Astronomy Field Trip

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It was first period and the signs were in a group outside with the rest of the class. "Why are we out here in the freezing cold!" Libra complained while shivering.

The first snow had finally fallen the night before and so there was a small blanket of snow on the ground. "I like it when the makes a crunchy sound!" Aqaurius said while slowly squishing the snow under her feet. "Me too!" Sagittarius said jumping up and down in it. "I have a theory to why those two like the snow." Taurus began. "There sign is in the winter, so therefore they like the snow more." "You're wrong. I'm a winter sign and I'm freezing my butt of right now!" Capricorn said while shivering even though she was wearing an entire winter outfit plus more.

"I like the snow and I'm a summer sign!" Leo said from the back round. "Shut up Leo, snow one cares about your opinion." Gemini said while running in a circle. "Why are you running in a circle?" Libra asked, but before Gemini could answer a bus drove up to them and the teacher walked out when it had parked.

"So we all know that today is the astronomy field trip to a great place to view the stars. I chose December because it is the darkest month, but also the cloudiest. That's why I have this young lady traveling with us." The teacher said motioning to a fourth year girl. "This is Cygnus. She has the ability to control weather in small spots so she can clear the clouds. Alright, any questions before we leave?" Virgo raised her hand, obviously.

"Why are we starting to travel now I'm the morning, how far away is this place?" She asked loudly. "It's far away. By the time we get there the sun will be starting to set, and will give us time to get set and for me to explain everything." The teacher said, no one else had any questions so they got on the bus.

"Sit with your constellation unless you are one, if you are sit in the front!" The teacher called out. "Guess I'll be sitting next to you Gem!" Leo said sitting down next to Gemini. "Uh thanks, but no. Who wants to switch with me?" Gemini asked the other signs. "No. Unless you want there to be a murder." Scorpio growled while glaring at Gemini. "I'll pass." Libra said, who was next to Scorpio. "Come on. Please, someone!" Gemini plead.

"No, go away." Virgo said and Capricorn nodded her head in agreement. "Taurus, what about you, you're nice." Gemini asked trying to get out of the situation. After Gemini had all the signs, he had only two more people to ask. "Aquarius! Sagittarius!" Gemini whined. "Gemini!" Sagittarius said mocking him. "Please switch seats with me!" Gemini said. "No." Sagittarius said and turned back to Aquarius.

"I know about the stash." Gemini said and Aquarius immediately looked up. "Location." Aquarius said, her eyes widening. "Its in your room, near the desk." Gemini said with an evil grin. "No, nononononono. How!?" Aquarius said in a panicked voice. "Switch, now." Gemini said. Aquarius hesitated before slowly getting up and walking to sit next to Leo. "Why hello there Aquarius!" Leo said with a happy smile. "I'm being bribed, so don't get your hopes up high." Aquarius said not sitting down. "Come on. I don't bite!" Leo said patting the spot next to him. "Not that. I get the window seat." Aquarius said glaring at Leo. Leo glared back, but started laughing and moved for Aquarius.

The bus ride was long and seemed even longer for Aquarius, since Leo wouldn't shut up. "Who do you think would win. A giant robot, or an entire alien fleet." Leo kept asking stupid questions, attempting to start a conversation, and eventually stopped and started scrolling through his phone.

The bus stopped and everyone got out. The sun was low on the horizon and they split up in pairs of three and four with their group. "Aries! Stop it before you break it!" Sagittarius yelled at Aries as he was holding the stand as if it were a baseball bat. "Whatever mom." Aries said ignoring Sagittarius. "Okay, Virgo you assemble the telescope part, Taurus you hold the flashlight and I'll do the rest." Capricorn said looking at the instructions. "Gemini, you have to take the cap off. You know the black part blocking our view?" Libra said to Gemini who was trying to look through the telescope. The last group was having a total malfunction and had nearly broken the telescope already. "Hey Scorpio, can I help you put the telescope together, I already finished mine!" Jupiter said running over to them. "Sure, just don't break it." Scorpio said shrugging.

Finally everyone's telescope had been assembled and it was starting to get dark out. "I can't wait. Look, there's Orion's belt!" Aquarius said naming constellations left and right. "Dude please chill out." Gemini said trying to find a star. "Never! This is space we're talking about!" Aquarius said sitting on the ground.

The weather had been cleared so Aquarius didn't end up in a pile of snow when she sat down. "Alright class, point your telescopes up by sixty eight degrees and to the left by twenty eight." The teacher said as stars slowly started appearing in the sky. There were many oo's and aa's as the start sky slowly appeared. There were many more stars than there normally would be in the town. "Look guys! It's Saturn, let me try to get a good view of it's rings!" Aquarius said her eye shoved into the telescope.

"Don't you think it's weird we're looking at ourselves." Uranus said to Saturn as they looked through the telescope. "Never thought of that." Saturn said continuing to look through it. "Everyone be quiet. The experience will be much more enjoyable." The teacher said looking through her own telescope. Everyone had silenced down and so there was nothing but the sound of the winter wind around them.

"Leo, stop hogging the telescope!" Aries whisper yelled breaking the silence. "I'm not hogging it! Sagittarius is!" Leo complained. It quickly escalated from there and the teacher had to separate the two. "Alright, new groups! Leo switch with Gemini!" The teacher said angrily. Leo glared at Aries before strutting away.

"Great, now Leo's in our group!" Libra whispered to Aquarius. "Oh well, nothing I can do except gaze at the stars!" Aquarius said in a fluttery voice as she slowly turned the telescope. Leo had marched over and Libra had decided to hang out with the water signs instead. "Can I see?" Leo asked bending down to Aquarius's level. "No." Aquarius replied with a simple answer. "Please!" Leo begged. "No. Stop asking." Aquarius said rotating so her back faced Leo.

"Meany!" Leo whined. "Says the person who has been supporting the bully since September." Aquarius said in a monotone tone. "Phecda is nice! You just have to know her better!" Leo said defensively. "Exhibit A. She called Capricorn and me idiots because I messed up. Exhibit B. She pushed Cancer down. Exhibit C. Sh-" "Alright I get it." Leo said in defeat.

For the rest of the time Leo sat unhappily next to Aquarius while she looked at the sky. Finally the teacher said it was enough and they packed up to leave. "The same place you sat earlier please!" The teacher said as everyone got on the bus. Aquarius sat down in the window and Leo sat next to her. "Silent treatment now? Fine I can do that too!" Leo said proudly. Although only after ten minutes in Leo was already talking. "I get such bad treatment. I deserve better, don't you think?" Leo said. Aquarius ignored him. He did this throughout the rest of the ride until it was time to go home.

They got off the bus and started walking to the dorms. "Aquarius! Friend!" Leo said chasing Aquarius down and grabbing her shoulder. Aquarius turned around to face Leo. "You know how people say just be yourself. I don't think that applies to you, because you, you suck. Try to be someone else, like me. I'm better. Bye!" Aquarius said walking  away leaving Leo alone in the cold. Everyone had arrived to their dorm and did their own things until the next day.


I updated! I have so much work I wanna drown! Yay! I'm expected to know everything and be perfect because I do one thing semi-well! My life is soooooo perfect! Hopefully you've been having a better day! Oh well, have a great night or day my beautiful potatoes.

Sincerely Zodi.

(Pic above is air dorm. I'm doing the schedule next.)

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