Defending Friends

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"I am super bored." Leo said resting his head on his desk. He was in his seventh period study hall. Most of the signs were in chorus, band, or orchestra, but he wasn't, "Be quiet Leo, I'm trying to get my French home work done!" Libra whisper shouted, and neither was Libra. "But i already finished my home work during lunch!" Leo whined. "Suck it up buttercup!' was Libra's reply. 

Phecda walked over to Leo's desk. She was the only big dipper star in his study hall. "Hey there Leon." She said to him. "Leo." "Sure, Leo. So, about the time at the store, Alkaid says she's really sorry." Phecda said. "It still doesn't change the fact she opened my stall door, on purpose, and while I was getting changed!" Leo said trying to hide his red face of embarrassment. "Phecda, can you just leave us alone?" Libra said to her. "Sassy aren't we?" Phecda said walking over to her desk. "I only asked if you could go away, but I guess you couldn't understand so I'll put it simple. Buzz off, we don't want your sassy attitude around us." Libra said irritated, today was one of her bad days. "Awww, you look so cute when you're mad!" Phecda said tilting her head and putting a hand on her cheek. "I'm telling you to go away, I'm not having a good day so just please co-operate with me." Libra warned. 

"And what if I don't, you gonna use those spaghetti arms to smack me?" Phecda teased. "Phecda enough." Leo said trying to stop her. "Be quiet Leo, I know you like me, I mean who doesn't?" Phecda said turning to Leo. "Stop trying to flirt with him." Libra said getting angrier. "Who's gonna stop me, now admit it kid! You like me! Plus, I like the you too." Phecda said trying to get Leo on her side. "I'll never like you!" Leo shouted. The teacher didn't care about what was going on, and a group of kids had started to watch.

"Be with me and you'll be popular, you'll get all the attention you could ever want. I know that's what you want right? You'll be respected and put on top with your needs before others. Now, join me." Phecda said trying to manipulate Leo. "I would really get to be the top, like the king?" Leo asked considering Phecdas offer. "The very top with all the attention." Phecda said. "Leo no, you can't do this." Libra said watching as one of her friends was pulled to the dark side. "I'm sorry Libra, but, it's just to good to pass." Leo said. "Phecda I warned you, and now you're gonna get it!" Libra shouted running at Phecda ready to beat her to a pulp.

Instead of Libra punching her, Phecda dodged out of the way at the last second. Libra didn't have time to stop running before she saw the wall in front of her. "Eek!" was all she could say before running into the wall, literally. She had ran through the wall. 

"What, I'm not in the classroom?" Libra said confused. She looked around and saw the hallway outside of the class. She didn't have much time to think because the bell had rang. She got all her stuff and went to the last of her classes.

The End of School

"Finally! Another day of school finished!" Aries said stretching his arms out. Almost all the signs had walked out of the building, one was missing. "Where's Leo?" Cancer asked looking around. "Probably with his new girlfriend, Phecda." Libra said sourly remembering the fight with Phecda. "What? Girlfriend, Phecda, you're kidding right?" Taurus asked with one eyebrow up the other down, his signature look. "Nope, I asked him if he wanted help with English and said he was hanging out with Phecda." Virgo confirmed. 

"That backstabber! When he shows up I'm gonna kick the crap out him! HOW DARE HE DO THAT BEHIND OUR BACKS!!!!" Aries yelled as loud as he could. "No matter what we do we can't stop him, so it doesn't matter." Sagittarius said to Aries. "Yeah, if anything we should respect Leo's choice and try to support him instead of discouraging him." Aquarius said smiling. 

"How can you SMILE WHEN OUR FRIEND IS BACKSTABBING US! WHAT IS WRONG WITH YOU!" Aries said grabbing Aquarius by the collar on her shirt. "Aries stop! She has a point, it's his choice not ours." Gemini said stopping Aries. "Whatever! You air signs don't know nothing! I gotta go blow off steam!" Aries yelled walking in a different direction. 

They reached their dorms and didn't say anything, that night Leo didn't return until midnight so he would be unnoticed by his roommates.   

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