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Witches: Traditional

There is still truth to the notion of “traditional” witches in today’s society. Black cats, black clothes, making and using ouija boards, and spirit writing. These witches work their murk in the occult, whether through practice, or perhaps in the way they present themselves. Dark and light, yin and yang, push and pull — both complement one another, neither better nor worse.

Scorpio ~ Dark

“Dark” does not equate to evil or wicked. A dark witch might simply be more open to delving into some of the dangerous facets that come along with common dabbling.

The dark magic of a traditional Scorpio witch

Communing with the dead to offer them proxy into the land of the living, Dark Witches have an innate control over their emotions. This allows them to better control their situations and surroundings, particularly when it comes to some potentially upsetting spirits. They may be drawn to the atmosphere of cemeteries, perhaps to gather graveyard dirt for their rituals.

As a water sign, Scorpios are able to better govern the external spirits around them, as well as easily touch those who are still alive. With a magnetic personality and an aura a person can naturally trust, they’re ideally suited for creating bonds between this world and the next.

Scorpios are likely intrigued by the history of not only their own witchy lifestyle, but also that of anyone else they come across. Getting to know someone through their history, learning of their family lineage, of their childhood, of their home country and culture, a Scorpio is able to not only relate to the person better, but also create a tighter spiritual bond. They may conduct magical work with their ancestors by holding dinners for the dead – and may venerate the ancestors of people outside their family tree.

Scorpio witch fashion

A Scorpio’s wardrobe most likely consists of what one might find in searching “witch” on pinterest: black knee-length dresses, layered cardigans, laced black heels and boots. It doesn’t matter exactly what they wear, because even in a potato sack, Scorpios are lauded for their beauty and confidence.

Scorpio witches at home

In their home decor, Scorpios might surround themselves with candles, tapestries, crystals, herbs, books on tarot and astrology — everything one might find spread out throughout the world of witches all together. Scorpio witches are most likely to have vintage photos and other memorabilia of family members or strangers, whether framed on the wall or in a collection of albums on the mantle. Maintaining a connection to the spirit world, whether of the living or the dead, is one of the Dark Witch’s main talents and ideals.

Capricorn ~ Light

While light and dark may seem like complete opposites, the truth is that Scorpio and Capricorn are highly compatible with one another — at least, in a few ways.

The light magic of a traditional Capricorn witch

Similar to Scorpio and their darker tendencies, a Capricorn’s lifestyle choice revolves around being connected with the spirit world — though perhaps less with meddling in the affairs of potentially problematic spirits, and more so in grounding themselves in the earth through communication with people and animals already passed on.

Capricorns are known to be more careful and thoughtful than their dark counterparts, meaning they’re less reckless when it comes to using objects like ouija boards and scrying. On top of being more cautious, Capricorns also show more discipline in their work, meaning they tend to be in better control of their lives through the spirits in comparison to Scorpios — no matter how hard Scorpios try to defend themselves. While Scorpios throw their spiritual efforts around in sporadic ways for anyone to latch on to, Capricorns are more focused on a singular god and goal, or a group of deities in which to offer their respects.

As an earth sign, Capricorns find their universal grounding by seeking regularity and consistency in their everyday lives. When something comes up in uncertainty, their first thought might be to turn to a tarot reading for a little bit of insight — but they know to take tarot readings as they come, and not as a life plan. Rather than seeking complete answers, they use tarot only for guidance, for suggestions on what their next moves should be.

Capricorn witch fashion

In the way they dress, many Capricorns may prefer to follow the route of their dark sisters and clothe themselves in mostly modest, black clothing, though they may avoid the extra gaudiness of excessive layers that, in their minds, appear more slouchy than collected.

Capricorn witches at home

The way they decorate their living spaces might be similar to Scorpio in a lot of ways, as well — though certainly much more organized. Everything has its place, crystals that do not need to mix will not mix, candles are always stacked on trays, herbs are not allowed to spill their leaves across the kitchen floor.

Despite their level of compatibility, a Dark Witch Scorpio and a Light Witch Capricorn as roommates might result in only sitcom-levels of drama, more than a real friendship. So sign your lease with caution.

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