F Aries X M Aquarius

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For an extra credit Aries was forced to take astronomy class. She didn't know a single thing about space or the math along with it. Looking at the other people here and the way they talked... She knew they didn't have a life.

Right now, she was hoping someone would take a pretty girl like her as a partner. A project was due next week and you needed a buddy to prove you did this and that.

Surprisingly, none of the nerds took her for a buddy.

Aries groaned and looked around the room. "I thought every nerdy boy was willingly up to be around a hotty like me."

It wasn't until the other classmate came in, Aquarius. He was a loner and did his space research alone. The ultimate geek or nerd while you're at it.

Aries had no choice and came up to him. "Aquarius! Hey buddy!"

He didn't bother to look at her while putting together his telescope. "What do you want?"

"Well... the project us due next week and I needed a buddy."

"I work al-

"Nope!" Aries butted in, "The teacher said EVERYBODY needs a partner. So, working alone this time won't cut it out."

Aquarius sighed and looked up at her. She noticed he didn't wear glasses and was muscular around the biceps. Probably from lifting all that heavy equipment.

"I'll give you my number and the time we head out. Only this onetime thing, so don't get your hopes up Aires."

He wrote down his number on a piece of paper and handed it to her. Aries grinned like an idiot and sat back down in her seat, glad she wasn't going to get an F on the project.


Aries met up with Aquarius on the hill not too far from the school. While he was setting up Aries was writing down all they needed to study for and write on their project. She watched him, silent and gazing into the eye piece.

"Do you do anything other than look at the stars?"

"Nope," Aquarius casually stated.

Aries pouted and sat by next to him, "Ya know, when this is over you can hang out with me and my friends."

Aquarius stiffened at the mention of friends. "I don't have any friends. People don't see my point of view for the sky. It's why I don't hang out with people."

"What do you mean?"

"Gaze into this eyepiece."

Aries did as she was told and gaze into it. She could see Jupiter. It was amazing to see all the cloud bells and moons around Jupiter shining like stars. She's never seen anything like this... but wasted it by not paying attention.

"Woo! That is cool! Got anymore too show me?"

Aquarius blinked at her. "You mean you like this sort of stuff?"

"I'm liking it," She wrote down Jupiter on the paper. "We still got other planets to gaze out towards. Are you ready or not?"

Aquarius smiled, for the first time in a while. "Yeah... I'm ready..."

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