How to win an arguement with the signs

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   Aries: Be calm, but confident in what you're saying. If you get emotional or give up, Aries will feel like they won and it'll fuel their egos. Aries are the hardest to argue with so if you don't need to fight, don't bother getting into it

   Taurus: You have to appeal to their senses. If you take them somewhere nice or give them something pleasing, they will be calm and a lot less defensive

   Gemini: Give then the impression that you don't really care, or best don't bring anything up. Most of the time they're only arguing because they want to talk to you. If you let your emotions get to you, they'll take advantage of that

   Cancer: You can win easily, but don't be to harsh because then it'll turn into a storm. Just show them some love and be gentle

   Leo: Embarrass yourself. Sounds weird, but then they'll let you take the win. They don't want to be in that position, so if anything they won't argue, but instead feel bad for you

   Virgo: Use logic and be calm. If you put all your emotions into your argument, you'll just be labeled as crazy, and you'll never persuade them. If you prove them wrong in a fair way, they'll accept it pretty easily.

   Libra: As you probably know, Libra is represented as a scale. So if you present facts and evidence to back up your opinion, they'll accept it and give you the win. Although, Libra won't fight unless they know they have a good chance at winning, so it's best not to bother. If anything, fight like you're in a court case.

   Scorpio: You can probably win, but you will regret ever fighting, so just don't bother. You'll be horribly punished if you decide to fight with them.

   Sagittarius: Be ready to battle a Sagittarius. They don't have manners for filters when it comes to arguing. They're philosophical thinkers, so somehow slip you arguments into one of their philosophies.

   Capricorn: Play it cool. Bring money and stats if you need it. If you convince them you're right, take advantage of that, because they'll likely back you up in almost any decision you make.

   Aquarius: Don't ever expect to win an argument over an Aquarius. If anything it's going to take time for them to warm up to your ideas and opinions. Make sure to give them the space they need, and hopefully they're mind will change gradually.

   Pisces: Pisces don't like to argue. I wouldn't bother arguing with them anyways, because they won't change their mind, even if they say so. Most of the time they're lying then they say "OH!" Or "You're right, how could I have not known that?!"

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