Choosing Sides

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It was the middle of Latin class and Aries was bored out of his mind. The teacher was teaching but Aries was too busy making spit balls and spitting them at Scorpio and Capricorn to pay attention.

Scorpio was just about done with Aries and was ready to go back there and beat him to a bloody pulp. He turned around in his chair and glared at Aries.

Aries decided to be annoying and spit another spit ball at Scorpio. Capricorn was watching the whole time as well and knew what was about to happen.

"ARIES!" Scorpio whispered shouted. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU SOON!"

Aries just stuck out his tongue and made another spit ball and spat it at Capricorn. Capricorn ignored it and continued to finish the work packet ahead of the entire class.

"ARIES WHAT DID I TELL YOU!" Scorpio continued to yell at Aries.

Phecda then noticed the drama going on and started to watch silently.

Aries spit another spit ball at Scorpio and mouthed the words, 'I'd like to see you try and kill me'.

"OH YEAH, I WILL!" Scorpio whisper shouted too loudly and so the teacher heard.

"Boys, silence!" The teacher scowled glaring at the two.

Aries snickered while Scorpio glared at him before turning back to his work. Aries started to fidget with something else afterwards.

All of a sudden Scorpio felt something pelt him on the back of his neck. He looked at the culprit, a spitball.

Scorpio snapped. He got up walked to Aries and smacked him across the face.

"WHAT THE HELL SCORPIO I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!?" Aries yelled slapping Scorpio back.

Within seconds it escalated to a full on brawl between the two. The teacher had broken up the fight between the two and was now giving the two a scolding of a life time outside.

Capricorn was looking around from her completed packet and noticed Phecda laughing to herself while staring at her phone.

Capricorn would have passed it off as normal but after the events that took place earlier she was too curious.

She went invisible and slowly went over to check what Phecda was doing. Of course she was texting Leo.

Capricorn rolled her eyes over it. Then she caught a glimpse of her conversation.

It went something a little like

Leo: Omg babe u didn't!
           I totally did! They fought:Phecda
Leo:Ur so bad!
Oh baby it was so fun seeing Scorpio immediately blame Aries for the spitball I spit U should have been here Miss u                                                :Phecda

Capricorn speeded back to her seat when the teacher came back in. Once the bell rang she immediately told the two about it.

"That bitch." Scorpio growled to himself walking away from them.

"I'm gonna skin Leo today. And I'll skin her. I'm gonna start a skin collection." Aries scowled stomping away to his next class.

Capricorn started to slowly regret telling the two angriest signs first and not the calmer ones.

The day passed by at a gruelingly slow pace. The final bell rang and school day was over.

The zodiacs had met up in front of the zodiac room to decide on where to go. Obviously things went down due to the days events.

"Leo! Explain why you're such a pussy!" Aries demanded running up the more vertically gifted Leo.

"What do you mean?" Leo asked in a clrealy fake confusion.

"You know what I mean! You continue to hang out and date Phecda! Why?! Stop it! She literally got me into a full month of before school detentions along with Mr.Angrypants!" Aries yelled at Leo pulling him down to his size to glare into his eyes.

The rest of the gang showed up a moment later.

"Aries! What are you doing! Do you want another month of detentions?" Sagittarius pulled Aries off of Leo.

Scorpio just went to Leo next to yell at him more about how him being a pussy, this time Cancer being the one to pull back Scorpio.

"What's going on?" Gemini asked showing up late as always.

Capricorn explained everything to everyone not in Latin. Once she finished everyone was silent for a minute.

Virgo spoke up. "Why are you so mad at Leo though, Phecda is mostly the one to blame in this specific situation."

"Leo is guilty by association!" Aries claimed.

"Yeah but we should beat up Leo to a pulp! Let him explain himself a little." Pisces said, giving Leo a chance to possibly avoid a nasty beating from Aries and Scorpio.

"I was jsut texting her! I didn't know you guys got detentions. I didn't tell her to do it! I would've stopped her, I swear!" Leo plead, fear in his expression.

"Bullshit, you would've done nothing!" Scorpio piped in.

"How would you know, was he there?" Gemini chimed in to add gasoline to the fire.

"Why is everyone defending this traitor?!" Aries said shocked at the support Leo was getting.

"I definitely do not support Leo on this one." Taurus said in between bites of his chips he was finishing off from lunch.

"Ya know what. Screw you guys!" Scorpio growled before walking away from everyone.

"Wait Scorpio! C'mon we can talk this out!" Cancer ran after Scorpio, giving Leo the dirtiest look Cancer could manage to give.

"Oh, well then. I have homework I guess." Pisces said quietly leaving everyone following Cancer and Scorpio with his head down.

"What Scorpio said. God I can't believe I'm agreeing with that ticking time bomb." Aries said before turning around and storming off.

"Man what a waste of my time." Taurus said with a bit of playfulness, munching on his last chip.

Capricorn gave him a look before flipping her hair and walking away stating "I have things to do."

Taurus shrugged his shoulders and left too.

Virgo looked at Leo for a moment. "I have a bit of work to do, I hope you all sort out your problems." She said before taking her leave.

Sagittarius looked over at Aquarius, who was silent the whole time staring into some sort of void.

"Hey Aquaflex let's get away from these peeps for a bit." Sagittarius nodded her head towards Leo.

Aquarius just looked at Sagittarius and shook her head no. "I think I'll stay here for a bit. Sit in the Zodiac room for a bit."

Gemini and Libra made plans to go for lunch that day, and so they kept their plan and left together chatting about all the drama.

Leo was the last one left standing in the hall. With no where to go. "Man what did I get myself into." He mumbled silently to himself before walking away slowly down the halls to wander the town until night to return safely home without being scolded by every sign.

No one slept well that night.

Guess who updated bitches. I did. I finally did it and finished this chapter that's been a draft for over a year. No promises on updates. But have this one update for a bit. My writing style has prolly changed too. Along with how I'll portray characters sometimes. My grammar is still gonna be crap though so if you missed that don't worry it's back for this chapter so far It's 2am for me now. Sorry for not updating too. Y'all guilt tripped me into this, but it's worth it. Have a wonderful night/day.

Sincerely Zodi.

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