The Signs As Contradictions

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The Signs As Contradictions:

Aries: Bold but soft (The delicate fighter).

Taurus: Loves you, but also loves them (The finicky sweetheart).

Gemini: Outspoken but awkward (The extrovert is that chokes).

Cancer: Emotional but strong (The angry cryer).

Leo: Generous but manipulative (The Circumstantial Giver).

Virgo: Introvert but outgoing (The why kid with many friends).

Libra: Peace maker, but rebellious (The adventurer that calls their friend(s)).

Scorpio: Stoic but loving (The straight-faced responder).

Sagittarius: Hardworking but lackadaisical (The Determined Procrastinator).

Capricorn: Shy but often showy (The outspoken introvert).

Aquarius: Silly but responsible (The straight A's class clown).

Pisces: Free spirited but orderly (The goal oriented wanderer).

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