Zodiacs as Fruit

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Idk why, I'm in a foody mood. :) All of these are my personal feeling ms and views on them.

♈️Aries: Pineapple. They appear rough at first, and it kinda hurts to open them up, unless you do it just right. But when you open them up, they're sweet and yummy and you always crave more.

♉️Taurus: Avacado. They have a shield to protect themselves to people they don't know, and are very strong. But if you break it, you'll get the gooey inside that is their loving and loyal self. Yet once you hit the middle, the rock hard core- you'll see just how strong they actually are.

♊️Gemini: Apples. Gemini are apples because apples can come in various different colors. Each one is different and has a different personality, but they're all the same. They're always changing throughout the seasons and I feel that this represents the ever-changing Gemini.

♋️Cancer: Coconut. A VERY hardcore shell to crack. But everything inside (the milk of a coconut) is there family and loved ones. Their shells are so hard because they will do anything to protect their family. Yet everything on the inside is who they really are as well. Soft and lovable and perfect.

♌️Leo: Watermelon. Very large and bright and always the most prominent thing there. Watermelon are bright red and green. (Like Christmas, which is just as jolly as a Leo) Watermelon are very yummy and sweet all over, but once you always want to stay away from the seeds. They represent the bad in a leo, the stuff you don't want to eat.

♍️Virgo: Tomatoes. They're often quite small, that represents a Virgo keeping to themselves. They always look so perfect and shiny, and a tomato is the perfect fruit. They're tidy and well kept, growing on their own individual vine.

♎️Libra: Blueberries. Blueberries are always sold in groups because there so small by themselves. Yet Libras are very social and, when together, create a surplus of yummyness.

♏️Scorpio: Banana. Scorpios may appear to have a shell on the outside to protect them, but it's all a facade. They look perfect on the outside, but really. on the inside they have some bruises. Yet, as my brother says, the brown bruises on a banana are the sweetest part. You won't know if they have bruises until you open them. You have to unlock them and earn their trust till they'll tell you who they really are.

♐️Sagittarius: Cherries. My momma always said it was a risk to eat cherries because if the juice fell on your shirt, the stain would stay forever. Sagittarius' are all about adventure and risk taking.

♑️Capricorn: Orange. Like to keep to themselves, and stay home. Don't like to open up. Very sweet or very sour. No in between. They're very prominent about who they are. Seeing as Oranges are literally the name for an entire color and entirely orange inside and out, they did a good job of staying themselves.

♒️Aquarius: Raspberries. Always around a big group of friends and are very interesting people. Raspberries are sweet, but if you get on their bad side, they can be very sour. Don't pick the wrong berries.

♓️Pisces: Grapes. Small and fragile, always staying in a pac or with the comport of a friend. They break easily, yet are so very sweet. They have a hard seed in the center, where all their emotions are store, ready to be devoured and consumed by others. Pisces' hearts are special and make them who they are. (lets not talk about pre-pitted grapes- lol)

I wrote this all and came up with it myself. It legit took all day, and I thought really hard about this- comparing them to other posts and other interactions I've had with my friends.

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