The Sleepover

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Sagittarius slowly opened her eyes. She looked at her clock, seven in the morning. It was the weekend so she could of slept in longer but she could hear yelling coming from the living room.

"IT'S NOT MY FAULT YOUR SO LOUD!" Sagittarius heard. She couldn't tell who it was since they were shouting that loud. "DON'T MAKE GO TELL HER!!" That was probably Aries if he's talking about a girl, since Leo is dating Phecda. Sagittarius got dressed then went out to break the fight.

"SHUT THE HELL UP YOU MORONS!!" She yelled at them grabbing her coffee mug.  "Who made you boss!?!" Aries yelled. "Me, what are you even fighting about?" Sagittarius said slouching on the couch. "It's because Aries h-" "AHHHHHHHH" Aries screamed cutting Leo off and tackling him to the ground.

"WHAT THE HECK?" Leo asked, then they heard a knock on the door. Sagittarius got up to answer it. "Hey Sagi!" Aquarius said as Sagittarius opened the door. "Hey Aqua! Whatcha here for?" Sagittarius asked giving Aquarius a hug. "The air signs are hosting a sleepover!" Aquarius chirped happily. "Cool, what made you decide that?" Sagittarius asked. "Well...

5 minutes early

The air signs were sitting on their couch. "We should have a sleepover." Gemini said randomly. "Sure, I'll get everyone." Aquarius said. "And I'll get all the snacks." Libra said. Then they all went to set up.

Back to the Future

"Oh, um okay." Sagittarius said. "What's the big deal over there?" Aries asked impatiently. "Aquarius is inviting us to a sleepover." Sagittarius answered. "Cool, I'll go get packed up!" Leo said excitedly. "No, not you. Scorpio refused to come if you were going and Cancer didn't wanna go if Scorpio wasn't going, so you can't come." Aqaurius said.

"That's so harsh,just because of one good decision too." Leo said sulking to his bedroom. "Awesome let's get packed Sagittarius!" Aries said jumping up and running to his room. "Just come to the air dorm, we'll be waiting." Aquarius said as Sagittarius went to her room, then left.

Everyone had arrived to the air dorm. "Hey guys, we're glad you made it here!" Gemini said happily. "Yeah, it's a pleasure having you." Libra said standing next to Gemini. All of the other signs were sitting on her near the couch, except Aquarius who was ordering pizza.

"So why are we here?" Scorpio asked. Scorpio originally didn't want to come so Cancer forced him here so he wasn't alone in the water dorm. "So we get to know each other better!" Gemini said smiling his playful smile. "But we already know each other well." Capricorn pointed out. "Yes, but not enough. We must know everything about each other!" Gemini said. "That sounds creepy." Cancer said.

Everyone ignored her though because Virgo started speaking. "Do you guys have a plan? I'll make one know. First We'll watch a movie, them play some sort of game. Let's decide which movie and game." She said standing up. "Write your vote for movie on the index card I'm handing out." She said pulling out index cards from what seemed like thin air.

"Alright these are the choices. It, Friday the 13th, Nightmare on Elm Street, why are there so many horror movies?!" Virgo asked looking down at the index cards. Aries, Scorpio and Gemini proceeded to raise their hands. "No horror movies!!" She shouted at them.

"Continuing on, Forest Gump, Wreck it Ralph, no horror movies!" She yelled again. "Who put The Exorcist in!?!" She shouted looking very mad. This Aquarius raised her hand. "Why?" Virgo asked. "I haven't Watched it yet." Aquarius said. "Ugh, moving on. We have, Freaky Friday, Mean Girls, Despicable Me, Back to the Future, and Karate Kid." Virgo said reading of the names of the movies.

They all put in their vote and slowly after movies got eliminated Forest Gump won. "Now for games." The same process happened and three games won. Mario Kart, Monopoly, and Risk. "Alright let's turn on the movie!" Virgo said happily. It was good timing too because the pizza arrived.

"Look what I've got!" Libra said holding up two boxes of pizza. "There are twenty four slices, we each get two." Libra said putting the pizza down and grabbing a plate. Everyone rushed to get a good a good slice the sat back down.

They finished the movie then started the games. "I HATE YOU!" They heard as Aries flipped the Risk board at Scorpio. Clearly Scorpio had destroyed Cancer, Aries, and Aquarius. Cancer and Aqaurius looked like they had a dark aurous around them.

Later they heard more screaming. "WHY THE HELL DID YOU THROW THE RED SHELL!?!" Gemini screamed as Libra passed him and won the race. Virgo got second, Taurus got third, and poor Pisces got last. "This game is a representation of my life." Pisces said darkly as he fell off the couch to the floor.

Then the signs started watching and epic game of Monopoly. Virgo, Capricorn, Scorpio, and Aquarius were all playing. They were some of the smartest signs in the group. So far Scorpio was working out a deal with Capricorn so he could get a monopoly on Broadway.

"I'll give you this card, and this card, that's two monopolys." Scorpio said with his poker face on. "No deal! Stop trying, I'm not a moron!" Capricorn shouted. "Ugh fine." Scorpio said grumpily. Then it was Aquarius's turn. No one had noticed but she had the entire bottom of the board, and half of the top. She moved her piece onto an unsold property, the last one. She quickly bought it since she clearly needed it for yet another Monopoly.

Virgo took her turn. She landed in a jail spot, but a timer rung. For the Monopoly game it was only a max of two hours game time. "Everyone count your money." Capricorn said counting her money. Everyone finished counting. "I have 3,229." Scorpio said. "What, so do I?" Aquarius said putting her stack of money down. "Ha, I have 3,239." Capricorn said smiling an evil smile. "Well, I have 3,239 too, so it's a tie." Virgo said.

"How does a tie even happen in a game like that." Taurus said sighing. "I don't know, ask them." Sagittarius said. "Guys, it's almost eleven at night!" Cancer said looking at a clock. "Okay, then everyone set up your sleeping area in the living room." Libra said grabbing a huge sleeping bag out of nowhere.

Everyone got set up, in a circle too by accident. The order went, Aries, Sagittarius, Aqaurius, Libra, Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Scorpio, Taurus, Gemini, and Pisces. "Alright, let's tell spooky stories." Aries said turning on his flashlight and shining it on his face to give him a spooky effect. "I got one, your face." Gemini said. "That's not even good." Taurus said rolling over.

"I think Cancer and Pisces fell asleep already." Libra said. "You're right, Pisces is like a corpse." Gemini said poking Pisces. "Ooh, let's play truth or dare now!" Sagittarius said. "Yeah, let's find out everyone's deepest secrets." Aquarius said agreeing with her friend. "Oh no, can I start by picking someone." Aries said. "Sure go ahead." Libra said.

"Okay, Scorpio, truth or dare?" Aries asked Scorpio. "Dare." "I dare you to wake up Cancer." Aries said with an evil smile. "Ugh, fine." Scorpio said. He turned to Cancer and started shaking her. "AAAH! EARTHQUAKE!" she screamed waking up. "Oh it's just you Scorpio. Why are you shaking me." She asked rubbing her eyes. "We're playing truth or dare, I had to wake you up as a dare" he explained.

"Okay, then who to pick?" Scorpio said thinking. "Gemini, truth or dare." "Dare, obviously." "I dare you to kiss Aries, passionately." Scorpio said. "Dude, what the f-" but Aries was cut off as Gemini kissed Aries on the cheek. "I need a flamethrower, for my face." Aries said rubbing his cheek as much as he could. "I guess I didn't specify where, so you're okay." Scorpio said to Gemini.

Gemini looked ready to kill. "Taurus truth or dare."Truth." "Do you like cake better, or Capricorn." Gemini asked. "Cake, it's a no brainier." Taurus said. Now Capricorn looked ready to kill. "Libra truth or dare." Taurus said. "Truth." She said. "Alright, Is it true you have a crush on Gemini?" Taurus asked. "Where did you think that?!?" Libra asked turning bright red. "Aquarius." Taurus said throwing Aquarius under the bus.

"Hey, I have not said anything!" Aquarius said getting defensive. "Sure, not true. Now Aquarius pick your doom." Libra said facing Aquarius. "Truth." Aquarius said looking small. "Is true that you were snooping in my room?" Libra asked with a serious face. "Yes, yes I have." Aquarius answered truthfully. "Me and you, after you ask someone in the bathroom. We need to talk." Libra said.

"Scorpio, truth or dare." Aquarius asked. "Ugh, dare." Scorpio said unhappily. "I dare you to show everything under your bed, right now." Aquarius said. "What kind of dare is that?" Scorpio asked. "A good one, now move." She said, avoiding Libras glare. "Fine." Scorpio said getting escorted by Aquarius.

"Why does Aquarius want to know what's under Scorpios bed?" Taurus asked. "She's a weird one, that's for sure." Sagittarius said. "How did you two become friends I'm the first place?" Capricorn asked. "It was in middle school, we had the same math class." Sagittarius said. A couple minutes passed and the two came back.

"If you say a word, you're dead." Scorpio said to Aquarius, then Libra took Aquarius to the bathroom. The game continued until Virgo fell asleep, along with Cancer. Eventually everyone but Aquarius, who has a small case if insomnia, Scorpio, and Gemini were the last ones awake.

"Aquarius did you take your medicine?" Gemini asked as Aquarius rolled over for the twenty thousandth time. "No, not tonight." She said. "Medicine?" Scorpio asked. "I suffer from a small case of insomnia. It's not were I don't sleep for days, it's just that it takes almost several hours to get to sleep, and that affects my grades." She explained getting up and heading to the bathroom.

"For how long has that been happening to her?" Scorpio asked Gemini. "Since she was a kid, it got worse as she grew and she was diagnosed sometime in the summer." Gemini said as he slowly fell asleep talking. Aquarius came back and fell asleep, leaving Scorpio the only one awake.

Then he fell asleep, when everyone else had woke up. All the signs left for their dorm and went back to their normal lives.


Okay, I just want to say thank you so much for over 10k reads! I meant to say that before but had forgot. I already have homework too. After only two days of school. Also for gym, my teacher is awesome, and I get to go zip lining in school. :3. How has school been testing you? Oh well, have a beautiful day or night my sweet potatoes!

Sincerely Zodi.

(Pic above is Pisces, the last sign. I'll be showing the layouts of the dorms next.)

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