A Casual Wednesday

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The last bell of the day rung signaling the end of classes. Students flooded into the halls from every class, everyone was in a rush to leave.

The zodiacs ended their day in a class on the opposite side of the school away from the dorms. It was an incredibly annoying walk.

That day the test results had been released. For the most part, no one was happy about the scores they got. Except for two of the signs.

"I actually did good guys. Can you believe it? Not only did I pass I got in the top ten scores," Gemini was ecstatic about his grade. He could always pass his tests but never once did he actually do exceptionally on any of them.

"I'm just glad I passed honestly," Libra said with a much calmer energy to her. She got an average score after all. There wasn't much to celebrate for her.

Capricorn was the other high score, but she didn't look nearly as happy as Gemini. Taurus noticed and confronted her about it. "Capricorn, why aren't you happy about getting in top ten with Gemini?" He asked her, slowing down to her pace. She was walking slower than everyone else, it was just enough to barely keep up.

"It was only a 90 out of 100 points. I normally pull off 95 and above. What's worse is I don't even know how I could improve!" Aries heard her and rolled his eyes. He mumbled something to himself which made Taurus glare daggers. Taurus himself only barely passed, doing slightly better than the bare minimum.

"Why don't you talk to the teacher about it then?"

"I did but she said she'll be helping us soon. She also told me to not take it so seriously."

"Don't worry Capri, I'll make some good food tonight to cheer you up, in fact I'll make everyone dinner," Taurus offered to everyone. This boosted everyone's mood.

"Taurus cooking is the best!" Cancer cheered. Her score was one of the abysmal ones. It was hard to cover up the sheer amount of emotion she felt about it.

Scorpio had noticed how Cancer looked down but hadn't said anything about it. With Taurus's cooking he knew she'd just forget about it anyways. Plus his score was only just passing so he wasn't in any mood to comfort.

After more walking Pisces noticed someone was missing. "Hey what happened with Virgo?"

"She's been in the nurse's office a lot," Capricorn answered, "She's been feeling really down and overwhelmed. She'll be okay though, the nurse is super nice."

"Oh my goodness! Has it really been that bad for her. I didn't even know." Pisces was now very worried about Virgo. He almost felt stupid for not knowing how Virgo felt. He made a promise to make a card for her later, it would take his mind off of his slightly above average grade.

Sagittarius took the spotlight now as she started very loudly complaining about the test. She was originally having a side conversation with Aquarius but something stirred her up.

"I cannot believe Leo and what he did on that test. He completely used me just so he could also get a good grade. Without me that jerk would've failed! Asquarius my friend, I'm gonna kill that boy one day." She shouted for all to hear. It not like Leo was around anyways, he was too busy going on a date with Pheceda, which he skipped class to go to.

"No don't kill him that's rude," Aquarius said playfully pulling a fake sad face. "It was still a good plan on his part. It also kinda benefited you both." Aquarius had barely passed the test.

"I'm gonna need you to not do that actually. You're meant to side with me here!"

"Don't worry Saggy I'll help you kill him!" Aries butted his way into the conversion. He was a little to enthusiastic with his offer.

Sagittarius glared down on Aries, "I told you not to call me Saggy overcompensating fool. I don't need your help either."

"Sorry I'm too much of an incompetent moron to know what any of that means," Aries brought up a past argument the two had earlier. He was about to start a fight.

"Don't you test me now," Sagittarius snarled at him. Aquarius backed away not wanting to get caught in between.

"I'll have you know I got a better score than you anyways!" Aries was acting cocky now.

In a flash Sagittarius had smacked Aries at full force. For a brief moment her hand had morphed into a slight cat paw, leaving scratches on Aries cheek.

Aries felt his cheek and the scratch that was left on it. Looking back at Sagittarius a giant grin showed up on his face. "Oh you're on!"

Aries jumped at Sagittarius and the two started to wrestle in the middle of the hall. All of the other zodiacs were totally unphased by this and kept walking. A small crowd of on lookers gathered behind them as the two fought. The signs knew they'd make up right away after so it wasn't a concern.

Finally after a long walk they reached the dorms. In reality it wasn't longer than five minutes but it was longer than any other walking they had to do in the school.

Taurus told everyone dinner would be at 6. They had a few hours to spare.

Pisces worked the whole time on his card for Virgo. His art skills had really improved since last year. It was still bad, but at least it wasn't nearly as bad as it had been.

Sagittarius and Aries were stopped by a teacher mid fight so they had to settle the score through a non-violent way. They had a game off, three different games and three rounds each. The loser did dishes for the next month. Aries managed to throw the last game and lost. It was not a good day for him.

Aquarius forced the air signs to watch anime with her. She was bound and determined to get them to finish at least one anime before the end of the month. It wasnt an easy task.

Both Cancer and Scorpio took a nap. Obviously.

An hour before dinner was going to start Virgo got back to the dorm. "Hello, I'm back. Did I miss anything?"

"Not much. The usually Aries fight and test grades. Also I'm making a dinner for everyone at  6. I need some help in the kitchen if you don't mind." Taurus told Virgo while he aggressively stirred a bowl.

"Sure. Where's Capricorn at?"

"She's sad about her test score so she's relaxing in her room for now. I honestly don't know how she can be sad about it but I won't complain." Taurus poured whatever was in the bowl into a big baking pan.

Virgo rolled her eyes and scoffed. "Yeah I bet she's real depressed over it."

Taurus was taken aback by the sudden passive aggressiveness from Virgo. "Hey man no need to be rude to Capri."

"I'm not being rude at all. If anyone should be depressed over a score it should be me, not her. But as you said yourself, I won't complain." Virgo started cleaning dishes and getting plates and bowls out.

Taurus was getting irked, "You're definitely being rude." He said to her as he went to put the baking pan in the oven.

"And how am I being rude." Virgo rinsed dishes with more vigor than ever.

"You're just insulting Capricorn, my girlfriend might I remind you, while she isn't even here!" Taurus was fully worked up now. As he went on angrily to Virgo he carelessly threw the baking pan in and in the process his arm fully pressed up against the top of the oven.

Trying to move his arm down as fast as possible he slammed his hand onto the inside of the oven door, burning himself further.

"Ffffff-" he held his arm and hand in pain trying not to swear like a sailor.

Virgo rushed to help him and quickly looked at the burns. She got a damp wash cloth and gently put it over his burns. Taurus walked over to a chair to sit whole Virgo went to get a first aid kit so she could properly treat his burns.

When Virgo got back she gently removed the cloth and the burns almost looked not nearly as bad as they had been. Taurus looked like he was in significantly less pain than he had been left in.

Ignoring all of that she still treated the burns. They'd definitely leave a mark the next day.

"Sorry about earlier Taurus." Virgo apologized as she put the first aid kit away.

"For what?"

"Being rude about Capricorn. I'm mad about my own score so I was taking it out on her. I'd be the same way if I wasn't in the situation I'm in so I shouldn't be so mean about it."

Taurus sighed, "It's okay Virgo. I got too defensive back there too. We both overreacted."

Virgo nodded and the two got the dinner all set up. Capricorn came out of her room and was very happy to see the dinner all set up. Both Virgo and Taurus were happy to see Capricorn excited.

At 6 everyone started showing up and enjoying the meal that was prepared. Pisces gave Virgo the card he made. She was surprised by it, not because it was quite an awful drawing, but because she didn't expect anyone to actually care she had been out.

The dinner went over perfectly. Even Leo had shown up and enjoyed it. At the end Pisces told all of the signs about a plan he had for the weekend.

"Guys, let go apple picking!"

Obviously, everyone agreed to it, because who doesn't love apple picking on a chilly fall day.


I start school soon y'all, the 8th to be exact. So if you think I'm slow at uodating now just wait till I start school again. Anyways, up above it Virgo and I surprisedly really like her design. It was a bit messier than I expected but I vibe with it. Have a wonderful summer/winter/fall/spring.


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