Black Hole

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The black figure jumped down from the building and landed flawlessly as if gravity just did not exist. The figure was a more masculine shape. Even if you looked close at it you couldn't make out any details only vague hints at them. The figure seemed to have messy scraggly hair, it was taller than every zodiac and very slender.

Despite having no defined eyes it stared right at each zodiac studying them very closely. Not a single zodiac moved, even though they couldn't even if they tried.

"Ew," the figure said curtly with a breathy and mysterious voice before it suddenly vanished leaving behind a little void in the spot it stood.

All the zodiacs could finally move.

"Guys what in the world was that, and what the hell did it leave?!" Gemini said panting for breath.

"I'm gonna touch it!" Aquarius said slowly walking towards the empty void but was stopped by Sagittarius tackling her.

"Guys I think the building is imploding!" Pisces pointed out as the building behind them was in fact being swallowed by something inside it.

"We gotta run then it could kill us!" Aries said getting ready to turn around and spring full speed to safety.

"But Leo is in there we can't let him die!" Cancer said with a ghostly pale face, leaning against Pisces to keep her balance.

"Oh he's probably already dead let's just leave and not risk our lives," Scorpio said putting on a tough face but he was definitely a bit concerned about the whole building literally imploding as they speak.

"Enough talk more action!" Sagittarius shouted running closer to the building. "We need to get rid of the outside and find out where Leo ended up."

"Agreed let's started looking and listen for high pitched screams, " Virgo said after she calmly took several deep breaths to focus.

The signs all started to tear away bricks and we're careful to avoid actuatlly stepping inside the building as it seemed it was only the building itself disappearing and anything inside.

After what felt like years of searching, but was only seconds, a loud scream was heard from inside the building.

"That sounds too low to be Leo's scream there's others trapped inside," Capricorn said looking up to where the sound came from.

"Oh god that means a lot of students could be in there trapped and possible dead!" Cancer said concerned and tearing more bricks away.

After another wall got sucked further into the building a stairwell was exposed where Leo, Phecada, and the rest of the Big Dipper gang was. They were all stuck in the air inside a white bubble looking shield.

"LEO!" The zodiacs called out.

Leo waved frantically at the Zodiacs not saying anything. A piece of debris hit the bubble causing it to shake and ripple. It was looking fragile.

"Guys we gotta think fast any ideas?" Sagittarius asked very rushed.

Taurus had already tried running head first to where Leo was but was immediately sucked up towards the building. If it weren't for Libra quickly grabbing onto him he would've been sucked in.

"Scorpio what if you used your power couldn't you move that bubble thing?" Aquarius asked looking Scorpio directly in the eyes. She looked unusually concerned and worried.

"I, I don't know," Scorpio avoided eye contact with Aquarius.

"Just try, c'mon!" Aquarius begged.

After not saying anything at all Scorpio sighed and walked over to the edge of the slowly collapsing building. 

Putting his hands out he concentrated with all his might to move the bubble. It didn't move.

The bubble was hit once again by more debris causing it to ripple a dangerous amount. One more hit and it was done for.

"I can't do it!" Scorpio shouted in frustration flinging his arms ups. With the fling of his arms he accidentally lifted up several bricks from the building sending them full speed at the bubble. "OH SHI-"

Scorpios words were stopped by an intense and sudden cold. The entire area slowed down to a crawl because of the freezing temperature of the air.

"What in the world?" Aquarius asked herself as she was the only thing not affected by the cold. She didn't wait too long to answer her question.

She stepped into the building running to Leo and the bubble to somehow move it out of the building. She was slowly becoming lightheaded the longer she went on.

The building was still imploding but much slower now. Her time was limited.

Right as she reached the bubble to grab everyone inside she passed out. The world instantly heated back up as if the air wasn't just a deadly cold temperature. 

As if everything was conveniently written to a plan the teachers all showed up at that moment to rescue all students in the building right as it imploded into itself for good completely disappearing leaving nothing but a foundation and a few stray brick left behind. Everyone was speechless.


Bet ya didn't expect two updates within 24 hours but like I said I finally found a good way to segway to an ending soon. Also I got Mystic Messenger to work which is just mwah. Now to maybe sleep soon :)

Sincerely, Zodi

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