Painting the Walls and Gaming 'till Night

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Cancer and Pisces had walked to Pisces room. Pisces grabbed several paint buckets and brushes out of his closet. "So, shall we get started?" Pisces said picking up a brush and a can. "What will we paint though? I think we paint a forest." Cancer asked also getting a brush and can. "Sure, and how about a lake with it!" Pisces said smiling grabbing a blue can of paint instead. "Okay, I'll paint the forest you paint the lake." Cancer said, then they started silently painting the wall of Pisces room. 

"So, how is your part of the painting going?" Cancer asked adding finishing touches to her tree. "It's going great!" Pisces said happily while smiling, "How about you?" "I could be doing better, let me look at how you're doing." Cancer said going to look at Pisces lake. Pisces lake didn't look like a lake though, it looked more like a random blue blob on the wall. "Your lake is looking really, uh, nice. I just love how it's one shade of blue." Cancer said trying to sound as nice as possible. "Thanks, your trees have a lot of detail!" Pisces complimented while admiring the work they had done so far.

Another thirty or so minutes passed by and they had almost finished the painting. Then, BAM! The front door had slammed. Cancer and Pisces both ran to the living room to see what had caused the noise. What they found was Scorpio who was soaking wet taking off his shoes while mumbling. "Oh my goodness! Scorpio your all wet, you should get on some dry clothes before you catch a cold." Cancer said with wide eyes getting ready to get Scorpio  hot cup of tea. "It's not that wet." Scorpio said getting up and heading to his room, leaving a wet trail behind. "I'm gonna continue the painting." Pisces said then left Cancer to brew the tea.

Scorpio had come back out with dry clothes on and sat down. "Here take this." Cancer said giving Scorpio a cup of tea, "What were you doing anyways?" Cancer asked taking a seat next to him. "Nothing important. Let's just watch TV." Scorpio said trying to drop the subject entirely. "Okay, but I wanna choose a good movie to watch." Cancer said grabbing the remote. Then they watched movies then went to bed. Pisces had fallen asleep painting

In the Fire Dorm A Couple Hours Earlier 

"So, you're in the Slash Men tournament too." Aries said glaring at Sagittarius. "Yes and I call the TV for practice." Sagittarius said sitting on the couch. "What! No fair I want the TV!" Aries complained. "To bad, suck it up buttercup." Sagittarius said getting the game ready. "You know what, I'll play against you instead of the CPU." Sagittarius said changing her mind. "You're on!" Aries said jumping onto the couch next to Sagittarius. 

Five minutes in and Aries had already lost over ten times. "Dude, you are going to get crushed in this tournament." Sagittarius said. "I'm just warming up, that's all!' Aries said annoyed. They played another round and Aries lost again. "Alright go away, at least the CPU might have a chance at beating me." Sagittarius said unplugging Aries's controller.  "Hey! I wanna play still!" Aries whined. "No, now leave." Sagittarius said shoving Aries off the couch. "You'll be sorry later!" Aries yelled running to his room. 

Awhile had passed and Leo had arrived. "Hey Leo, how was shopping?" Sagittarius asked Leo. "I prefer to not talk about it." Leo said grabbing food fro the kitchen. "What, did you accidentally get a stain on your shirt?" Sagittarius teased.  "No that is not the reason. By the way where is Aries?" Leo asked taking an entire box of Twinkies. "In his room and don't you dare eat all of those!" Sagittarius said still paying her game. "Okay, I'm going to put away my new clothes then." Then Leo left to his room. 

It was finally six thirty, the start of the tournament, with a one-hundred dollar reward. Sagittarius sat down at the TV waiting for her match to begin while watching the other players battle. Then she saw a familiar name, Aries online name. "NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!" She could hear from his room as he got destroyed. Sagittarius laughed. Then it was her turn. Several rounds later and she was in the final match. It was a close battle, either person could win. Then from behind someone took her controller and made her die. "ARIES!!!!!" Sagittarius yelled, getting up from the couch to strangle Aries. At that moment Aries knew he had gone to far was barely holding on to life. 

The night ended with Sagittarius pinning Aries down and Leo having to hold Sagittarius back so Aries could run to his room and the lock the door. 

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