yesterday, I'll try to update a bunch this week. If you have any questions feel free to ask! Also comment your opinion on the chapter, how did the new kids sound, also what about that lockdown? Strange isn't it. Oh well, have an awesome day or night!

Sincerely Zodi.

(Pic above is the Earth dorm layout)

I'm writing out the planets as of right now so the story might not make sense in later chapters if you see any planet characters. Just know the remainder of the Dipper gang is replacing most of the roles of the planets.

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