Going Out to Dinner, Again

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All the signs had finished planning, now was it was time to put that plan into action. "Alright, Taurus, Capricorn, you found the restaurant?" Virgo asked them. "Yes, it's called Olive Grove." Taurus answered. "Did you make reservations?" Virgo asked. "We need actually go to the place, it doesn't have anything online." Capricorn answered. "Then go, go make reservations!" Virgo said sending them off. "Yes ma'am!" They said in unison before they ran off.

"Okay, Aquarius, Gemini, you'll get Libra out to buy her pretty clothes." Virgo said looking at Aquarius and Gemini. "Yes ma'am!" Aquarius said saluting. "But why do I have to go?" Gemini whined. "Because, you are her roommate, and another air sign." Virgo said, then demanded they leave, so they did.

"Okay, the rest of us will make sure everything goes correctly. No mistakes." Virgo said to the remaining signs. "Alright Scorpio, here's the walkie talkie. You'll stalk Libra to make sure there don't see them together. Capricorn already has one, she uses Chanel five. Now go!" Virgo shouted at Scorpio handing him the walkie talkie.

The rest of them would get themselves nice clothes. Capricorn reported to Virgo the reservations were made after a little bit. Aquarius and Gemini had lured Libra to a store and bought nice dresses. "Gemini do you have a suit?" Aquarius asked Gemini as they walked past a suit isle. "Yeah, I do." He replied. They checked out and went back to the dorms. Scorpio reported that their part went well. Then he got himself a suit.

"Alright is everyone here?" Virgo asked. "All heads accounted for!" Pisces said. "Great, it's six o'clock, let's get Libra!" Virgo ordered. At that Aquarius and Gemini ran into their dorm and got Libra. "So we're going somewhere?" She asked. She was in a bright purple dress.

"Yup, just follow us." Cancer said smiling. "Okay." Libra said, somehow completely unsuspicious. Everyone thought it might be harder to get her to go. They got to the restaurant and signed in. It was going to an hour wait, at seven thirty.

Fifteen minutes in and they were bored out of their mind. "I'm so bored!" Gemini whined. "Suck it up." Virgo said who was sitting down reading a book. "Hey that's not very nice!" Pisces said frowning. "Maybe I'm just being impatient." She sighed.

Another fifteen minutes passed. "Where's Aquarius?" Sagittarius asked looking around. "What, she's gone?!" Leo said looking surprised. "Why would you care?" Aries said getting agressive. "Because then I'll be all alone at the end of the table." He said looking sad. "Well you deserve it." Scorpio said, he had been glaring at Leo the entire wait. "Sorry." Leo said cowering. "That still doesn't solve the mystery of Aquarius." Sagittarius pointed out. "Here she comes." Capricorn said pointing at Aquarius.

She was coming from the direction of the kitchen. "I got bread sticks." She said smiling while holding up several bags of bread sticks. "How?" Cancer asked. "Well, I was mistaken for a chef, and put to work making bread sticks. I ended up seeing some people and then the real chef came and I ran out with these bread sticks." She explained. "Wow." Aries said munching on a bread stick. "Yup, now I'm going to go change back into my dress." She said wandering off again.

She came back then they were called up to get their table. "Follow me!" The waiter said grabbing menus. "How many my kids menus?" She said asking Scorpio. "None." He said. The signs were confused. They were showed to their seats and ordered drinks.

"So Scorpio, why did they ask you for kids menus?" Cancer asked. "Because, they mistook me for an adult with children." He replied. "Who looks like a kid though?" Pisces asked. "Probably Aries and Gemini, they're pretty short." Scorpio said. "I am offended!" Aries said pouting.

The server came back with drinks. "So what did you get Aqua?" Libra asked. "I got Sprite. What about you?" "I got a cocktail." She said holding up the fancy drink. "How?" " I look old enough. Plus, don't tell anyone, I have a fake ID." She said whispering to Aqua. "Good job, you go girl!" Aquarius said cheering her on.

"I don't know what to have!" Taurus complained. "Have everything then" Capricorn suggested. "Okay." Taurus said agreeing. At the other side of the table Virgo was having a debate with herself. "I need to watch my carbs, but it also has to much sugar. This is vegan so no meat, but I need more iron and also the chicken sounds good." She mumbled to herself. "You should get that one!" Pisces said pointing at a random item. "The lasagna?" "Yup! I've heard it's really good!" Pisces said smiling. "Sure, why not. This a celebration after all." "That's the spirit now!" Pisces said happily.

The waiter came around to get orders. "Soup or salad?" The waiter asked really fast to Leo. "Uh, yes." He said hearing super salad. "So, soup?" The waiter asked. Aquarius giggled. "Oh, no salad." Leo said blushing at his mistake. "Haha, moron." Aquarius laughed. "Hey, that's a bit harsh." Leo said pouting. "And no one said I had to be nice." Aquarius replied.

The waiter came out with a bunch of salads and soups and bread sticks. "I'm going to eat all of this salad and soup, plus even more bread sticks!" Gemini said putting a little of everything on his plate. "I bet I can eat more than you!" Aries betted. "If you win I pay for you, if you lose you pay for me!" Gemini offered. "Deal, Sagi, you judge, no foul play." Aries said. "Sure, alright everyone! We have a challenge going on against Gemini and Aries." Sagittarius announced.

"It's about who can eat more, please place your bets on who will win!" Sagittarius said. "I bet on Gemini!" Libra said pulling out five dollars. "I bet ten on Aries!" Aquarius said pulling out a ten. "I also bet on Aries!" Leo agreed. Everyone had placed their bets. Libra, Pisces, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Taurus had bet on Gemini winning. Aquarius, Leo, Capricorn, Scorpio, and Cancer had voted on Aries winning. "And let the contest begin!" Sagittarius yelled signaling the start of the contest.

Gemi I had a strong lead, eating three bread sticks at once. Aries had eaten one salad. "Come on Aries you bumbling idiot!" Scorpio yelled. "I'm not a idiot!" Aries yelled getting mad. He started eating faster. Gemini noticed, so did Libra. "Come on Gemini! You have to win!" Libra encouraged. Then Gemini went into twin form.

Sagittarius made a loud whistle sound. "No splitting into two people! That's foul play!" She declared. Gemini glared at her as he turned back to one person. "Alright, continue!" She said and they started eating again.

Gemini took the lead again, then Aries. It was down to only bread sticks left. The server came by. "Would you like some more salad or soup, maybe some bread sticks. "Yes, more of everything please" Capricorn responded, since she was the only one paying attention. "Come on Gemini! Just shove it in your face!" Taurus yelled right into Sagittarius' ear.

The server came back with more food. Gemini and Aries shoveled it into their plates. Gemini slowly started to slow down. Aries kept a steady pace. "Get a drink, get a drink!" Pisces yelled at Gemini. He did and let out a loud belch. He started eating faster.

Now Aries had slowed down. He did the same strategy, and it worked for him too. So far Aries had been winning by three salads and one bowl of soup. "Come on Aries! You'll win this!" Capricorn cheered. Then they heard a thud. Gemini had passed out.

"Eek!" Libra shrieked. "It's okay he only passed out. It's basically like napping. Just forced." Virgo confirmed. "So that means I won?" Aries asked. He was starting to look pale. "Yup, alright everyone who voted Aries come get your winnings." Sagittarius said while the betters who won collected their money.

The main dishes came out, Gemini was still passed out so they just put it in front of him. "This is sooo good!" Cancer said eating her spaghetti. "It really is!" Pisces said, he had gotten seafood though.

They all finished, well almost all, and got boxes. "Can we have dessert?" Aquarius asked. "Yeah we should have some dessert!" Libra said.  "You two didn't even finish your meal though!" Capricorn pointed out. Then Gemini woke up. "Where am I?" He asked confused.

"A restaurant, you lost a bet." Libra said. "Oh yeah, I remember. Oooo, food!" He said munching on his cold food. "Yum." He said happily. "I wouldn't mind dessert either, but can I split these donut thingies with someone?" Pisces asked still smiling.

"I'll split them with you!" Cancer said, Scorpio and Virgo also decided to split some. All the signs had agreed on a dessert and ordered. The waiter came back and handed them all there dessert. "Tiramisu!" Aquarius said drooling at the site of her dessert. "These donut thingies look so good!" Cancer said taking a giant bite of one. "They didn't have any pie." Scorpio said taking a bite of donut. "It's called zeppole donuts. Get it right." Virgo corrected them.

"My cake was sooo good!" Taurus as the waiter gave them their check. They handed it to Scorpio who looked at the total. All color drained from his face. He looked at the items listed. "WHO HAD FIVE COCKTAILS!" He shouted. Libra waved her hand. "Hi." She smiled. "THAT FORTY DOLLARS ALONE!" Scorpio looked ready to stroke out from stress. "Calm down, she can pay for it. Let's just put in as much as ordered, I'll cover the tax." Cancer suggested trying to calm down Scorpio.

"Fine!" He said pulling out his money. The check got to Aries and just passed it on. "Hey I only agreed to pay for the meal, not drinks and dessert!" Gemini complained. "Ugh fine." Aries said taking back the check. Then it got to Libra. "Umm, guys, I don't have enough." She said. "How short are you?" Gemini asked. "Twenty dollars." She said quietly. "Check your shoes." Aquarius suggested. "Why?" She asked checking her shoes. She took one off and twenty dollars fell out. "Ooo! Thanks!" Libra said. Everyone had payed, with the total being well over two hundred dollars.

They all went home and fell asleep eventually.

(Pic above is Leo)

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