Halloween Festival Pt.2

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The three legged race was a bust for Capricorn so she went over to an apple bobbing contest and won that instead. Taurus decided to stay at the snack table instead and eat as much as he could.

Virgo was marching around scaring random people. Aquarius and Sagittarius were happily walking around in their costume while talking inside. Scorpio was no where to be found and Aries and Gemini were still fighting. Cancer, Libra, and Pisces were walking around together while Leo was with Phecda.

"So Cancer, what do you think we should do?" Libra asked Cancer as they walked around. "I just wanna go home actually." Cancer said still looking down. "Aww, Cancer! Turn that frown upside down and have fun! Let's go look at all the cool costumes!" Pisces said cheerfully. Cancer shrugged and said sure as they went to look and admire different costumes.

"So babe, wanna get seated chocolate?" Phecda said hanging onto Leo. "Why of course I do!" Leo said walking Phecda to the chocolate fountain. They grabbed some skewers and fruit to dip in the chocolate. "This looks so good! Let's take pics and post them on Instagram!" Phecda said admiring her food. She took out her phone pulled Leo and took a selfie with her food in it.

Yet did they know someone was lurking near the table. "Now's time to strike." The person silently said. Then they creeped up with a big pineapple chunk and dropped it in the chocolate fountain. It jammed up and chocolate started spraying everywhere.

"Leo, cover me! My Juliet costume is gonna get destroyed!" Phecda shouted pushing in front of the fountain, thus staining him in the sweet treat.

The mystery person ran away from the scene laughing hysterically. "Gemini, look over there!" They said to Gemini who had lost an argument and was stress eating. "What? Over there?" Gemini asked looking in the way they were pointing. Gemi I burst out laughing seeing Leo getting covered in chocolate and Phecda cowering behind him. "I'm guessing you did that Scorpio?" Gemini said wiping fake tears of laughter away. "We'll never know." Scorpio said smiling.

Then a teacher walked over to Scorpio. "You! Come with me!!" They shouted dragging Scorpio away. "I wonder what Scorpio did?" Cancer said watching as Scorpio was dragged away. "I don't know, probably something stupid." Libra said watching Capricorn continue to beat everyone at the apple bobbing contest.

"Hey, look at Phecda and Leo." Pisces said pointing over at them. "Oh no! Poor Leo! I have some wipes, I'll give them to him." Cancer said running off before anyone could stop her. "Come on Pisces! We have to catch Cancer!" Libra said running after Cancer leaving poor Pisces alone. "Hey, wait for me guys!" Pisces said jogging trying not to spill his plate of food everywhere.

"Here you go Leo, this should help get the small stain out and make sure the big ones don't set." Cancer said handing Leo wipes. "Thanks Cancer." He said taking them, Phecda clearly didn't like this. "Hey! Stop flirting with my boy, you stupid pig!" Phecda screamed at Cancer physically pushing her away from Leo.

Cancer fell backwards and into the chocolate puddle that had formed while also hitting her head against the table too. "Owy." She said starting to cry from the pain. Libra had reached her now and saw everything that had just happened. "How dare you do that to my friend!!" She roared. Helping Cancer, poor Pisces still far away.

Scorpio had been watching the whole time from afar while being lectured by a teacher. "Hey, I gotta, sorry." He said getting up. "Where do you think your going!?!" The teacher shouted but not pursuing him.

Scorpio had ran down to where Cancer was sitting. "Hey, what's wrong Can?" He asked, using Cancers nickname, which was rare. "I tried to help Leo, and Phecda pushed me." She explained through tears. Scorpio looked up at Phecda who was standing near Leo. "Are you okay babe? I can't believe that stupid bastard  touched you." She said to him as he was cleaning up his shirt.

Scorpio snapped. "Hey, bitch!!" He shouted at Phecda. "You think it's okay to talk trash about someone you just threw to the ground! You think it's okay to push innocent people around! What the hell is wrong you!!?!!" He shouted getting louder. He started to walk towards Phecda who was frozen in place.

"Don't you dare touch any of my friends! Don't you even think about it, or I will come to you and make your life a living hell! I will make sure you suffer a date worse than death you ugly trash eating bitch." He said picking up Phecda by he collar of her shirt and lifting her up in the air.

"So, my point is, don't touch, talk, her hurt Cancer anymore. Don't you dare make anymore of my friends take your side and betray me. YOU GOT THAT YOU UGLY SON OF A BI-" "Stop it Scorpio!!" It was Cancer shouting. He looked around.

Tables were several feet in the air, the ground itself was rumbling and the dirt itself rising up. People were watching him in horror. He spotted all the zodiacs staring at him with wide eyes. He dropped Phecda and looked at Cancer.

She was still sitting with a hand on the back of her head, tears still in her eyes. She was staring at Scorpio directly in his eyes. He saw Libra with her hand stuck on Cancers shoulder watching in horror, and Leo paler than a ghost standing still watching with visible tears of fear in his eyes.

He looked back at Cancer. "Sorry." He muttered before walking away. Nothing but silence was left as all the tables slowly fell back to the ground as everyone let the moment sink in.

Then the silence was broken by the announcer. "Alright everyone! It's twelve o'clock and that means it's time to choose the costume winners." They said, everyone got up and gathered around the big stage that was set up.

"The first winner is for the great scare fanatic!" They said through a microphone. A loud drumroll was played before the person said the winner. "The winner is, SNAKE, FROM YEAR TWO!" Everyone cheered but some seemed to cheer louder for the boy. Other random contest winners, like the three legged race, were announced and then finally the costume contests.

"The winner of the best two person costume is..." Another drum roll, "FIRST YEARS, AQUARIUS AND SAGITTARIUS!!" The person shouted as Aqaurius and Sagittariuses costume marched up to the stage. "They are also the winners of best cosplay costume!" The person said. The two friends hadn't told anyone that their costume was a cosplay yet. They took their trophy and walked back down.

"The winner for the best one man costume is... THE FIRST YEAR VIRGO!!" He shouted. Virgo let out a loud roar and ran up to the stage I'm her epic dinosaur costume. Everyone cheered and Virgo gave her costume a command to dance. Everyone cheered even louder.

"And last but not least," the kid said after announcing other costume categories, like cutest and most creative, "the scariest costume!" A huge drumroll this time. "And the winner is... THE FIRST YEAR SCORPIO!!" He shouted excitedly. Everyone waited for this Scorpio kid to happily grab his trophy, but he never did. Scorpio had left, so Cancer did the only thing she could think of.

She ran up to the stage whispered something to the person and he handed the trophy to her. Everyone dispersed as the event ended. "So, Cancer, what did you say to the announcer?" Pisces asked Dad they walked back home. "I told him that Scorpio had a rough night basically." She said as they reached their dorm. They said goodnight and went to bed.


This took me way to long to make. Also schools almost here! I'm freaking out about it for some reason and also it was my friends birthday and I sent them a hour long cat video about a cat licking your birthday cake. It's really awesome. Hope you guys have good luck with school, and have a great night or day!!

Sincerely Zodi.

(Pic above is Sagittarius)

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