Personal Experience

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Note: This is all from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE and people I know irl. If this isn't exactly you, don't get offended. I dont know everything about every sign. Example: I know a heck a lot of Virgos and I AM a Leo, so there will probably be a lot in there. Yet I only know a few Capricorns, Taurus and Cancers. Yet I've read a lot on Zodiacs and know a thing or two. Lol. Throughout the making of this chapter, imma just add stuff onto each sigh as I think of personality traits. Read on. Imma keep on updating this one, past it's first update- :>. Just cause I wanna add more.

♈️Aries: They're tough, and really bold. They get what they want and do it properly. But sometimes they can be very spoiled and selfish. They're very protective over their loved ones. DO NOT CROSS.

♉️Taurus: Really lovable and smart, but are offended easily. Need time to relax on their own and sort things out but often go to others with their problems as well.

♊️Gemini: Half totally scatterbrained, half completely calm and collected. Knows how to get what they want, but doesn't know what they want. Understands others. Very very good at reading people. Over thinks things and can be very quiet at times. Usually wanting to try something new, or unique. Always up to learning something. Can sometimes have trouble conveying feelings. Tries hard to be successful, but also just wants to have a good time.

♋️Cancer: They're so sweet, and usually very very kind. They care for others, but like others- they have a dark side. Not many people get to (or usually HAVE to) See Cancer's dark side. Which is good, because it's the worst thing you can imagine. Overall they're very lovable though.

♌️Leo: Very bold, kinda cocky- but usually in a joking matter. "Flamboyant" external emotions, Rock hard core. Over thinks. A LOT. Takes everything a bit harder then everyone else, yet had kinda learned to take the pain. Gives without thinking. Can either be very cautious of someone else's emotions, or doesn't recognize them at all. Could tear you to shreds. Kinda bad at connecting to other people on a deeper level and usually keeps it lighthearted. They know when they've crossed a line. They kinda sense when something's up. Things can get so crazy in their head sometimes that they don't even know what's going on.

♍️Virgo: Very organized with facts and knowledge- but doesn't always know how to interpret their own feelings. Can easily remove themselves from a group just to feel left out and not know why. Just doesn't want chaos. Rock hard outside, but a warm and accepting core. (If you can ever get to it). They appreciate dedication and knowing what you want. They don't want to mother you. They want a partner that knows what they're doing, and who can make them smile.

♎️Libra: Very smart and charismatic and know everything without showing that they know it. They are very cocky on the inside, and they keep it hidden cause they know how to not die.

♏️Scorpio: Very agressive, in more ways then one.  I've met a lot of Scorpio f-boys, they're VERY straightforward and blunt and will NOT tolerate lies. They see the best and the worst in you. First impressions to them, and from them are 100% something the take into account.





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