Making it Right on Time

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Finally all the signs were ready to leave for the first day of school. "LET'S GO!!!! WOOHOO!" Aries yelled excitedly as the fire signs left their dorm. "Aries be quieter! You're gonna make me go deaf!" Leo said glaring at Aries who was running ahead.

Then they saw the Earth signs come out. "Taurus did you sleep last night?" Sagittarius asked looking at  Taurus who only got a few hours of sleep. "I did, just not enough sleep." he responded rubbing his eyes. "I wonder when the air and water signs are coming out." Virgo said thinking out loud.

Just then both of them came out simultaneously. "Hi Saggy!" Aquarius said running over to Sagittarius. They were best friends and both had nicknames for each other. "Hi Aquaduct!" Sagittarius replied waving to her friend. Then they started their own conversation separate from everyone else.

"Is anyone else excited that it's our first day at a special school? I mean, we had to get an invitation to get in for pete's sake!" Pisces said looking at everyone. "I am!" Aries said popping up behind him. "Aries! You scared me!" Pisces said with a frightened look. "Oh well." Aries shrugged.

After about five minutes of walking they got to the school. "It's huge." Cancer said looking up at the tall building with wide eyes. "Hey, where did Scorpio and Capricorn go?" Leo asked looking around. "Capricorn is over there near that tree listening to her music since we're about twenty minutes early." Virgo said pointing over at Capricorn. Pisces and Cancer looked at each other with horror struck faces."We forgot Scorpio!"

Back at the water dorm

"Ugh, where is everyone?" Scorpio asked lazily while looking around. I must of fallen asleep I guess. Scorpio thought. Then he looked at a clock. "I'M GONNA BE LATE!!!" He shouted trying to remember where he put his bag. 

He found it then bolted out the door and ran all the way to the school as fast as he could. When he arrived he found Capricorn sitting near a tree. "Hey, where are the others?" he said nudging Capricorn. "Wha, oh. It's just you. They went inside to find the auditorium." Capricorn said pointing to the entrance. "Thanks." Scorpio said running off.

Finally he found the other signs. "You guys left me behind! You jerks!" Scorpio shouted angrily. "We're sorry Scorpio! We won't ever let it happen again!" Cancer said close to tears. She had started thinking of all the bad things that could have happened to Scorpio. "Quick let's get to our seats!" Virgo hissed. 

They all found their seats and eventually Capricorn joined them too. Then they waited a little longer and then the welcome ceremony began.

"Welcome, welcome! Hello all new students!" A small women with a small black bun shouted quieting all the students. "Congratulations on making it here to the school!" she yelled "My name is Ms.Butonmake." "That's a weird name." Aries whispered. 

"This school is for special and gifted kids. It's the school of Astronomy and Astrology!" The lady shouted, her bun jiggling with every word.

"Woah, look at that group of kids!" Libra whispered to Virgo pointing out a group of kids. "Woah." is all Virgo could say.

"We have constellations, planets, zodiacs and many more kinds of students attending!" At the mention of "zodiacs" almost all the signs seemed flattered. "So, shall we hand out the schedules?" Right as the lady said that, hundreds if not thousands of papers flew out from nowhere and started landing in kids laps. "I got one!" Libra said as a paper gently landed on her lap. "So did I, it's the schedules." Gemini said. After about five minutes all papers had landed and all students got a schedule. 

"Today is only a day where you may explore the school and find your classes! Dismissed" The little women yelled and there was a complete silence until kids started to rush out.

"So where do we go first?" Leo asked the signs. "Obviously we go to first period first." Virgo said leading them all. 

"Ooooo." Aquarius said as she ran a completely different direction. "Aquaduct! Wait for me!" Sagittarius said running after her friend. "Where are they going?" Gemini said following them. "Oh, great, we've already split up." Taurus said looking at the three running away.

The signs all went and explored the whole school in their two groups. "Should we try to find the other group?" Libra asked after they had been walking around aimlessly for quite a bit. "Yeah, we probably should." Pisces agreed.

"There you are!" said a big deep voice from behind them. "I need you to follow me please!" The man said. They turned around and followed the man.

They had been walking for what felt like forever."Where exactly are we going?" Scorpio asked. "You'll see, it's just around this corner." They turned the corner and saw a door. The door had a circle with all the signs symbols. "This is the zodiac room. It's where you can hang out in between classes and breaks. You'll all receive a special key with your sign on it, it will be able to open the door." All of a sudden there was a loud crash from inside the room.

"Oh my." The big man said quickly opening the door. What they saw when they opened the door was Sagittarius, Aquarius, and Gemini laying in a pile on the floor with a table tipped over and a broken lamp. "It's okay, we can always replace it." The man said with a sigh. The man went on to say that the room was made specially for them. It could be decorated to their likes and that if an emergency were to happen to report to this room. Then he left.

"Just so you know me and Aqua have that corner over there." Sagittarius said pointing to a corner with a small bean bag chair. "If you get that corner I get that corner." Leo said pointing to his spot.

Everyone started to claim spots. Aries and Leo started fighting over a corner until Scorpio sat down and claimed it. Cancer had claimed a couch and said anyone could come sit on it with her. Pisces had got a back wall and decided he should paint it. Gemini said he'd take any open spots in the end. Capricorn took a corner and put a chair there to mark it was hers. Taurus took the wall in between Sagittariuses and Scorpio's wall. Virgo got a spot in the middle and started to construct an epic fort, until Aries and Leo trampled it. Libra and Gemini took a large chunk in the middle marking it by lining a blanket around it. In the end everyone was happy with what that had.

"So we have the exact same schedule?" Libra said looking at her schedule trying to memorize it. "Yup, it seems so." Leo said also trying to memorize it. "Won't we need books and stuff?" Cancer said laying on the couch.

"It's all provided for us, it said it in the letter, but I doubt you read it all." Virgo said making another fort since she had already memorized the schedule. "I know she read it, I read it with her." Scorpio said trying to find the best matching chairs for a table he put down. "Is someone sticking up for their crush?" Aries said looking for another fight. "What no, I mean, uh, she's nice and all, not that I-I like her or anything, she's just not my type!" Scorpio stammered. Aries and Leo snickered together. "Hey! I don't like her!" By now Scorpios face was redder than a tomato and Leo and Aries started to taunt him. "The only thing Aries and Leo can do together is make fun of someone else." Sagittarius said to Aquarius while they watched chaos break loose as they sat in their bean bag chair.

"Who stole my chips!" Taurus yelled all of a sudden. "What?"Gemini asked. "I said that someone has stolen MY chips!" Taurus yelled becoming madder. "No one touched your chips Taurus, you ate them already, remember?" Capricorn said looking up from her book. "I bet you stole them!" Taurus said accusing her. "Why would I eat those junky chips?" Capricorn said putting her book down. "Junky isn't a word!" Virgo shouted. "Oh be quiet grammar nazi!" Taurus yelled at Virgo. Then everyone started fighting.

After a long argument everyone went back to their dorms still mad and angry. It was going to be a long night for them. 

Edits: Fixing minor mistakes, I mean did I know what a paragraph was? Yeesh. Also made it so Aquarius and Sagittarius gave each other more interesting nicknames. That's about it, nothing large.

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