Coming Back

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Finally September had arrived. Through a long and hot summer each sign managed to survive. A week before September the signs all got a letter inviting them back to the school.

The evening before September first all the signs arrived to the school being dropped off by bus.

The first to arrive was Aquarius and Sagittarius. They sat down at the front of the new and improved school building which seemingly doubled in size over the summer. All the previous dorm buildings from the year before were no where to be found. The two friends joked around and talked until the next bus came dropping off more students.

On this bus Scorpio got off and behind him he had a giant suitcase full of his things. Aquarius and Sagittarius only had small suitcases and were baffled by Scorpios giant luggage.

"Jeez Scorpio do you have your whole house with you!"  Sagittarius exclaimed, Aquarius laughing behind her.

"Why is your bag so small? Did you only pack a week of clothes?" Scorpio snapped back at the two.

Two other busses arrived at the same time and Cancer and Pisces got off one with Gemini, Aries, and Capricorn getting off the other. Capricorn got off and just walked away from everyone mumbling something about how much her head was hurting.

Gemini split into Gemi and Ni and grabbed his two suitcases. "Wow imagine having to carry two suitcases I could never," Gemi said.

"Only a lowly peasant would have to carry two suitcases at once," Ni added on.

Aries was hot red and steaming mad. It was very clear Gemini has been annoying Aries for his whole bus ride.

"If you two don't shut up within the next minute I'm going to burn through your suitcases," Aries threatened dragging his two suitcases behind him.

"Why does everyone have so much luggage?" Aquarius asked, "Soggy did we not pack enough?"

"Aquafina, I think we messed up. I just realized I forgot my tooth brush and my toothpaste," Sagittarius said looking Aquarius in the eyes.

Virgo and Taurus arrived. "I have extra for you two. I expected some of you to forget things, it's only natural," Virgo said digging through one of her five bags.  Finally she pulled out a brand new toothbrush and a toothpaste.

"And you guys said I packed a lot," Scorpio huffed.

"How did you even bring that much stuff on the bus. Who carried it?" Gemini asked after forming back into one singular person.

"Taurus helped me out. He only brought a small back pack. I can't even begin to imagine how one could bring so few things with them," Virgo said shaking her head. Taurus just smiled lazily waving to everyone with his backpack on.

Leo's bus finally made it after a whole minute of waiting meaning Libra was the last one left.

"Hey guys how are you!" Leo greeted happily strolling up to the group. His phone buzzed and he checked it. "Oh Phecada texted me. The Big Dipper gang all arrived and she wants to see me. I'm going to head out and see her so I'll catch up when we head to the dorms!" Leo ran off before anyone could say anything to him.

"I can't believe he's still dating that witch," Aries scoffed glaring at Leo who was running down the side of the building before turning out of view.

"Yeah that sucks but at least he didn't invite her to join us," Gemini said.

More time passed and Libra was no where to be seen. Not even any busses had gone by.

"Guys do you think Libra is okay? What if her bus exploded oh my god we should call her," Cancer said starting go down a spiral of worries.

Right when Cancer was about to call Libra a small black car pulled up next to the Zodiacs. Everyone was silent and stared at the small car in a very tense atmosphere.

The side door opened and it was Libra. Her hair was messy, she was in PJs, and looked over all very disheveled. "I'm sorry dad I'm so sorry I didn't mean to sleep so late!" Libra was saying as got out of the car pulling out a half closed suitcase that was filled to the brim with things.

"Libra what happened to you?" Cancer asked concerned. 

"I slept in. I really managed to sleep in on such an important date," Libra said as she fell onto the pavement and just laid there completely exhausted.

Since the entire group was finally all there the group went to go to the gym, the place where the third and second years met for information in the beginning of the year. Capricorn had already saved a whole row of seats for everyone and waved them over to her.

After sitting quietly for several minutes listening to the chatter of everyone else the light turned off and Mrs.Butonmake got up on to a makeshift stage.

"Welcome back everyone!" She greeted excitedly, the students cheering glad to be back in school. "This year we have made more changes than usual. The main school building has been expanded to include the dorms directly attached now. You must now sign out at the office in order to leave school for lunch or any other reason," the crowd started to grumble and a few boos from the back were heard.

"Yes, I know, I know but it's for safety measurements. Since the end of last year was so disastrous we didn't want the parents to worry too much. Not much else has changed other than small things such as no windows in any classrooms," Mrs.Butonmake went on.

"God school is like a prison now," Aries whispered to Taurus, Taurus nodding in agreement.

After several more minutes of briefing the schedules finally starting flying out from seemingly nowhere. Students started getting loud again as schedules gently floated down into their laps.

"This is never gonna get old," Libra said grinning as her schedule gently fell onto her lap.

"Why do these take so long to fall," Gemini complained. He ended up being the last one to get a schedule.

The students were released out into the halls to explore the new layout of the school. Once again Virgo tried to keep the zodiacs in one coherent group but just like last time a few signs broke away and went off on their own.

The school was essentially the exact same as last year except the new dorm area. It was separated into four floors, the first floor being for first years, second floor for second years, third floor for third years, and the fourth floor for, yup you guessed it, fourth years.

The teachers apparently also had dorms of sorts but it was hidden so no matter how hard Aries and Gemini looked they couldn't find it. In what seemed like no time at all the announcements came on and told all students to head to dorms for the night.

"What a bummer. Couldn't even search the whole school," Aries huffed as he and Gemini started to make their way to their own dorms which they stumbled upon earlier.

"I bet the teachers dorms are connected to the teachers lounge cuz we can't get in there," Gemini said thinking about where the teachers could have possibly hid away an entire section of the school.

"Good thinking Gemini, tomorrow we'll bug Libra to phase through the wall," Aries said to Gemini as they reached their sperate dorms.

The fire and air sign dorms were right in the front of the hall for second years and right across from eachother. The water dorm was near the middle on the left side and the poor earth signs were the very last dorms on the left as well.

After a long day of exploring everyone called it a night. They did have an even longer day ahead of them.

Although late in the middle of the night, there was a click of a door opening in the fire dorm.

It was Leo returning finally, no one had seen him all day. Being as sneaky as he could, which was not too sneaky at all, he shut the door and turned around.

The lights turned on suddenly as Leo slowly turned around. He was greeted by a completely empty room except in the middle an arm chair and lamp next to the chair. In the arm chair was Sagittarius.

"Care to explain where you went?" Sagittarius asked in the threatening way a mother does when they're about to snap and they've caught their kid rebelling in some way.

Leo was in for it that night.


Guys I did it. I've written a single chapter for book 2. Finally I can release this for y'all. It's been so long(but not as long as my biggest break). Hopefully y'all won't mind the change in writing style or a few plot changes I've made too much. But school is starting up soon again ugh. It's a weird hybrid model too hnnnnngggggg why can't people just wear masks and social distance to get rid of this coronavirus faster :( I hope y'all have a better day night and life in general than me.


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