F Taurus X M Capricorn

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The bell rang for fourth period as Taurus sighed deeply. She hated gym. It was the only class with a lot of jerk guys in there just trying to show off for girls.

Taurus changed into her gym clothes as she enter the room only to be stop by the jockey gym dude, Capricorn.

"Sorry Taurus! I didn't see you there!'

Taurus sighed as she pushed Capricorn aside, "Of course you didn't, Capricorn."

Capricorn gave her a raised eyebrow, "What's with the attitude? I said sorry."

"But you do it every day!" Taurus yelled as some people nearby stare, "I'm getting tired of it! It feels like your stalking me!"

Capricorn looks down at Taurus and give her a disbelief look, "What?! Why the hell would I be stocking you?!"

Taurus sigh more as she rubbed the sides of her head, "I don't know, okay! I'm just tired of you doing that! Just please, stop!"

Capricorn looked he was about to abject, but shook his head as he turned and walked away, "Whatever you say, Taurus!"

Taurus sighed in relief as she when to her other friend, Aries.

Aries smirked as she grabbed both of Taurus's shoulders and shook her, "If he keeps bumping into you that much means he likes you!"

Taurus gasped in disbelief shock, "Really?! Because bumping into someone totally means that!"

Aries pouted as she gently flicked her friends nose as she yelped, "I know you like him too. You're just afraid he doesn't feel the same way back!"

The teacher blew the whistle as people got into position for dodgeball. Taurus rolled her eyes at Aries as she started walking to the other team's side.

"We'll finish this later!" Aries shouted before the whistle blew twice to single the start of the game.

The guys ran for the balls as one by one each person was getting out fast. Taurus would pick up some balls that would roll or come her way.

She grabbed a red one and stood up to throw it, before she got hit in the face with a dodgeball. Taurus screamed in pain as the impact almost broke her nose.

Everyone stopped as Taurus nose started to bleed pretty badly. Capricorn came rushing over from the other side as everyone else grouped around her.

"Are you alright?!" Capricorn said in a panic as he wiped some blood off of Taurus's face.

Taurus shook her head in pain as she tried not to sob. Capricorn carried her over to the nurse's office as Taurus staid there for almost the rest of the day with Capricorn as he refused to leave.

Capricorn bandaged Taurus nose as her eyes where red from holding back almost leaking tears.

"I'm so sorry, Taurus. I didn't mean for the ball to hit you in the face. It was meant for the guy in front of you before he ducked and hit you in the face. I hate that jerk!"

"It's fine..." She said while trying not to look up into his eyes.

Capricorn sighed as he finished the wrapping and quickly hugged Taurus suspiring every core inch of her, "Look Taurus! I like you! And me bumping into you every day? I do that on purpose so I could get closer to you. So... I understand if you don't forgive me..."

Taurus eyes Capricorn for a long time before kissing his cheek, now knowing Aries was right all along, "I forgive you. At least you told the truth. That's all that matters."

Capricorn smiled as he sat down on the nurse bed and sat Taurus on his lap, "You know what? I think someone gets ice cream for this!"

For the first time today, Taurus smiled in joy, "I would love that so much!"

Capricorn looked up at the clock as he grabbed both of their backpacks, "Let's go. School's over now."

Capricorn twined his fingers into Taurus hands as she smiled while he smiled back. That was a very special day...

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