The Signs At A Party

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Aries: Livin' it up with their friends. They'll probably break something, walk away, and pretend nothing happened.

Taurus: Carefully outweighing the pros and cons of getting more food.

Gemini: Being really loud. It feels like they're everywhere. Someone's probably convinced they're The Flash.

Cancer: Surgically glued to that one friend they came with.

Leo: All over the place talking to people. Probably the host.

Virgo: Sitting awkwardly in a corner. Trying to resist the temptation to take out the book they brought with them. This is so true, it's not even funny.

Libra: Taking care of their friends while they throw up.

Scorpio: Silently observing everyone getting crazier by the hour. They spend the night making fun of people with snarky comments.

Sagittarius: The one that ends up spending the night throwing up or they have a stronger stomach and make a jerk out of themselves.

Capricorn: They just judge everyone. They don't leave their friend's side. The designated driver, probably.

Aquarius: Depending on their mood, they'd either go crazy or stay in a corner judging everyone.

Pisces: Used to be the designated driver, but their memory sucks and they accidentally drink. Probably just chills in a corner if their fiends aren't pushy.

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