185 | During Halloween

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Zodiac signs during Halloween:

Aries: Scaring innocent children before giving them candy

Taurus: Has candy for the kids but only gives out the candy they don't want

Gemini: Leaves a box of candy on their pouch

Cancer: Goes trick or treating

Leo: Halloween Party. That's it

Virgo: Gives out fruit as an alternative for candy

Libra: Gives out the biggest candy bars

Scorpio: At home with the lights off hoping no trick or treating rings their doorbell

Sagittarius: Doing more trick than treating

Capricorn: Decorates their house so terrifying,
that no one dares to go near it

Aquarius: Elaborate costume, sitting on the front pouch, ready to hand out candy

Pisces: Isn't too festive about Halloween but still has a big bowl of candy for eager trick or treaters

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