Aftermath and Special Training

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Pisces and Aquarius were both unbelievably weak so dragging Leo to the nurses was not a fun task. Even though Leo could have been mistaken for a 2x4 in Home Depot his height made him very heavy and awkward to carry. The two managed to drag him to the nurses despite these challenges.

"Alright Aquarius I'm gonna go back to the water dorm I don't wanna leave Cancer and Scorpio alone," Pisces told Aquarius after the nurse took Leo to one of school beds. Aquarius nodded and stayed behind.

The nurse came around to stand next to Aquarius, "So deary you're going to wait for your friend to get up? What a lovely sight to see," she said with a soothing old fashioned voice. It was like she was out of the 1950's. Aquarius didn't reply.

"Okay when he wakes up ask him how he feels. He should be good because I'm a wonderful nurse, but if not let me know. I'll be off to my office now," and with that the nurse left Aquarius alone.

She was alone with her thoughts now. She wasn't thinking of much though. All that was on her mind was how unhappy she was with Leo and her frustration with him dating Pheceda. Time flew by as she sat alone. Leo was resting peacefully in bed. No one would ever assume how much hate he dealt with based off how he slept. To Aquarius he looked angelic in a way, but that was a stupid thought she told herself.

After several hours Leo finally started to move around like he was gonna wake up. "Leo?" Aquarius asked quietly.

Leo wiggled around in bed before stretching out and letting out a roar of a yawn. "Good morning!" He said sleepily.

"Leo it's literally midnight."

"What how?" He didn't remember getting decked just yet, "Oh wait, okay I remember now. For a kid who just got his socks knocked off I feel fabulous."

Aquarius didn't say anything for a moment. After a short silence she spoke. "You dumbass Leo why do you keep Pheceda around? I just wanna know why."

Leo didn't expect a question like that. "Well um," he stammered desperately trying to think of an answer on the fly, "I do like her you know. She's not that bad when she's alone, you guys just never see her alone."

"That answer is such a pansy answer Leo what's the truth," Aquarius called Leo out.

"Aqua why do you even care? Seriously it isn't even your business," Leo was getting defensive.

"Don't you dare say that. Leo I dragged you here because I care about you. I'm your friend and I deserve to know why you're making the others lives miserable. What you're doing is selfish Leo and I want you to justify your awful behavior." Aquarius stood up. The death stare she was giving Leo was enough to kill.

Leo looked away from her and pouted before he answered. "Aquarius, I just. Ugh. I don't know how to explain because I can't explain to you. You're a wonderful friend and I appreciate that but I can't tell you. Trust me on this."

The room went cold. "Leo if you can't explain to me how do you expect to explain to the others who won't even listen to you. How do you expect me to defend you Leo. Use that pea sized brain Leo I know you can. Until you tell me what's going on I'm done defending you in any way. I'm not making excuses and I'm  stopping any others who pity you from defending  you further. This conversation is over along with my trust for you. Goodbye Leo." Aquarius was livid. Without giving Leo a chance to speak she stormed out of the room leaving him alone to himself.

The Next Morning

Leo had stayed in the nurse's office the whole night, he didn't want to deal with the stress of seeing Aries and Sagittarius.
In the morning when he finally woke up again he made the walk of shame back to his dorm.

Before he could make it out of the nurses room he was stopped by Mr.Riclon. He just barged in and told Leo to stop walking.

"Leo you and Virgo need to go through some rigorous training today," Mr.Riclon started off right away giving Leo no time to react. He started dragging Leo off throughout the school. There was no time to complain or ask questions Leo was just forcibly being moved.

"Taurus over the summer discovered his powers so that's why he won't be here," Mr.Riclon explained along the way.

Eventually they reached their final destination. It was a giant room similar to the old training room the zodiacs once had but even larger this time. There was several other people already inside waiting, one being Virgo.

"Virgo hey! What's going on?" Leo asked running up.

Virgo glared daggers at him before answering, "We're being put through some sort of training so we can find out our magical abilities."

"Oh, what does that mean?" He asked spotting another familiar face. "Dubhe hey dude! Where's the rest of the Dipper gang?"

"How am I meant to know I just got here. Hello Dubhe," Virgo said snarkily as Dubhe walked up.

"Leo I am the only Dipper without a power so far. Pheceda has been harping on me so long about it," Dubhe complained.

"Yeah I've heard. She only does it to try and help, in a weird sort of way. Pheceda sure can be weird sometimes," Leo nodded as he spoke. Virgo looked at the two with intense judging eyes.

"Dubhe isn't that literally bullying? Why do you guys let her do that?" Virgo asked. Before Dubhe or Leo could say anything everyone was silenced.

Mr.Riclon climbed up onto a platform and started addressing the room. "Good morning everyone!" He said with enthusiasm, "My lovely second years you are the only ones in your whole year to have no powers yet! We can't even tell what they could be. This is normal so don't worry. Each year there is always a small group like this that has no signs of magic. This doesn't mean you aren't magical or defective you're just a late shower."

"In  order to combat this," he pressed a button on a remote, "we have made an ultra intense training course!" A giant wall of obstacles rose out of the ground being created from the dirt and floor around it. The course had anything you could imagine on it. Snake pit? It was there. Spike pit? It was there. Giant endless pit? It was there. There was a surprising amount of pits.

"You will each be instructed to complete certain obstacles which hopefully one of you will find your power! Until you find your power you will do this daily for the next month. Now get going!" Mr.Riclon finished with a bang of energy. No one moved though. There was no instructions yet so everyone just sat there doing nothing waiting for something to happen.

"I said go!" Mr.Riclon shouted and everyone started to move towards the course.

The course was incredibly dangerous. Death was absolutely a side effect in this test. As each person moved along specific courses chosen for them based on many factors they would get more and more beaten and bruised.

The lucky ones would only have to stay for less than an hour if they found their power or showed signs of one. For the test of the group it was nearly an eight hour test of hell.

By the sixth hour Leo was ready to give up. He had been put through various pits, traps, and even logic puzzles that were somehow all deadly. His outfit had been torn up and shredded along with his will to continue onwards.

"Virgoooooo," he whined as he watched Virgo solve a deadly fire puzzle, "I'm going to pass out I can't do this anymore."

"Leo if you do that you will die I guarantee it," Virgo said nearly getting burned as she made a mistake. Virgo was making mistakes meaning this course was no joke. It was exhausting.

Mr.Riclon walked up to Leo. "Okay Leo ready for your next trial!" He beamed with a sick smile. He was enjoying watching everyone suffer.

"No please I can't go through this anymore let me quit I'm begging here" Leo pleaded with no results. He was dragged to his next trial anyways.

It was a mega maze. There were already three people lost in there. Some gone for as long as two hours. Leo didn't have a choice in this matter though as he was thrown into the maze with the door shut behind him.

The goal of the maze was to get to the middle. It sounds easy enough except there are over a hundred traps spread throughout the course.

Leo got up with a pathetic whine and started to slowly walk. The whole maze was closed in with a complete ceiling and the only lights were eerie red lights that barely lit up anything.

After what felt like years of walking Leo could hear someone else. Hearing someone was not a relief to him as what he heard was screaming. His first instinct was too run the other way but his morals decided to kick in along with his curiosity so he went to investigate.

Leo had been running for quite some time before he found the source of the screams. It was Dubhe, what a relief.

"Dubhe you have no idea how glad I am to see you it's such a relief." Leo said nearly in tears. Dubhe's screams were caused by nearly falling into a dark endless pit which Leo pulled him out of.

"Leo I owe you my life man thank you so much oh my goodness," Dubhe was also nearly in tears.

"Don't sweat it dude I would never let you die. You're too nice," Leo was going on about how the two are such good friends but there was another scream.

This time it was more of a feminine scream. The two looked at each other and knew they needed to go save whoever was screaming.

The maze was too confusing to navigate efficiently. The screams were only getting louder and more frequent with more intensity. Leo and Dubhe started to panic more with the screams.

The two tried to call out to whoever was yelling but the person never answered back.

Dubhe collapsed on the ground from exhaustion and let out a loud cry of defeat. "Leo I don't think I can do this I can't move my legs. I'm too tired."

"I'll carry you. I can do it okay trust me, I've been lifting," Leo went to go pick up Dubhe.

"That's a lie but go off. I don't mind but please don't strain yourself," another scream echoed throughout the maze halls. "We gotta hurry."

Leo was struggling to carry Dubhe but he wouldn't let it show. As the two ran more and more Dubhe was starting to complain more and more. His head was killing him and his whole body was sore. Soon it got to the point where Leo was afraid Dubhe would pass out.

"Dubhe buddy stay with me," Leo encouraged. It wasn't enough. With a shriek Dubhe grasped his head and passed out. The sudden movement caused Leo to fall over.

Leo was panicking now. The loud shrieks of terror were constant now and Dubhe was completely out. Leo was getting ready to sob and give up.

Before Leo got the chance to cry Dubhe woke up. When he opened his eyes Leo thought he was seeing stars because he was looking all around him.

"You good?"

"Leo I have a map. I know where we are. I can't explain but pick me and follow my directions," Dubhe had a whole mood change.

Without question Leo followed his directions. Following Dubhe's directions Leo was running through the maze with ease. It was almost freeing to be able to run with such ease.

The screams were still a constant but Leo could tell he was getting close so he sped up. He went as fast as he could running at full speed. It felt like he was lion running through an open field that would never end.

With the last turn the two made it to the source of screams. It was a sound machine on wheels.

Both Leo and Dubhe built up a tremendous rage and started to beat up the poor machine. They dismantled the entire thing within minutes.

After that episode they both made it to the middle with Dubhe's mysterious sense of perfect direction. Mr.Riclon was waiting in the middle to congratulate the duo. Nothing Mr.Riclon could say would ever make Leo or Dubhe feel good.

They had both found their powers or at least showed signs of it. That was all they cared about at the time since it was the reason they could go rest in their dorms. That test was a rigorous hell hole no one would want to return to.

While walking out of the facility the two struck up a conversation. "So Leo do I get any more info on Scorpio now?" Dubhe asked.

"Dubhe you're obsession is getting concerning. I know you like him but chill out." Leo said breathing heavy from running for so long.

"I know, I know. I'm just worried that Cancer girl will get him first." Dubhe said as the two made it to the dorm halls.

"Tell Pheceda I miss her and I'll be over in five for me okay," the two were going down different halls.

"Will do friend," Dubhe nodded as they both walked away.

Virgo came back two hours later beaten and bruised with a bad temper. She had discovered nothing except that if she lost too much blood she'd pass out. What a shocker. The worst part of it for her was that she had to do it all again the next day.

Needless to say Virgo was in for a very rough week.

Important A/N!

Hey y'all wassup. So today I'm here to tell you about Dubhe! Since I'm getting rid of the planets I need someone to replace them, which is the Dipper gang members. Remember how Pluto was obsessed with Scorpio? No, neither did I, anyways. Dubhe is acting as the replacement (I say this loosely as it's not an exact role replacement) for Pluto and her obsession. I haven't been able to edit this into the first book yet but this is my plan for what to do with Pluto. Hopefully in future chapters I can introduce more of the Dipper gang and what they replace if they replace anyone. If you have questions ask about it.

Alright now that's outta the way, this is a long chapter! I'm done with school on the 23rd so let's hope for more updates. Don't hold me to that btw. The drawing above is Gemini in whole form :D It's late so imma head to bed. Good after morning or morning.


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