The signs as Friends

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• Super supportive, always has your back
• Great listeners
• Always up to spend time with you

• The type to text you paragraphs of advice
• Deeply care for your wellbeing
• They hate it when you're sad, because they worry if they're not enough for you

• They're the type of people who are perfect for 2 am conversations
• Will always want to solve your problems, or at least contribute to the solution in their own way
• You'll never get bored of them

• Always try to be there for you
• They never give up on a opportunity to meet up with you
• The type of person who'll want to take you someplace nice to eat because they want to spoil you

• The most badass friend you'll ever have
• Always makes plans to meet up
• Super excited to see you every time

• The best person to have a deep, one-to-one conversation with
• They want what's best for you
• The type of person to have a late night Netflix marathon with

• Super concerned about you
• They look up to their closet friend for advice, though they might not always take it
• They like to give you space, and expect the same in return

• Will never cancel plans, unless absolutely necessary
• They have extremely weird conversations with their closet friends
• Will outright lash out at anyone who hurts they're friends

• The best storytellers
• Long phone calls
• You'll never run out of things to talk about

• Will never disturb you or invade your space
• Always there when you need them
• Might seem a little distant at times

• The really bubbly and cheerful one
• Many inside jokes
• Stands up for their friends when they need arises

• You can have a deep conversation about your favorite tv shows and books with them
• The cyber stalker; They can get any piece of information off the internet. Especially when it concerns their favorite celebrity
• Argument with them never last long

Emmazys you with YouTube😂

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